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Introduction to Pushdown Automata and Context-Free Languages

Learn about pushdown automata and context-free languages, including regular expressions, finite state machines, grammars, and Turing machines. Dive into Chomsky's language types and associated machines, and understand computation theory concepts. Explore examples and derivation trees to deepen your understanding.

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Introduction to Pushdown Automata and Context-Free Languages

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  1. Discrete Math II Howon Kim 2017. 11

  2. Agenda • 1 Automata Theory • 2 Regular Expression & Regular Languages • 3 Finite Automata • DFA(Deterministic Finite Automata) • FA Applications • 4 Non-deterministic Finite Automata • 5 Grammars & Languages • 6 Theory of Computations

  3. Language Types by Chomsky Arbitrary, Natural Language Recursively Enumerable Language TM Context-sensitive Language LBA- (linear-bounded automata) Regular Language Context-free Language FA (NFA,DFA) PDA(Pushdown Automata) None

  4. Language Types by Chomsky

  5. Overview • Set Theory of Strings (Chapter 6.1) • Regular Expressions & Regular Languages • Finite State Machines • Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) • Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) • Grammars and Languages • Types of Grammars and Languages • Associated Machines including Turing Machine • Computation Theory • NP Problem

  6. Context Free Grammar (CFG) • Def. 문맥무관(context-free) 문법 G = ( V, , S, P ) Where all production rules have the form A x, A V and x  (V  )*. • cf.) Regular Grammar G = ( V, , S, P ) where all the production rules have the form A  wB or A  w, A,B V and w  *. V : a finite set of variables  nonterminals라고도 함  : an alphabet  terminal이라고도 함(we make strings that will be the words of language) S : a start variable, S  V P : a set of production rules

  7. Examples (Ex.) G = ( {S}, {a,b}, S, P ) P : S  aS S  bS S  a S  b more compact notation, P: S aS | bS | a | b It can produce the word abbab as follows: Used in statement of productions S ⇒ aS ⇒ abS ⇒ abbS ⇒ abbaS ⇒ abbab Used in derivation of word

  8. Examples (Ex.) G = ( {S}, {0,1}, S, P ) P : S  0S1 | . L(G) = { 0n1n | n 0 } (Ex.)G = ( {S,A}, {a,b,c}, S, P ) P : S  aSc | A A  bAc |  L(G) = { ambnck | m + n = k, k 0 }

  9. Examples (Ex.) G = ( {S,X,Y}, {a,b}, S, P ) P : S  X | Y X   Y  aY | bY | a | b So, CFL(context free language) is (a+b)* The only word we can generate is  It produces (a+b)+ (Ex.) G = ( {S}, {a,b}, S, P ) P : S  aS | bS | a | b |  CFL is (a+b)* The sequence of productions to generate any word is not unique It can generate bab using S ⇒ bS ⇒baS ⇒babS ⇒bab  ⇒bab or S ⇒ bS ⇒baS ⇒bab

  10. Examples – derivation tree (Ex.) G = ( {S,A}, {a,b}, S, P ) P : S  AAA | A A  AA | aA | Ab | a | b S S ⇒ AAA ⇒aAAA ⇒abAA ⇒abAbA ⇒abaAbA ⇒abaabA ⇒abaaba A A A a A A b a In a derivation tree, the root is the start variable, all internal nodes are labeled with variables, while all leaves are labeled with terminals. The children of an internal node are labeled from left to right with the right-had side of the production used. a b A a Derivation tree 10

  11. Recall that DFAs accept regular languages. We want to design machines similar to DFAs that will accept context-free languages. These machines will need to be more powerful. To handle a language like {anbn | n 0}, the machine needs to “remember” the number of as. To do this, we use a stack. A push-down automaton (PDA) is essentially an NFA with a stack. Pushdown Automata (PDA)

  12. Pushdown Automata (PDA) • Def. of Pushdown (Stack) Automata M = ( Q, , , , q0, F ) Q : a finite set of states  : a finite alphabet of tape symbols  : a finite alphabet of stack symbols (start symbol = #)  : a subset of the transition relation ( Q  ({})  ({}) ) to subset Q ({}) q0 : a start (initial) state, q0 Q F : a set of final states, F  Q (cf.) FA M = (Q, ∑,  or , q0, F)

  13.  : a subset of the transition relation ( Q  ({})  ({}) ) to subsetQ ({}) Let ((p, a, β), (q, ))  Δ be a transition. It means that we Move from state p. Read a from the tape, Pop the string β from the stack, Move to state q, Push string  onto the stack. The first three (p, a, β), are “input.” The last two (q, ) are “output.” Pushdown Automata - transition a, ;  p q stack symbol 13

  14. When we push β, we push the symbols of β as we read them right to left. When we push the string abc, we push c, then push b, then push a. When we pop , we pop the symbols of  as we read them from left to right (reverse order). When we pop the string abc, we pop a, then pop b, then pop c. Pushdown Automata – pushing/poping a b c stack 14

