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第十五章 镇静催眠药

第十五章 镇静催眠药. 蚌埠医学院药学系 药理教研室. Chapter 14. Sedative-hypnotics. §1 Introduction. [define] sedatives-hypnotics : 1 、 depression of CNS 2 、 moderate excitement ; 3 、 resemble nature sleep. 一、 phase of sleep. awake. SWS NREM. 3-5 次. FWS ( REM ). 20-30min. 80-120min.

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第十五章 镇静催眠药

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  1. 第十五章 镇静催眠药 蚌埠医学院药学系 药理教研室

  2. Chapter 14 Sedative-hypnotics

  3. §1 Introduction [define] sedatives-hypnotics: 1、depression ofCNS 2、 moderate excitement; 3、 resemble nature sleep

  4. 一、phase of sleep awake SWS NREM 3-5 次 FWS(REM) 20-30min 80-120min

  5. Classification of insomnia : • 1) drop asleep trouble • 2) repeatedly sleep and • awake • 3) early awake

  6. 3、Action of hypnotics: 1)The latency of sleep onset is decreased. 2) The duration of slee is prolonged

  7. 二. Sedative-hypnotics [classification] ㈠ benzodiazepines ㈡ barbiturates ㈢ other

  8. §2 benzodiazepines,BZ [classification] 苯二氮卓 ① long-acting anxiolytics : diazepam,(地西泮 、安定) flurazepam(氟西泮、氟安定)

  9. ② Intermediate-acting anxiolytics: chlordiazepoxide,(氯氮卓) oxazepam (奥沙西泮) ③ Short-acting anxiolytics: triazolam(三唑仑)

  10. [actions and uses] 1. Antianxiety抗焦虑: 1)selectivity highly, 2)use: anxiety , 2、Sedation 、hypnosis1)REM is shortened, but small. 2) use: insomnia

  11. 3、Anticonvulsant (抗惊厥) (tetanus)破伤风、eclampsia(子痫)、 convulsion induced by drug toxication antiepileptic effects (抗癫痫) 4、 Skeletalmuscle relaxant (中枢肌松作用)

  12. Mechanism of action

  13. [ pharmacokinetics ] 1、po --absorption well, im --absorption slow 、 abnormity ; 2、distribution wide , bound highly to plasma albumin ; 3、biotransformation:liver, 4、highly lipid-soluble

  14. [adverse reactions] 1、therapy dose:㈠ CNS 2、excessivedose:acute toxication 3、 long time use:tolerance、 addiction

  15. 【contraindication】: 1) pregnant woman 、 2) lactation woman , 3) liver function.

  16. §3 barbiturates character: dose-effectrelationship: 1)small dose--Sedation 、 2)middling dose– hypnosis; 3)large dose --Anticonvulsant。

  17. §4 other chloral hydrate水合氯醛 character 1、po: absorption fast , action longtime; 2、 REM is not shortened, 3、 local stimulate ,

  18. question Please describe pharmacological action And clinic use of diazepam .

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