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Enhancing Canal Irrigation Performance in Tamil Nadu, India

Explore data and measurement methods of major canal irrigation projects in Tamil Nadu from 1995-2010. Analyze project performance, drivers, and potential follow-ups using Generalised Linear Models.

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Enhancing Canal Irrigation Performance in Tamil Nadu, India

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Drivers of canal irrigation performance: Use of Data and Measurement methods from Three major Projects in Tamil Nadu, India K.Palanisami

  2. Fig 1:Schematic framework of methodology

  3. Fig 2. Location of the Projects Parambikulam-Aliyar Project Tambraparani Project Lower Bhavani Project

  4. Performance measures and Drivers (1995-2010) Data analysed : 1995-2010

  5. Performance of the Projects

  6. TFP River Basins

  7. Drivers of canal irrigation performance (% area irrigated) using Generalised Linear Model

  8. Possible Follow ups • Selection of the region/state • Collection of data for all the M&M projects • Derive various indicators • Run the models • Identify and rank the key drivers

  9. Thank you

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