  15. Thus, if we push the string abc and then pop it, we will get back abc, not cba. If we wanted to reverse the order, we would use three separate transitions: Push a Push b Push c Pushdown Automata – pushing/poping 15

  16. A configuration fully describes the current “state” of the PDA. The current state p. The remaining input w. The current stack contents . Thus, a configuration is a triple (p, w, )  (Q, *, *). Pushdown Automata – configurations 16

  17. A configuration (p, w, ) yields a configuration (p', w', ') in one step, denoted (p, w, ) (p', w', '), if there is a transition ((p, a,), (p', )) Δ such that w = aw',  = , and '=  for some  *. The reflexive, transitive closure of  is denoted *. Pushdown Automata – computations     stack stack (p, w, )  (Q, *, *). 17

  18. After processing the string on the tape, The PDA is in either a final or a nonfinal state, and The stack is either empty or not empty. The input string is accepted by M By final state, or by empty state, Or by final state and empty state. That is, the string w* is accepted if (s, w, e) * (f, e, e) for some fF. Pushdown Automata – accepting strings (마지막) 입력 w로 인해 final state으로 간 경우를 의미함. 이때, stack은 empty가 되고, 당연 마지막 입력이었으므로, 입력도 empty가 됨 (p, w, )  (Q, *, *). 18

  19. There are several equivalent ways of defining acceptance by a PDA. One may define acceptance “by final state” only. The input is accepted if and only if the last state is a final state, regardless of whether the stack is empty. One may define acceptance “by empty stack” only. The input is accepted if and only if the stack is empty once the input is processed, regardless of which state the PDA is in. One may define acceptance “ by final state and empty stack ” Pushdown Automata – accepting strings 19

  20. FA vs. PDA 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 FA controller PDA controller B A #  Same structure except the stack (current state, tape symbol, stack symbol)  (next state, stack string)  Initially (start state, input string w, #)  Accept w when the state of PDA after reading w is a final state No memory Read-only head moves to the right (current state, tape symbol)  (next state) Initially at the start state & at the leftmost position (Ex) push 1 : ( (p,0,0), (q,10) ) pop 0 : ( (p,0,0), (q,) )

  21. An Example of PDA S A B 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 # # # S # # • Find L(M) for the following PDA. M = ( {S,A,B}, {0,1}, ={0,#}, , S, {B} )  : ( (S,0,#), (S,0#) ) ; push 0 ( (S,0,0), (S,00) ) ; push 0 ( (S,,#), (B,#) ) ( (S,1,0), (A,) ) ; pop 0 ( (A,1,0), (A,) ) ; pop 0 ( (A,,#), (B,#) ) 스택으로부터 0을 읽기만 하고 쓰지는 않음 Input symbol output to stack (push symbol) Input from stack (pop symbol) 0 1 1 스택이 바닥남 A B L(M) = { 0n1n : n 0 }

  22. Context-Sensitive Language • Def. of Context-sensitive Grammar G = ( V, , S, P ) Each production rule x y satisfies || x ||  || y || ,where x (V)* V (V)* and y (V)*. (Note) Each production rule can be converted into uA v u w v. A is sensitive to u and v. Def) 문맥무관(context-free) 문법 G = ( V, , S, P ) Where all production rules have the form A  x, A  V and x  (V  )*.

  23. Context-Sensitive Language The reason why we call these grammars context-sensitive is that we can rewrite the productions of any context-sensitive grammar to be in this form: xAyxvy where x, y, and v are strings of any combination of variables and terminals, v is nonnull, and A is a single variable A goes to vin the context of x on the left and y on the right cf. in a context-free grammar, the productions all have a single variable on the left, such as: A aa 23

  24. Context-Sensitive Language However, in a context-sensitive grammar, we might have two rules such as: aAa  aba bAb  bbabb which say that we can replace A with a single bwhen it is in the middle of two a’s, but we replace it with babwhen it is in the middle of two b’s. 24

  25. Context-Sensitive Language Clearly, context-sensitive rules give a grammar more power. A context-sensitive grammar can use the surrounding characters to decide to do different things with a variable, instead of always having to do the same thing every time. All productions in context-sensitive grammars are non-decreasing or non-contracting; that is, they never result in the length of the intermediate string being reduced. Def. of Context-sensitive Grammar G = ( V, , S, P ) Each production rule x y satisfies || x ||  || y || 25

  26. Linear bounded automaton A Turing machine that has the length of its tape limited to the length of the input string is called a linear-bounded automaton (LBA). 26

  27. Turing Machine 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 FA controller PDA controller B A # # 1 0 1 1 0 # TM controller • Turing Machine (TM) It consist of tapes and a controller The read/writable tape-head can move to the left and the right

  28. Turing Machine • Def. Turing Machine M = ( Q, , , , q0, H ) Q : a finite set of states  : an input alphabet  : a tape alphabet (#: blank symbol)  : a function (Q-H)    Q  {L,R,S} q0 : a start state, q0  Q H : a set of halt states, H  Q Moving tape head to Left, Right, Staying

  29. TM Operation • TM is a DFA because the  is a transition function. • L and R in def. of  means moving the tape-head to the left and the right, respectively. S means staying the tape-head. • TM can operate after reading all the input symbols, while a DFA and a PDA should stop. Thus, a set of halt states should be defined in TM. • We assume that the tape-head cannot move to the left at leftmost position of the tape.

