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Domestic Violence. Child Development 262, Fall 2012. Domestic violence and emotional abuse are behaviors used by one person in a relationship to control the other. Partners may be married or not married; heterosexual, gay, or lesbian; living together, separated or dating. Physical Abuse
Domestic Violence Child Development 262, Fall 2012
Domestic violenceand emotional abuse are behaviors used by one person in a relationship to control the other. Partners may be married or not married; heterosexual, gay, or lesbian; living together, separated or dating.
Physical Abuse • Sexual Abuse • Emotional Abuse • Financial Abuse • Identity Abuse • Name-calling or putdowns • Stalking • Intimidation Types of violence
The Victim. DV can cause a person to lose the ability to perform daily task, low self-esteem, • It has an effect families since violence and the threat of violence at home creates fear and can destroy normal family functioning. • It also has an effect in the community since it significantly impedes economic growth and development. Effects of Domestic Violence
It can be caused by the need of control and dominate the other. • It can be often caused by an interaction of situational and individual factors, such as; learning violent behaviors from their family, people in their community and other cultural influences as they grow up. • It can be caused as a consequence of the influence of alcohol and other chemical substances since they contribute to violent behavior. A drunk or high person will be less likely to control his or her violent impulses. Causes of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the United States. • There are 1,500 shelters for battered women in the United States. There are 3,800 animal shelters. • One woman is beaten by her husband or partner every 15 seconds in the United States. • 85% of domestic violence victims are women. • Battering occurs among people of all races, ages, socio-economic classes, religious affiliations, occupations, and educational backgrounds. Facts of Domestic Violence
Many offenders learned violent behavior growing up in an abusive family. • Children who witness violence at home display emotional and behavioral disturbances such as; withdrawal, low self-esteem, nightmares, self-blame and aggression against peers, family members and property. • 30% to 60% of perpetrators also abuse children in the household. • The cost to house a domestic violence offender is $5.8 billion each year, $4.1 billion of which is for direct medical and mental health services. • People with lower annual income (below $25K) are at a 3-times higher risk of intimate partner violence than people with higher annual income (over $50K). • Nearly three out of four (74%) of Americans personally know someone who is or has been a victim of domestic violence. 30% of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband or boyfriend in the past year. Continued …
Every 9 seconds in the US a women is assaulted or beaten. • Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women—more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. • Studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually • Nearly 1 in 5 teenage girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a breakup • In the 1st 3 months of 2011, there were 42,816 domestic violence calls placed to 911 (Chicago) Statistics
Apna Ghar4753 North Broadway Suite 632Chicago, IL 60640Phone: (773) 334-0173 - call this number for counseling, legal aid, etc if you want to use services but are not living here.Crisis Line: (773) 334-4663Office phone: (773) 334-0173Fax: (773) 334-0963Crisis Line (IL): 1-800-717-0757 - Call this number to see if there is room availableLanguages Spoken: Translations to Asian and Middle Eastern languages • Casa Central Apna GharPhone:773 645 2300 3209 W. Evergreen St. Chicago, IL 60651 Phone: (773) 782-8820 Contact: Millie Hernandez, mhernandez@casacentral.org (773) 782-8820 Institutions and agencies providing support for domestic violence
3.DHS-Department of human services (877) TO END DV 4. National Center of Domestic Violence, trauma & Mental Health. (312)726-7020 5. Violence and Safety in Chicago Department of Human Services Rape Crisis Hotline (312) 744-8418 Continued …
Connections for Abused Women and Their Children (CAWC)1116 N. Kedzie Ave. 5th FloorChicago, IL 60651Phone: (773) 489-9081Hotline: (773) 278-4566 call for availabilityHotline for Hearing Impaired: (773) 762-6802 • Mujeres Latinas en Accion (Agency) Connections for Abused Women and Their Children (CAWC) Mujeres’ Domestic Violence Program works to eliminate domestic violence and assists survivors to break the cycle of abuse in their families and in their lives. 2124 West 21st Place Chicago, IL 60608 Crisis Hotline 312.738.5358 P: 773.890.7676 F: 773.890.7650 E: mail@mujereslat.org Continued….
Safehorizon.org Safe Horizon moves victims of violence from crisis to confidence. Links…
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