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Comprehensive Guide to References in International Standards

Learn about normative and bibliographic references, types of references, authoritative and qualitative references, and their application in International Standards. Understand conformance to EDCS codes and profiles in detail.

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Comprehensive Guide to References in International Standards

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  1. Presentation for Stuttgart Steve Carson GSC Associates carson@gscassociates.com

  2. Authoritative References • Annexes D, E, F and G of EDCS give external references for classifications, attributes, attribute enumerants and the general organizational schema respectively. • The references are stated to be bibliographic, not normative.

  3. Types of References • normative reference: identified provisions of some external document are incorporated by reference and “become” part of the subject standard. • bibliographic reference: an external document is cited as being the source of or related to text in an International Standard but the provisions of the external document are not themselves directly incorporated into the subject standard. • Normative references play a key role in insuring the consistency of the body of International Standards by allowing work done by others to be re-used without modification.

  4. Refined Categories • Authoritative reference • Qualitative reference • Bibliographic reference • Authoritative definition • Un-referenced definition

  5. Authoritative reference A code on one specification normatively references a code in another specification under the following additional conditions: a. The definition from the authoritative specification is copied word for word in the referencing specification. b. An agreement is established between the owners of the two specifications to insure that the owner of the specification whose code is authoritatively referenced will not change that code without the agreement of the owner of the referencing specification.

  6. Qualitative reference • A code on one specification normatively references a code in another specification under the following additional conditions. • a. The code is defined differently in the referencing specification. • b. The relationship of the two codes is specified in the referencing specification

  7. Bibliographic reference • A code in one specification is related to or derived from a code in another specification but the relationship is application dependent and cannot be definitively stated.

  8. Authoritative definition • The specification is itself the authority for the definition of a code.

  9. Un-referenced definition • The specification needs a code from an external area and can find no authoritative reference for it. In this case the specification defines the code even though the developer of the specification does not recognize itself as an authoritative source for such a definition.

  10. Application to EDCS • In Annexes D through G an additional column could be added to each table to state the type of reference being made. • Each classification, attributes, and attribute enumerant in the EDCS should be reviewed by the editors and the appropriate type of reference determined.

  11. Quick example of commonality

  12. Conformance • Conformance to EDCS codes • Conformance to EDCS profiles • Conformance of language bindings to the EDCS Conversions API

  13. Conformance to EDCS codes A specification, application, or exchange format conforms to anEDCS code if it satisfies all of the following requirements: • The code shall be used with the meaning defined in this International Standard. • The label for that code defined in this International Standard shall be used if labels are needed. • The code (ECC, EAC, EEC or EUC) for that code defined in this International Standard shall be used if codes are needed. • The minimum requirements shall be met

  14. Conformance to EDCS profiles • 10.3.2 Minimum requirements for EDCS profile conformance defines one profile of the EDCS called the base profile as part of this International Standard. • Other profiles may be developed and registered as Internationally Registered EDCS Profiles. • Conformance is defined for: • a.  applications that generate exchange formats; • b. exchange formats themselves • c. applications that read exchange formats.

  15. Applications that generate exchange formats An application that generates an exchange format based on a profile of the EDCS is an EDCS code generatorconforming to Profile P if it satisfies all of the following requirements: • The exchange format shall conform to profile P where P is either the base profile of the EDCS or an Internationally Registered EDCS Profile. • The application shall generate no EDCS codes that are not included in profile P. • The minimum requirements defined in 10.3.2 shall be met.

  16. Conformance of exchange formats An exchange format is an EDCS exchange formatconforming to Profile P if it satisfies all of the following requirements: • P shall be either the base profile of the EDCS or an Internationally Registered EDCS Profile. • The exchange format shall include no EDCS codes that are not included in profile P. • Each classification, attribute, attribute enumerant and/or unit defined in the exchange format shall be used with the meaning defined in this International Standard. • The exchange format shall use the label and/or code defined in this International Standard for each classification, attribute, attribute enumerant and/or unit used in the exchange format • The code association rules defined in profile P shall be satisfied by the exchange format. • The minimum requirements defined in 10.3.2 shall be met.

  17. Conformance of applications that read exchange formats An application that reads an exchange format based on a profile of the EDCS is an EDCS code reader conforming to Profile P if it satisfies all of the following requirements • The application shall read and correctly interpret all EDCS codes that are included in profile P. • The minimum requirements defined in 10.3.2 shall be met.

  18. Conformance of language bindings A language binding to the EDCS Conversions API defined in 9. Conformance is conforming if: • It shall incorporate the functions defined in Clause 9 including return values and error conditions. • The functions implemented shall conform to the profile of required conversion functions (Table 10.4) • It shall provide sections outlining conformance and minimum requirements of implementations of that binding. • It shall provide a mapping of labels to identifiers and/or constants within the language in such a manner as to maintain the symbolic names of this International Standard as closely as possible within the strictures of the programming language being bound to. • The minimum requirements defined in 10.3.3 shall be met

  19. Base profile The base profile of the EDCS shall include: • a list of classifications from this International Standard; • a list of attribute codes from this International Standard; • a list of attribute enumerant codes from this International Standard; • a list of unit codes from this International Standard; and • a set of code association rules.

  20. Code association rules • For each classification code listed in the profile, specify the attribute codes that may be associated with that classification and those that are required to be associated with that classification; • For each attribute code listed in the profile, specify the attribute enumerant codes may be associated with that attribute; and • Precisely state any additional rules (often called “business rules”) that specify relationships among the codes in the profile.

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