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Seat Assignments Week #3 1 st Period. Seat Assignments Week #3 3rd Period. Monday, August 20 th WH 2.2 – 2.4. View All Celestial Body Projects Exit Ticket: Overview of Book 1 Odyssey Homework Read Book 1! Possible pop quiz tomorrow. Essential Question:
Monday, August 20thWH 2.2 – 2.4 • View All Celestial Body Projects • Exit Ticket: • Overview of Book 1 Odyssey • Homework Read Book 1! • Possible pop quiz tomorrow Essential Question: How is Mythology connected to the world today? Journal Time: Go to my website: Play Grammar Ninja
Tuesday, August 21thWH 2.2 – 2.4 • Students login at m.socrative.com • enter the "virtual room number 863548 • Students will then see "Waiting for teacher to start an activity...". • Teachers initiate an activity by selecting it on their main screen (e.g. Multiple Choice, T/F, Quick Quiz). • Students respond on their devices. You can share this quiz using SOC#: SOC-333406 Essential Question: What is a timeline? How is it represented in different cultures? What is a narrative? Journal Time: PreQuiz
Tuesday, August 21thWH 2.2 – 2.4 • What is a Narrative? • What is a Timeline? • Watch Video (Notetaking) • What is a Narrative Timeline? • Create your own Rough Draft of a Narrative Timeline (due tomorrow) • Exit Ticket: What is the difference between linear time and patterns of time? Essential Question: What is a timeline? How is it represented in different cultures? What is a narrative? Journal Time: PreQuiz
Wednesday, August 22ndWH 2.2 – 2.4 • View ppt of primal art • Read How Writing Changed the world. • Questions: • #1:What at are three defining characteristics of civilization? • #2: What are the circumstances under which writing developed?#3: Who wrote and why was it a specialized vocation? • Read and Complete pg 39Classwork: The Mighty Gilgamesh worksheet pg 40 – 41 Essential Question: Where did writing come from? Journal Time: Communicate by drawing – partner will interpret your drawing
When you are done… • The Mighty Gilgamesh is homework • http://www.sascurriculumpathways.com/portal/ • Username for all: book9sun • No password • Program Writing Reviser, QL: 1242
Pre Indo-european Cave Art
Table of Contents Cromagnons Magdalenian Civilization Explaination of general themes in cave art Animals in cave art Humans in cave art Signs Anthromorphs The caves of Europe Lascaux, France Altamira, Spain Niaux, France Chauvet-Pont d'Arc, France Alta, Norway Importance of Cave Art
Cro-Magnons: The First Painters Cro-magnons were the first species of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens. They lived in Europe during the period before the emergence of Indo-Europeans, from 40,000 to 8,000 BCE.
Magdalenian Civilization The Magdalenian civilization of cro-magnons, which populated Spain and France, were responsible for the cave paintings found in Lascaux, France dating about 17,000 years ago and Altamira, Spain dating about 12,000 years ago. In addition to being skilled painters, they were advanced toolmakers, making tools such as sewing needles and fat burning lamps. Carnebill points Tooth necklace Spear heads
General themes of cave paintings There are three general themes that tend to appear in cave paintings. 1) Humans 2) Animals 3) Signs All of the images found on the cave walls fall into one of these categories. There are never any representations of the climate of the geographical area outside of the caves.
Animals The mostabundant animal depictions are those of horses. A quarter of all the animal images painted in caves in Western Europe are horses. Images of Bison are also very common. The animals tend to be painted larger than the other images.
Humans Close up on the image of the dead human figure. Humans are rarely depicted in caves. When they are shown, they are drawn as a cartoon-like silhouette. This is the only representation of a human in the cave of Lascaux, France. It is the image of a dead man, and is located in an area of the cave referred to as “The Shaft of the Dead Man”.
Signs Signs are abstract symbols that are difficult to interpret because of their ambiguity. Signs are commonly associated with hunting equipment and the female form. These are examples of signs that have been identified as the profiles of females.
Anthromorphs A symbol that can often be found on cave walls is an anthromorph. An anthromorph is a representation of a mythical creature that appears to be a human but shares animal body parts. One theory about what anthromorphs represent is that they are drawings of humans dressed in animals skins, probably to perform a religious ceremony. This anthromorth has horse, owl, and reindeer features, along with male sexual organs. This combination is belived to be symbolic of male attributes.
The Caves of Europe There are caves containing the art of our ancient European ancestors all over Europe, with many particularly in France and Spain. This presentation will provide specific information about 5 specific caves: Lascaux, France Altamira, Spain Niaux, France Chauvet-Pont d'Arc, France Alta, Norway
Lascaux, France The art in the cave of Lascaux, France was discovered by a group of teenage boys in the 1940’s. The cave contains over 2000 images of various types of animals, such as deer, bison, horses, and bulls among others. These are photographs of Hall of Bulls in the Lascaux cave in France.
Altamira, Spain Altamira, Spain Up in the mountains of Northern Spain, cave paintings produced by the members of the Magdenenian civilization have been sheltered from the elements. Unlike other caves, domestic materials have been preserved in Altamira along with the paintings, such as hearths, tools, and even food.
