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Water- Agriculture, Ecosystems, Biodiversity

This report by Richard Lampitt underlines the importance of enhancing the European contribution to GEO Climate SBA. Key recommendations include securing funding for in-situ networks, improving access to data, and establishing a Reference Architecture for the Global Climate Observing System.

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Water- Agriculture, Ecosystems, Biodiversity

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  1. Water- Agriculture, Ecosystems, Biodiversity Chair – Richard Lampitt Reporting: C. Waldmann

  2. Strengthening the European Approach within GEO and possible consequences on future EU research activities in the domain of Earth Observation in particular in the context of the 8th FP Water – Agriculture, Ecosystems, Biodiversity

  3. Strategic Recommendations Overall European contribution to the GEO Climate SBA could be strengthened by targeting some specific activities with secure, long-term, funding. In-situ networks Access to In-situ Data Access to in situ data is a big issue across Europe and GEO could provide an appropriate political context to address the problem

  4. Strategic Recommendations Member States need to be more active in coordinating the relevant major European actors (e.g. ESA, EUMETSAT, ECMWF, EUMETNET, EC....) Increasing Global focus on establishing a Reference Architectureforthe Global ClimateObserving System

  5. To support the rapid implementation of GEOSS in Ocean Observation Identify observational data that are readibly available Focus on fields of particular interest like biodiversity, geohazards, disaster management Establish or identify an organisational structure that is able to provide sustainable service Introduce data brokers

  6. Ocean Monitoring Problem of continuous in situ observations Observation systems are disappearing Start at the right level (do not start from scratch again and again !)

  7. Agriculture Issues Make the transition from data to mitigation strategies Definition of thresholds (protocols for observation) Opportunity to join forces on an international level to improve water management strategies Sustainable service is feasible – according collaborative agreements have to be set up Observe, share and inform – informing is not fully developed

  8. Ecosystems New opportunities of data processing, dissemination and sharing shall be used Distributed data networks centered around themes Formation of clusters – shall be reflected in operational structure Essential biodiversity variable versus indicators of change that provide a decision base

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