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Policies, Institutions, and Markets. Why they matter in Africa now, & what researchers can do to help Karen Brooks Director, CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets. Value of Agricultural Exports and Imports, SSA, 1970-2009. Worldbank and FAOSTAT South Africa excluded.
Policies, Institutions, and Markets Why they matter in Africa now, & what researchers can do to help Karen Brooks Director, CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets
Value of Agricultural Exports and Imports, SSA, 1970-2009 Worldbank and FAOSTAT South Africa excluded
Yearly Cohorts Entering Rural and Urban Labor Markets and Rural Population Share in SSA, 1955-2050 Losch, Fréguin-Gresh and White, 2012
Development of Improved Varieties Lags in Africa, but Adoption Lags Even More Renkow and Byerlee, 2010; Tom Walker, Communication from author
Policies, Institutions, and Markets That MatterPIM with African Partners • Foresight to inform the African Science Agenda • Incentive regimes friendly to production and trade • Identifying priorities for public spending • Facilitating wider adoption of better technologies • Social protection for building & protecting assets of the poor • Tools for good management of common property • Improving governance of rural services • Freeing up the productive potential of women • Creating attractive opportunities for young people • Value chains accessible to smallholders • Working with partners and building capacity