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Dynamic. Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy in Korea: Ocean Science & Technology Development in a Post-Copenhagen Regime Jung-Keuk Kang, President Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute. ‘Low Carbon Green Growth’ Strategy. Low Carbon Green Growth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dynamic Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy in Korea: Ocean Science & Technology Development in a Post-Copenhagen Regime Jung-Keuk Kang, President Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute

  2. ‘Low Carbon Green Growth’ Strategy • Low Carbon Green Growth • Korea’s Mid-term Carbon Emission Goal • “A national paradigm that aims to deal with the challenges of climate change while at the same time create jobs and restore growth by minimizing environmental degradation and carbon emissions” • ROK President Myung-Bak Lee (Aug. 2008) • Low Carbon Green Growth Basic Act (Feb. 2009) • Green Growth 5-Year Plan (Jul. 2009): Restructuring S&T R&D policies “By 2020, carbon emission reduction of 30% on BAU projection” - Green Growth Committee of ROK (Nov. 2009)

  3. Tidal/Current Power Plant Sihwa Tidal Power Plant Uldolmok Tidal-Current Power Plant • R&D since 2001 • Development of tidal-current power plants • Opening of a tidal-current power plant in 2009 • In Uldolmok (1MW) • 600kW double-fed induction generator and synchronous generator developed • Started operation in May 2009 • Future Plan • Full-scale operation of Uldolmok, Jangjuk-sudo, Maengol-sudo, Shiwha, Garolim, and Incheon Bay tidal/current power plants by 2015

  4. Tidal/Current Power Plant (cont’d) • Projection • By 2020, production of 5,377GWh/yr. from renewable ocean energy (tides, currents, and waves) • Can supply electricity for 113,000 residents • Equivalent to burning of 7.88 million barrels of oil • Equivalent to reduction of 2.3 million tons of carbon dioxide • Equivalent to 0.5 % of the electrical use of the Republic of Korea

  5. Carbon Capture & Storage CO2 Transport Carrying-vessel Power plant Pipeline Overseas Steel-making plant Priority Scenario Power plant Power plant Steel-makingplant Ulleung basin (near gas reservoir) Aquifer (Gunsan Basin) Aquifer (Jeju Basin) Conceptual map

  6. Future Challenges • Environmental protection • Minimizing risks and environmental and spatial impacts of the application of low carbon technologies • Achieving both ‘development’ and ‘environment’ goals • Cost-Effectiveness • Economic feasibility of low carbon ocean science & technology development • Technological Challenges • Advancing the state-of-the-art technologies

  7. Thank you

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