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DAQBench More easy, More functions

DAQBench More easy, More functions. Rick Lee Staff Engineer. Agenda. ActiveX Control Introduction of DAQBench DAQBench ActiveX Controls Objects Q & A. Property. Name Value. Method. Event. Interface of ActiveX Control. Interface: Property

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DAQBench More easy, More functions

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  1. DAQBench More easy, More functions Rick Lee Staff Engineer

  2. Agenda • ActiveX Control • Introduction of DAQBench • DAQBench ActiveX Controls Objects • Q & A

  3. Property Name Value . . . . . Method Event Interface of ActiveX Control Interface: • Property • Design time : Read/Write by Property Page • Run time : Read/Write • Method • Run time : Invoke • Event • Run time : Be fired • OCX file is similar DLL file

  4. Switch ActiveX Control • Property • Back color, Top color • Method • SetState(state) • Event • ButtonClick(state)

  5. Applications and Tools PCIS-DASK (DLL) DAQBench (ActiveX controls) Interface to Other Software (LabVIEW, DasyLab, HP VEE, ISaGRAF etc.) Win-32 Device Drivers Windows 95/98/NT/2000 ADLINK H/W Products DAQBench Software Architecture Application Layer Program Interface Layer Driver Layer Operating System Layer Device Layer

  6. DAQBench • ADLINK ActiveX Object Software Product • A collection of ActiveX Controls • Object Oriented Programming • Six parts • NuDAQ ActiveX Controls • NuDAM ActiveX Controls • User Interface ActiveX Controls • Analysis Control • Equipment Controls • Information Integration Controls

  7. Six Parts of DAQBench • User Interface ActiveX Controls • Boolean, 7Segment, Slide, Knob, Graph, chart, XYGraph, IntenGraph, IntenChart • NuDAQ ActiveX Controls • ADLINK NuDAQ PCI DAQ card • NuDAM ActiveX Controls • ADLINK NuDAM RS-232/485 remote control modules • Analysis Control • array management, statistical functions • Equipment Controls • Industry Automation symbol • Information Integration Controls • Data Base Linker, Excel Linker, OPC Client, RDA(Remote data access)

  8. ActiveX Container • Visual Basic • Visual C++ • Delphi • Borland C++ Bulider • Internet Explorer • VB for Application • . . . . . . . . .

  9. The Benefit of DAQBench • A complete ActiveX Controls set • Include H/W, User Interface, Industry Automation symbol, statistical function, DataBase and Excel linker function, Remote Data Access function • Provide a more easy way to implement control/monitor system • ActiveX object + ActiveX container • “Software IC” Concept • Reduce Software Development Cost • Support, Tool, Implementation

  10. Local Site H/W The Map between H/W and Device Name Use Device Name for operation Remote Site Program on Local Machine Device Manager RDA Server Remote Site H/W Local Site Device Manager

  11. First Demo of DAQBench • H/W environment • DAQ card : PCI-9112 • S/W environment • VB 5.0 • DAQBench • Object • Implement a 16 DI and 16 DO example • Use controls : PCI-9112, DBoolean

  12. ActiveX Controls of DAQBench • User Interface ActiveX Controls • run at Windows 95/98/NT • two OCX files DBUI.OCX - some user interface contrls Dboolean, Dslide, Dknob, D7Segment DBGraph.OCX - some graph controls DGraph, DChart, DXYGraph, DIntenGraph, DIntenChart

  13. User Interface ActiveX Control • Dboolean(Demo)

  14. User Interface ActiveX Control • Interface of DBoolean • Property / Property Page • Style, Caption, Font, Color, Number, Distance, Only One, • Mode, Orientation, Switch Dir, State, Index, Dir, Position, • Value • Methods • SetState(index), GetState(index) • Events • ButtonClick(ButtonNo, State)

  15. User Interface ActiveX Control • D7Segment Control (Demo)

  16. User Interface ActiveX Control • Interface of D7Segment • Property / Property Page • Digit Number, Digit After Point, Prefix With Zero, Signed, Declined, Transparent, Show Unused Segment, Color • Value • Methods • None • Events • Overflow

  17. User Interface ActiveX Control • DKnob (Demo)

  18. User Interface ActiveX Control • Interface of DKnob • Property / Property Page • Pattern Type, Style, Caption, Font, Border, Digit, Color, • Max, Min, Log, Inverted, Mapping, RangMax, RangeMin, • Ticks, Format, Value Pair, Pointer • Value • Methods • None • Events • Change(PointerNo, Value)

  19. User Interface ActiveX Control • DSlide (Demo)

  20. User Interface ActiveX Control • Interface of DSlide • Property / Property Page • Pattern Type, Style, Caption, Font, Border, Digit, Color, • Max, Min, Log, Inverted, Mapping, RangMax, RangeMin, • Ticks, Format, Value Pair, Pointer • Value • Methods • None • Events • Change(PointerNo, Value)

  21. User Interface ActiveX Control • DChart (Demo)

  22. User Interface ActiveX Control • Interface of DChart • Property / Property Page • Plot Mode, Plot Num, Updated Mode, History Length, • Caption, Font, Color, • XAxis: Scroll Bar, View Number, Time Base, Time Interval • YAxis: Max, Min, Log, Mapping, RangeMAx, RangeMin • Ticks, Format, Plot • Methods • PlotChart(Data), PlotCharts(Data, PlotNum), • ClearPlots(), Refresh() • Events • None

  23. User Interface ActiveX Control • DGraph (Demo)

  24. User Interface ActiveX Control • Interface of DGraph • Property / Property Page • Plot Num, Caption, Font, Color, • XAxis: Auto Scale, Scroll Bar, View Number, Time Base, Time Interval • YAxis: Auto Scale, Max, Min, Log, Mapping, RangeMAx, RangeMin • Ticks, Format, Plot • Methods • PlotGraph(Data, PlotNo), PlotGraphs(Data, PlotNum), • ClearPlots(), Refresh() • Events • None

