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Nuclear moments of isomeric states studied in transfer reactions in inverse kinematics. moments of exotic isomers: where are we now and what we want to do in near future. Nuclear moment measurements. Spin-oriented beams. magnetic moment ( ) quadrupole moment (Q).
Nuclear moments of isomeric states studied in transfer reactions in inverse kinematics • moments of exotic isomers: where are we now and what we want to do in near future EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Nuclear moment measurements Spin-oriented beams magnetic moment () quadrupole moment (Q) single-particle configuration (configuration mixing) collective properties (deformation, effective charges) EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Spin orientation alignmentprolate oblate isotropic polarization b - decay g – ray detection EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Magnetic moment Quadrupole moment = <I, m=I | z |I,m=I> Q = = g I N Q(j) = = . what we want to measure EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
how are done these measurements EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
METHODOLOGY Time Differential Perturbed Angular Distribution Measure Larmor precesion and decay I(t) B J Fragment beam L = -gNB/h Field UP Field DOWN detectors at ±45° and ±135° time 2A2B2 the relative phases depend on the g-factor 2L t=0 time EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Fusion-evaporation reaction fragmentation reaction • the present tool : • 20 % spin-polarization (low yield) • 10 ÷ 30 % spin-alignment (high yield) basic tool for obtaining of spin-aligned nuclei in the past two-three decades where are we now EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
YIELD 61Fe 61Fe 61Fe 61Fe +6.2(7)% ALIGNMENT(%) -15.9(8)% GENERAL ASPECTS of g-factor measurements with fast beams 4. FEASIBILITY: SPIN-ALIGNMENT ! PROJECTILE FRAGMENTATION + selection in longitudinal momentum (slits in FRS or via ion-correlation) CONDITION: STRIPPED FRAGMENTS ! EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
M. Pfützner et al., Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) 064604; K. Gladnishki et al., Phys. Rev. C69 (2004) 024617 Higher spins for greater DA. EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Experiments at GANIL at intermediate energies (credits to Micha Hass, Jean-Michel Daugas, Georgi Georgiev, Gerda Neyens, Iolanda Matea and Nele Vermuelen) gexp. (61mFe) = - 0.229(2) I. Matea et al. PRL 93 (2004) 142503 G. Georgiev, JP G 28 (2002) 2993 EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Quadrupole moments: 61Fe principle investigators: Micha Hass (Rehovot) and Jean-Michel Daugas (Bruyeres-la-Chatel) test case 61Fe exp. July 2005 Q(61mFe; g9/2) = 422(60) mb 654 keV M2 transition 201 keV M1 transition EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Spin-alignedsecondary beam selected (S2 slits + position selection in SC21) SC41 gives t=0 signal for -decay time measurement Implantation: plexiglass degrader + 2 mm Cu (annealed) SC42 and SC43 validates the event THE EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP AT GSI: g-RISING EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
The 136Xe fragmentation experiment Z 127Sn analysis:L.Atanasova, Sofia A/q EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
M2 715 keV E1 1095 keV E2 ?? EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
715 keV 715 keV TDPAD 1095 keV FFT EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