  30. TM Configuration • TM 상황(configuration) ( q, u a v ) q : current state a : symbol at position of tape-head u : left string of a in tape v : right string of a in tape Thus, it is determined by the current state q, contents of the tape, and position of the tape-head. Start configuration : ( q0, #w ) • w : input string

  31. An Example • Find a TM that defines L={ 0n1n | n 1}. # 0 0 0 1 1 1 # ; move R until finding a 0 # a 0 0 1 1 1 # ; replace 0 with a & move R to first 1 # a 0 0 b 1 1 # ; replace 1 with b & move L until finding the leftmost 0 # aa 0 b 1 1 # # aa 0 bb 1 # # aaabb 1 # # aaabbb # ; no 0 & no 1  halt 즉, 결국 동일한 개수의 0…0과 1…1을 읽음

  32. continue (q, x)=(q4, x, S) M= ({q0,…,q5}, {0,1}, {0,1,a,b,#}, , q0, {q5}) Tape alphabet 0 1 a b # state q0 (q1, a, R) (q3, b, R) (q0, #, R) q1 (q1, 0, R) (q2, b, L) (q1, b, R) q2 (q2, 0, L) (q0, a, R) (q2, b, L) q3 (q3, b, R) (q5, #, S) q4 • Def. Turing Machine : M = ( Q, , , , q0, H ) Q : a finite set of states  : an input alphabet  : a tape alphabet (#: blank symbol)  : a function (Q-H)    Q  {L,R,S} q0 : a start state, q0  Q H : a set of halt states, H  Q

  33. An Example Headinput # 0 0 0 1 1 1 # ; move R until finding a 0 # a 0 0 1 1 1 # ; replace 0 with a & move R to first 1 # a 0 0 b 1 1 # ; replace 1 with b & move L until finding the leftmost 0 # aa 0 b 1 1 # # aa 0 bb 1 # # aaabb 1 # # aaabbb # ; no 0 & no 1  halt • # : (q0,#,R); q0상태에서 # read, 다음상태는 q0이며, tape head 내용은 #로 대체후(write), Right 이동 (2) 0: (q1,a,R): head가 0 read. 다음상태는 q1이며, 0 a, R이동 (3) 0: (q1,0,R): head가 0 read, 다음상태는 q1, 00, R 이동 (4) 0: (q1,0,R): head가 0 read, 다음상태는 q1, 00, R 이동 (5) 1: (q2,b,L): (6) 0: (q2,0.L): (7) 0: (q2,0,L): (8) a: (q0,a,R): (9) 0: (q1,a,R): (10)0: (q1,0,R): (11)b: (q1,b,R): (12)1: (q2,b,L): 33

  34. continue 0 / 0, L 0 / 0, R b / b, R b / b, L # / #, R q0 q1 q2 0 / a, R 1 / b, L b / b, R a / a, R q3 q5 # / #, S q4 b / b, R x/ x, S q0# 0 0 0 1 1 1 # q0# 0 0 0 1 1 1 # q1# a0 0 1 1 1 # q1# a 0 0 1 1 1 # q2# a 0 0b 1 1 # q2# a 0 0 b 1 1 # q0# a0 0 b 1 1 # q1# aa0b 1 1 # q2# aa 0 bb 1 # q1# aaabb1 # q2# aaabbb # q2# aaabbb # q0# aaabbb # q3# aaabbb # q5# aaabbb#

  35. Recursively Enumerable Lang. • Def. TM M = ( Q, , , , q0, H ) L(M) = { w * | (q0,#w) ┣*M(h,*) }, h  H Thus, L(M) is the set of all the strings that halt the TM. • Recursively Enumerable Language L There exists a TM M such that L = L(M). That is, Turing recognizable !

  36. Non-deterministic TM • Def. Non-deterministic TM N = ( Q, , , , q0, H ) Q : a finite set of states  : an input alphabet  : a tape alphabet (#: blank) :a subset of ( (Q-H) ) ( Q{L,R,S} ) q0 : a start state, q0  Q H : a set of halt states, H  Q (cf.)  : a function (Q-H)    Q  {L,R,S} Non-deterministic turing machine: a set of rules that prescribes more than one action for a given situation ! Deterministic turing machine: one action to be performed for any given situation

  37. Language of N-TM • Def. N-TM N = ( Q, , , , q0, H ) L(N) = { w * | (q0,#w) ┣*N(h,*) }, h  H Because the N-TM is non-deterministic, L(N) is the set of all the strings that have at least one transition path to the H. • Theorem A TM M can simulate a N-TM N.

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