  25. User Interface ActiveX Control • DXYGraph (Demo)

  26. User Interface ActiveX Control • Interface of DXYGraph • Property / Property Page • Plot Num, Caption, Font, Color, • XAxis: Auto Scale, Scroll bar, Max, Min, Log, Mapping, RangeMAx, RangeMin • YAxis: Auto Scale, Scroll bar, Max, Min, Log, Mapping, RangeMAx, RangeMin • Ticks, Format, Plot • Methods • PlotXY(xyData, PlotNo), PlotXYs(xData, yData), • ClearPlots(), Refresh() • Events • None

  27. User Interface ActiveX Control • DIntenChart (Demo)

  28. User Interface ActiveX Control • Interface of DIntenChart • Property / Property Page • Plot Mode, Updated Mode, History Length • Caption, Font, Color, • X View Num, Y View Num, Z Visible, X Scaroll Bar, • Time Base, Time Interval • Ticks, Format, ColorMap • Methods • AddPlane(xyData), ClearPlot() • Events • None

  29. User Interface ActiveX Control • DIntenGraph

  30. User Interface ActiveX Control • Interface of DIntenGraph • Property / Property Page • Caption, Font, Color, • X View Num, Y View Num, Z Visible, X Auto Scale • Time Base, Time Interval • Ticks, Format, ColorMap • Methods • AddPlane(xyData), ClearPlot() • Events • None

  31. ActiveX Controls of DAQBench • Equipment ActiveX Controls • some pattern of equipment at industry automation • run at Windows 95/98/NT • one OCX file • include • Pumps • Pipes • Tanks • Valves • Motors

  32. Equipment ActiveX Control

  33. Equipment ActiveX Control

  34. ActiveX Controls of DAQBench • NuDAM ActiveX Controls • support ADLINK NuDAM Modules • run at Windows 95/98/NT • four OCX files • NDDigital.OCX for digital I/O modules ND6050, ND6052, ND6053, ND6054, ND6056, ND6058, ND6060, ND6063 • NDAnalog.OCX for analog I/O modules ND6011, ND6012, ND6013, ND6014, ND6017, ND6018, ND6021, ND6024 • NDCounter.OCX - ND6080 • NDHost.OCX - NDHost

  35. NuDAM ActiveX Control • NuDAM - Distributed DAQ Module • Serial link, RS232/485 • One comport can link to 255 modules(maximum) • Each module must one unique address on same link • Use NuDAM Administrator to configure setting

  36. NuDAM ActiveX Control • A Bitmap represent • Assign address of NuDAM Control • ComPort driver use Microsoft Comm Control • First open Comm Control • Assign PortHandle of NuDAM Control • Use Property to Get/Set DI, DO, AI, AI

  37. Com Port 1 NuDAM ActiveX Control MSComm1.ComPort = 1 MSComm1.Settings = “9600,n,8,1” MSComm1.PortOpen = True ND60501.PortHandle = MSComm1.ComID . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  38. NuDAM ActiveX Control • Property(See Help or PDF file) • methods (See Help or PDF file)

  39. ActiveX Controls of DAQBench • DAQ ActiveX Controls • support ADLINK NuDAQ PCI cards • now, only run at Windows NT • two OCX files Digital.OCX for digital I/O cards (10 controls) Pci7200, Pci7230, Pci7234, Pci7248, Pci7296, Pci7250, Pci7300, Pci7432, Pci7433, Pci7434 Multiple.OCX for Multiple function cards (8 controls) Pci9111, Pci9112, Pci9113, Pci9114, Pci9118, Pci9812, Pci6208, Pci8554

  40. NuDAQ ActiveX Control • Property (See Help or PDF file) • Methods (See Help or PDF file) • Event (See Help or PDF file)

  41. Local Site H/W The Map between H/W and Device Name Use Device Name for operation Remote Site Program on Local Machine Device Manager RDA Server Remote Site H/W Local Site Remote Data Access

  42. Remote Device Access • Use NuDAQCfg utility to define Devices • Add local NuDAQ cards • Automatically scan local PCI cards • Add remote NuDAQ cards • RDA Server must be running on remote machine • Connect remote machine • Specify Device Name • Select one NuDAQ card

  43. Remote Device Access

  44. Remote Device Access • RDA Server • If RDA Server be running then this machine is a NuDAQ RDA server

  45. ExcelLinker ActiveX Control • Advantage • Data be automatically link to Excel Application • Can auto update the data of cells on Excel WorkSheet • Operation • Specify name of excel file • Specify name of worksheet • Specify start cells and column number • Set Array Data • Call ExcelLinking() Method

  46. What is OPC? • OLE for Process Control • An Industry Standard by OPC Foundation • New generation driver for industry automation hardware • Provide plug and play software and hardware components from different supplier • Base on COM/DCOM of Microsoft • Data Sharing and Distributing

  47. Display Application Trend Application Report Application Software Driver Software Driver Software Driver Software Driver Traditional Device Driver Problem

  48. Display Application Trend Application Report Application OPC OPC OPC OPC OPC OPC OPC Software Driver Software Driver Software Driver Software Driver How does OPC Solve the Problem?

  49. Features of OPC Data Access • Based on COM • Flexible - to support many applications • Efficient & Scalable - to support large applications • High performance - well behaved on a Network • Easy to understand • Widely accepted

  50. OPC Client Control OPC Interface OPC Interface OPC Interface Other OPC Server NuDAM OPC Server Item OPC Group Item Item OPC Server OPC Group Item Item Item OPC Group Item Item Item OPC Client control Network OPC Client

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