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XVI Congresso della Federazione Nazionale delle Malattie Digestive (FISMAD) Verona, 6-9 Marzo 2010. Joint Meeting GISMAD-AIGO-SIED-SIGE DISTURBI DELLA MOTILITA ’ GI NELLE PATOLOGIE SISTEMICHE. Patologie reumatiche. Francesca Galeazzi UOC Gastroenterologia
XVI Congresso della Federazione Nazionale delle Malattie Digestive (FISMAD) Verona, 6-9 Marzo 2010 Joint Meeting GISMAD-AIGO-SIED-SIGE DISTURBI DELLA MOTILITA’ GI NELLE PATOLOGIE SISTEMICHE Patologie reumatiche Francesca Galeazzi UOC Gastroenterologia Azienda Ospedale-Università Padova
Rheumatic disease GI motor abnormalities: clinical impact prognostic value progression Clinical manifestation +/- Altered motor function Suspected Rheumatic disease G.I. motility and Rheumatic diseases
G.I. involvement in autoimmune diseases Motility Others (mucosal, vascular, side effects) 100 % 0 SSc Wegener Sjogren Beçhet RA LES Poli/Derma Mixed Adapted: Schneider A et al, Gastrointest Endoscopy Clin N Am 2006
Systemic sclerosis ENS Smooth muscle Vascular normal normal Neural Collagen Axonal degeneration normal Muscular Collagen Axonal degeneration Patchy fibrosis (mainly circular) intercellular gap junction Fibrotic Extensive axonal degeneration Fibrosis, atrophy of muscular wall thinning Adapted: Sallam H et al, Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2006
Systemic sclerosis • Direct neural damage (antiAch Abs) • Cells of Cajal Sakkas LI, Arthritis & Rheumatism 2004 Roberts GC et al, Gut 2006
G.I. motility in SSc • Peristalsis • LES pressure Dysphagia GERD Accomodation EGG abnormalities Delayed empying Vomiting Malnutrition Pseudoobstruction Bacterial overgrowth Malabsorption Contractility Colon Anus-Rectum Constipation Diarrhea
G.I. motility in SSc 100 % 0 Esophagus Stomach Small bowel Colon Ano-rectum Forbes A, Rheumatology 2008
Systemic sclerosis • Disease subtype • Duration • Symptoms ? Esophagus Uncoord perist LES Normal / Aperistalsis, LES pressure Reflux - Impaired clearance • In symptomatic pts: • Esophagitis: 56-60% • Strictures: > 40% • Asymptomatic pts • suspected Barrett: 37% Zamost BJ et al, Gastroenterol 1987 Basilisco G et al, Gut 1993 Katzka DA et al, Am J Med 1987
Systemic sclerosis Heartburn Dysphagia Nausea/Vomiting 77.4% 14.3% 9.8% Esophagitis Barrett Candidiasis 32% 6.8% 7% (IV) Aperistalsis LES pressure (II-III) Uncoord perist LES Normal / (I) Normal 48% 28% 24% 133 pts SSc; duration 1-38 yrs (M 6 yrs) PPI standard dose Upper GI endoscopy, Manometry Marie I et al, Alimen Pharmacol Ther 2006
Systemic sclerosis 133 pts Esophagitis/Barrett:No relation with Symptoms! • subtype (diffuse, localized) • duration • age Marie I et al, Alimen Pharmacol Ther 2006
SSc: esophagus and lung 133 pts Severe esophageal motor abnormalities No association with • subtype • duration • age Association with lung disease! Marie I et al Alimen Pharmacol Ther 2006
SSc: esophagus and lung • 40 consecutive SSc pts • 15 dcSSc • 25 lcSSc • 45% pulmonary fibrosis • HRCT • pH-impedance More severe reflux (acid and non-acid) in pts with interstitial lung disease Savarino E et al, Am J Resp Crit Care 2008
15 cm above LES SSc: esophagus and lung 5 cm above LES Proximal reflux in pts with ILD • ILD pts no relation • subtype • duration • age • GERD symptoms Savarino E et al, Am J Resp Crit Care 2008
Juvenile Localized Scleroderma 7 1 14 consecutive pts Juvenile Localized Scleroderma Age 6-17; Disease duration: 4.7 yrs (0.2-13.2) • Symptoms • Pathological 24 hrs pH–monitoring • Esophagitis • No major motor abnormalities • Asymptomatic • Low LES basal pressure Guariso G et al, Clin Exp Rheumatol 2007
Systemic sclerosis Esophagus • High prevalence of esophageal lesions in SSc on therapy (Pts on PPI: > 75% heartburn; 30% esophagitis) • No relation with disease subtype, duration, age • Esophageal involvement associated with interstitial lung disease
G.I. motility in SSc 100 % 0 Esophagus Stomach Small bowel Colon Ano-rectum Small bowel
Systemic sclerosis Small bowel 10 pts with altered esophageal motility: 8/10 impaired SB motility (neuropathy + myopathy) Diffuse motor alterations Sjolund K et al, Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2005
Systemic sclerosis Small bowel 8 SSc pts SB manometry at diagnosis and 5 yrs 5 yrs Onset: 75% pts abnormal SB manometry 5 yrs: 100% worsening of SB motor activity Marie I et al, Rheumatology 2007
Small bowel bacterial overgrowth SSc pts Controls SIBO +ve SIBO -ve Fever Emesis Dysuria Nausea Bloating Diarrhea Tenesmus General iIlness Lower abd pain Upper abd pain Abd tenderness 55 pts vs 60 HV LBT Rifaximin 10 days • Small bowel involvement: • Common • Progressive • Bacterial overgrowth >50% • Malabsorption • Pseudobstruction Parodi A et al, Am J Gastroenterol 2008 Marie I et al, Rheumatology 2009
Systemic sclerosis and GI motility Subgroup of patients? • 14 pts severe GI involvement within 2 yrs of onset • 288 pts No GI involvement • 117 pts No GI involvement within 2 yrs of onset • Subgroup GI as main early manifestation (esophagus / SB) • ILD less frequent! • 50% ANA +ve nucleolar pattern Nishimagi E et al, J Rheumatol 2007
G.I. involvement in autoimmune diseases Motility Others (mucosal, vascular, side effects) RA: impaired esophageal peristalsis, reduced LES pressure (up to 58% pts) SLE: segmentary or diffuse altered esophageal motility Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis: esophagus, small bowel Mixed connective tissue disease: Smooth muscle involvement 100 % 0 SSc Wegener Sjogren Beçhet RA LES Poli/Derma Mixed Adapted: Schneider A et al: Gastrointest Endoscopy Clin N Am 2006
Sjogren • 27 pts • dysphagia 76% (40.6% severe) • Xerostomia? • Simultaneous contractions • distal (22%) and proximal (11%) esophagus • No relation with salivary function Salivary outflow (gr/2 min) Anselmino M et al, Dig Dis Sci 1997
Fibromyalgia Chronic musculo-skelatal pain without tissue inflammation or damage Stressors IBS Fibromyalgia Pain processing FD Irritable bladder Intestinal permeability TMD Pamuk ON et al, J Rheumatology 2009
Fibromyalgia Pamuk ON et al, J Rheumatology 2009
GI motility and Rheumatic diseases • GI motility alterations commonly described in rheumatic diseases, affecting > 90% pts in SSc • Except for SSc, specific pattern of motor abnormalities unclear • In SSc GI motility impairment may represent the most relevant internal manifestation, with potentially severe complications • Difficult to identify patients and to predict severity of motor alterations only on the basis of clinical symptoms and in absence of specific “markers” (subgroups of patients?)