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DIDBase:  Intelligent, Interactive Archiving Technology for Ionogram Data

DIDBase:  Intelligent, Interactive Archiving Technology for Ionogram Data. B. W. Reinisch, G. Khmyrov, I. A. Galkin, and A. Kozlov. Environmental, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences Department, Center for Atmospheric Research, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA.

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DIDBase:  Intelligent, Interactive Archiving Technology for Ionogram Data

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  1. DIDBase:  Intelligent, Interactive Archiving Technology for Ionogram Data B. W. Reinisch, G. Khmyrov, I. A. Galkin, and A. Kozlov Environmental, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences Department, Center for Atmospheric Research, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA

  2. RDBMS Server - Firebird (Interbase) JDBC - Database Client Language – Java Applications Applets Servlets Application Server - Tomcat Our choice

  3. DIDBase (ionograms, scaling data, ionospheric characteristics) Ionogram software suite SAO Explorer DIDB Fill, Smart Backup DIDB Request Processor (CalVal project) Analyze Scaling Quality Representative Ionospheric Characteristics Visualization programs: Ion2Png, Drg2Png, DrgMaker Ionogram processing software

  4. DIDBase data ingestion ADRES Smart Backup Database backup Extended data quality analysis • Bad data • Incomplete data • Future data Data Management Automation

  5. ADRES Digisondes Online archives ADRES Offline archives DIDBase at UMLCAR Automated Data Request Execution System DIDB Fill Requests (REQ files) DIDBase Request Processor Reports (SAO files) Save scaled data Query only data for requests USER SAO Explorer

  6. Ion2Png thumbnail mode

  7. WEB-interface http://car.uml.edu/DIDBase

  8. Station list

  9. Inventory for Station

  10. Calendar list

  11. One day

  12. Ionogram example

  13. Login Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

  14. Total manually scaled data – 144297 (more than 4 years of 15 min data) Manual scaling

  15. DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program ) F16 weather satellite was launched 18 October 2003 Orbital parameters are period 101.9 min , apogee 853 km, perigee 843 km, and inclination 98.9°. Two optical instruments onboard: SSULI - limb scanning ultraviolet imager / spectrometer (built by the Naval Research Laboratory) SSUSI - nadir scanning ultraviolet imager /spectrometer and photometer (built by the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University) DMSP F16 weather satellite

  16. SSULI and SSUSI sensors make measurements of far and extreme ultraviolet airglow, which are converted into electron and neutral density profiles by ground processing software. Measurement calibrated and validated with ground truth Digisondes Incoherent Scatter Radars (ISR) F16 SSJ5 Particle Detector Data for auroral measurements CalVal campaign

  17. 50 Digisondes in the network 27 Digisondes are participating in CalVal campaign Products: Ionospheric characteristics (foF2, foE, hmF2, …) Regular profiles Auroral profiles Digisonde network

  18. Nominally 4 requests per Station per Day when overpass happen for limb and surface measurements on ascending and descending part of orbit Each Request has one hour time interval (± 30 min from overpass time) CalVal is planned for period from Dec 15 2002 to Mar 2005 Some “dry run” data for 2001 CalVal Requests

  19. Statistics

  20. Ionogram Data Visualization ionogram display with zoom-in and details-on-demand ionogram surveys (using “thumbnails”) ionogram movies Interactive Ionogram Scaling Profile Inversion Time series of Scaled Data Ionospheric characteristics Plasma density contour/profilogram Directogram Text tables for ASCII export Interactive Ionogram Processing

  21. Ionograms MMM BEM SBF RSF-flex PGH RSF Scalings SAO 3.0 - 4.3 ART ADP binary Data Formats Supported

  22. Char Table Profilogram Ionogram surveys Ionogram Editor Characteristics Plot Directogram Contours Welcome to SAO-X

  23. Main screen Scaler (DIDB only) List of records Ionospheric characteristics set. Drag and drop to change order.

  24. Acton buttons Ionogram frame Mode controls Context menu (mouse right button) Details on mouse position

  25. Database connection • Read-only connection to DIDB over the Internet • Remembers last connection information

  26. Database queries Manually scaled Select measurements with auroral layer • List of available data with the station name and the start/end times • DIDB inventory available • Use of ionospheric characteristics as search criteria • Query only manual data • By default, the queries bring the data of the highest available quality

  27. Inventory tree (DIDB only) • Simple navigation • Easy to check what is stored in DIDB • Comprehensive information about data • “One click” to set station/date in the Query dialog

  28. Scaler password protected login Submit current record Auto submit option DIDB write access

  29. SAO-X homepage

  30. Installation InstallAnywhere: commercial strength installers for various platforms. Windows, Solaris: installers with Java VM included. Others: JVM has to be installed first. http://car.uml.edu/Installation/SAO-X_3/install.htm

  31. Web Publishing (via homepage) Latest displays Retro displays SAO archive Dissemination (by FTP deliveries) Near real-time Works from behind a firewall Digisonde and Internet

  32. 1995 1996 1997 1998 Digisonde Homepage

  33. Digisonde Homepage (2) 1999 2001 2000 2002

  34. Digisonde Homepage (3) 2003 - 2004

  35. 2004 Digisonde Homepage

  36. Housekeeping Digisonde Data Tree BIT, ERR DIGISONDE Raw Ionograms MMM, BEM, PGH, SBF, RSF 16 channel D-256 DRG: Directograms SAO: Scaled data DFT: Raw Drift Ionogram displays DVL: Velocities Time Series Contours SKY: Skymaps Profilograms TLT: Tilt MUF Old Formats ION, IHT, IOS, TEC, ADP, ART online pictures

  37. UMLCAR home page http://ulcar.uml.edu Digisonde home page http://ulcar.uml.edu/digisonde.html SAOExplorer home page http://ulcar.uml.edu/SAO-X/SAO-X.html DIDBase home page http://ulcar.uml.edu/DIDBase/ References

  38. Reinisch, B. W., I. A. Galkin, G. Khmyrov, A. Kozlov, and D. F. Kitrosser, Automated collection and dissemination of ionospheric data from the digisonde network, Adv. Radio Sci. (2004), 2: 241-247. Publications

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