I=2 ensemble classical view quantum-mechanical view m =2 m =-2 m =1 m =-1 m =0 I = 2 Population E Necessary to induce polarization of the beam prior the measurement ISOL beams EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Part II: The future: Transfer reactions with RIBs The 63m,65mNi experiment (I = 9/2+) (d,p) reactions Tandem at IPN-Orsay • pulsed 6 MeV 1 nAD beam • enriched 64Ni/62Ni (ferromagnetic) targets • known g(63mNi) = - 0.269(3) • Muller et al. PR B40, 7633 (1989) • HF field of Ni(Ni) = 6.90(5) T • Riedi et al. PR B15, 5197 (1977) EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Larmor frequency Part II: The future: Transfer reactions with RIBs Experimental results 63mNi 65mNi G. Georgiev et al, J.Phys.(London) G31, S1439 (2005) Ni exp. 2004 gexp. = -0.296 (3) HF field Ni(Ni) = 6.90(2) T ~ 15% alignment in transfer reactions at the Coulomb barrier (3 MeV/u) EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
inverse kinematics 63Cu beam @ 220 MeV (3.5 MeV/u) CD2target (2 mg/cm2) Ni ferromagnetic backing (15 µm) permanent magnet for holding field Particle identification: Si strip detector (8 annular strips) as ECsI 16 sectors – as E detector angular coverage 25° - 60° EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Particle detection with TIARA (in collaboration with Surrey, Birmingham) The CD detector of TIARA The CsI detector EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
orientation in transfer • Single-nucleon transfer (d,p) • 65Ni • B2 = 0.159(5) • 66Cu • B2 = 0.452(13) • 64Cu • “standard” B2 = 0.09 (?) • with p-g coincidences B2 > 0.27 • Multi-nucleon transfer states with higher spin become accessible (!) EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Towards the use of ISOL beams • With radioactive beams the reaction products should be stopped in the target (isomeric state) while the beam should be let go through – very fine control of the target thickness needed • Single-nucleon transfer: • very clean experimental conditions (very few reaction channels opened) • reasonable orientation from the reaction • mostly single-particle states accessible • very difficult separation of the beam/reaction products • Multi-nucleon transfer: • many more reaction channels opened • orientation higher than in single-nucleon transfer • multi quasi-particle states accessible as well • the separation of the beam/reaction products should be easier EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
64Cu – target problems A CD2 target of ~2 mg/cm2dose not stand ~0.3 enA (17+) 63Cu beam (~1E8 pps) for more than 20 hours (~7E12 p) The effect is DOSE and not HEAT related! EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Targets: Hydrogen (Deuterium) storage T. Yildirim et al. PR B72, 153403 (2005) EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
collaboration (or in other words) who is doing the job • GANIL experiments • Jean-Michel Daugas, Micha Hass, … • GSI experiments • Gerda Neyens, Gary Simpson, Adam Maj, Micha Hass, DLB • Transfer reactions • Georgi Georgiev and DLB • + few (but good!) students and post-docs who really do the job! EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
N=82 1h11/2 3s1/2 2d3/2 2d5/2 1g7/2 Even Sn 5- nd3/2-1h11/2 -1 7-nd3/2-1h11/2 -1 10+h11/2 -2 N=50 Odd Sn 19/2+ nd3/2-1h11/2 -2 23/2+ nd3/2-1h11/2 -2 27/2-h11/2 -3 nh11/2 x 5-core nh11/2 x 7-core h11/2n, n=2,3 ms isomers in the Sn region Newly identified isomers ns1/2-1 Brown et al, PRC71 (2005) 044317 nd3/2-2 J. Pinston et al, PRC61 024312 (2000) , J. Pinston et al, JPG30 (2004) R57, NNDC data base and this work EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008
Structure of the 19/2+ isomer in 127Sn • the spin-parity assignment of the 19/2+ isomer is based on energy systematics • J. Pinston et al., PRC 61, 024312 (2000) • suggested configuration:(νh11/2 1 5)19/2+; gexp(h11/2) = 0.24 • the 5 isomers in even-even Sn isotopes take experimental values:gexp(5) 0.06 • and are understood as an admixture of (νh11/2 1d3/2 1)5- withgemp = 0.26 • (νh11/2 1s1/2 1)5- withgemp = 0.09 • for the structure of the 19/2+ isomer an admixture with the νg7/2 1h11/2 2 configuration is • suggested in order to explain the l -forbidden M2 isomer-decay transition. • gemp(νs1/2 1 h11/2 2) = 0.15 • gemp(νg7/2 1 h11/2 2) = 0.23 • the fragmentation g-RISING experiment yields gexp 0.16 • LSSM calculations yieldgSM = 0.21 (calculation M.Hjorth-Jensen) EURISOL workshop, Florence, 16.01.2008