Niaux, France This cave in France has been commercialized over a century. There are tours given of the cave’s paintings, which are located on a huge ceiling known as the “Salon Noir”. The paintings of the “Salon Noir” were discovered in 1906, although tourists had been coming to see the cave for years before, unaware of its ancient paintings.
Chauvet-Pont d'Arc, France The cave of Chauvet-Pont d’Arc contains many unique paintings. The images of animals are different than in other caves because of the artists’ use of perspective and shading. They look very different in comparison to representations of animals found in other caves. In addition, there is an abundance of images of bears, lions, mammoths, and rhinoceroses, as opposed to the usual occurences of horses and bison. In addition to these differences, the cave contains a wall of dots. When these dots were examined closely they revealed to be hand prints.
Alta, Norway These external rock drawings are between 6,200 and 2,500 years old. There is a possibility that some of these drawings were done by the Indo-Europeans, because the older drawings were created around the time when they started migrating from their location in central Asia. Theses drawings were made by a different civilization than the other caves discussed in this presentation, which is clear when comparing the themes in these possibly Indo-European drawings to the ice age drawings. There is an abundance of human representations, including humans performing daily activities such as hunting and fishing.
The Importance of Cave Art The art that our European ancestors left behind opens a window into another culture that if explored, can reveal much about our own lives today. It is important to study the lives of the ancient civilizations that were the foundations for our own culture, in order to better understand our traditions and beliefs.
Bibliography • http://www.humanities-interactive.org/ancient/iceage/ex038_09a.htmlThis website has lots of information about ice age cave art and how the art relates to human evolution, as well as good images. • http://www.hatii.arts.gla.ac.uk/MultimediaStudentProjects/99-00/9608559r/project/html/palaeolithicart.htmlThis site has information about the cave art of the Palaelolithic period. It specifically discusses gender archeology. • http://vm.kemsu.ru/en/palaeolith/cavepaint.htmlThis is a comprehensive site on ancient art that has information on a number of various caves. • http://www.mcdougallittell.com/whist/netact/U1/U1main.htm My favorite of all my sources. Lots of information on early humans, early civilizations, and specific caves. • http://www.mcdougallittell.com/whist/netact/U1/U1main.htmPicture source only. • http://www.beloit.edu/~museum/logan/paleoexhibit/laugerie.htmPicture source only. • www.hominids.com/donsmaps/ tools.htmlPicture source only. • http://www.culture.gouv.fr:80/culture/arcnat/lascaux/en/Site specifically about the Lascaux cave. • http://campus.northpark.edu/history/WebChron/Prehistory/Altamira.htmlThis site has information about lots of different ancient civilizations. I used its informationon the Altamira cave. • http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/arcnat/chauvet/en/Official website for the Chauvet- Point d’Arc cave. • http://www.hominids.com/donsmaps/indexpaintings.htmlDetailed information about specific caves/locations. I used its information on the Norway rock art. • http://www.alta.museum.no/English/rock_art.htmhttp://www.alta.museum.no/English/rock_art.htm Official museum website for the Alta, Norway rock art.
Thursday, August 23rdWH 2.2 – 2.4 • Journal Time: • Define in your livebinderthe term domestication and insert one picture of an image that represents domestication. • Review ppt “BIG IDEAS PART 3” • Take notes and summarize big ideas presented • It tells you when to take these notes • Read was “Farming a Good Idea” • ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS AND CHARTS • CONTINUE WORKING ON ROUGH DRAFT (SAS CURRICULUM PATHWAYS). Remember this is a Narrative Make sure you tell a story. Essential Question: How did people being to settle down? Students with last names beginning with the letter indications below will report to the Convocation room at the time indicated:A-E---7:30-8:00F-M---8:00-8:30N-Y---8:30- 9:00
Friday, August 24th WH 2.2 – 2.4 • Notebook Test • Overview of Plot • Rule for Socratic Seminar • Be respectful. Take turns speaking, but do not talk over others. Give whomever is speaking your attention and do not interrupt them. • Reference scenes in the film to support your ideas. • Respond directly to what people are saying. Share how you feel, if you agree or disagree. Be honest. • Look at your classmates while speaking, not the teacher. • Do not raise your hands. • everyone has to speak, and one or two people should not dominate the conversation. Essential Question: How does the Odyssey Journal Time: First: Quick Odyssey Test to determine who will participate in the Socratic Circle http://m.socrative.com/ Room Number: 863548 You must get a minimum of 4 of the 7 questions correct to participate in the Socratic Circle
Seminar Questions • What is the role of women? • Evidence? What is this based on? • What is the role of Hospitality? • Evidence? What is this based on? • How is this different in today’s society? • Are there any other cultures that believe in this type of hospitality? • If you were forced to take control of your household, what might you do to ensure the safety of your family? How does Telemachus do the same? • Why does the action of the epic start in Ithaca – NOT with Odysseus in Ogygia? What is the impact of such a beginning?