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Subsea kompetanse og klynge utvikling Høyskolen i Bergen 19.05.2009

Subsea kompetanse og klynge utvikling Høyskolen i Bergen 19.05.2009. Vice President Arne B. Riple. Aker Solutions in brief. Company overview. Revenues. A leading global provider of engineering and construction, technology products, execution, service and integrated solutions Oil and gas

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Subsea kompetanse og klynge utvikling Høyskolen i Bergen 19.05.2009

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  1. Subsea kompetanse og klynge utviklingHøyskolen i Bergen19.05.2009 Vice President Arne B. Riple

  2. Aker Solutions in brief Company overview Revenues • A leading global provider of engineering and construction, technology products, execution, service and integrated solutions • Oil and gas • Process industry • Approximately 26 000 employees and 8-9 000 agency workers in around 30 countries • Part of Aker Process & Construction Energy Development & Services Products & Technologies Subsea Revenues NOK 59 billion Energy Development & Services Subsea Products & Technologies Process &Construction * 12 month rolling: > Q3 08

  3. Aker Solutions in brief Company overview • A leading global provider of engineering and construction, technology products, execution, service and integrated solutions • Oil and gas • Process industry • Approximately 26 000 employees and 8-9 000 agency workers in around 30 countries • Part of Aker To enheter i Bergen Energy Development & Services Subsea Products & Technologies Process &Construction * 12 month rolling: > Q3 08

  4. Light well intervention Permanent ocean bottom seismic Monobore drilling Environmental monitoring Integrated fiber optic System Subsea compression and seperation Integrated subsea control modules Subsea injection of raw sea water Downhole monitoring and control Multi lateral wells

  5. NCE Subsea er et industridrevet initiativ for styrking og internasjonalisering av næringsliv, forskning og utdanning

  6. Norwegian Centres of Expertise

  7. Bilde: Aker Solutions Mål Målet er å forsterke innovasjonsaktiviteten, høyne det internasjonale engasjementet og øke kapasitet, konkurransekraft og verdiskapning hos de ulike aktørene i klyngen og i klyngen som helhet

  8. NCE Subsea partnere og medlemmer

  9. Kjernevirksomhet Teknologiutvikling Produkt- og leveransesamarbeid Globalisering Støttevirksomhet Rekruttering og kompetanse Profilering og klyngekommunikasjon Ledelse og administrasjon Virksomhetsområder for NCE Subsea (1)

  10. Subsea business area in brief • Aker Solutions’ global sub-surface and subsea business • Approximately 6000 employees in 26 locations • Lifecycle provider of sub-surface and subsea products and services • Clients include majors, independents and national oil companies worldwide

  11. Subsea service base – CCB at Aagotnes

  12. Subsea service base – Aagotnes • Subsea scope development Intervensjon Oppgradering & resertifisering Tilstands overvåking Installasjon

  13. Simulator laboratorie

  14. Samhandling og operasjonsrom

  15. Positive long-term outlook for the subsea industry Number of subsea wells by start-up year – Worldwide Subsea Capex 2009-14 by region Total Capex forecast 2009-14: 81 bn USD Information from Quest

  16. Growing number of subsea wells installed in the North Sea Installed base subsea wells in the North Sea (Number of wells installed per year)

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