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Valuing People Now Employment Awareness Campaign 2010/11

Valuing People Now Employment Awareness Campaign 2010/11. National Advisory Group on Learning Disability and Ethnicity (NAGLDE). People who are not disabled don’t usually have a choice about getting a job. People with learning disabilities have the same rights as everybody else

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Valuing People Now Employment Awareness Campaign 2010/11

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  1. Valuing People Now Employment Awareness Campaign 2010/11 National Advisory Group on Learning Disability and Ethnicity (NAGLDE)

  2. People who are not disabled don’t usually have a choice about getting a job • People with learning disabilities have the same rights as everybody else • We need to change how people think so that many more people with learning disabilities get and keep a job • People with learning disabilities should be determined to get a paid job, just like other people.

  3. Who are we talking about? All people with a learning disability including those with:

  4. People with Complex Needs • Christian is employed as a consultant to our campaign • “My daughter has complex needs and already has 1-to-1 support. This can be used to support her to work.” • Ben has complex needs and (PICTURE to works 16 hours a week go here!)

  5. Jess is 14 and attends a special school where herchoices for work experience are limited Jess

  6. Matthew’s story Aged 15 and on work experience

  7. Matthew • Aged 30 and at work • Aged 30 and at play What do you think he prefers? What has happened during the last 15 years?

  8. “What Planet are you on?” What some families say What other families say “Personalisation should consider the choices around work.” “Don’t do it! They should have a life without stress doing things they enjoy” “It’s about responsibilities as well as rights! I want my son to have a life like the rest of us with some work and some play.” “There are not enough jobs around now for everyone”

  9. CAB • A lot of people think that they will lose benefits if they work • But most people are better off working

  10. Benefits when not working or working less than 16 hours per week (before ‘migration’ to ESA) • Income Support • Incapacity Benefit • Employment and Support Allowance • Severe Disablement Allowance • Jobseekers Allowance • Housing Benefit • Council Tax Benefit

  11. Customer Journey -Touchpoints I attend the WFI Atos call me to arrange & conduct a WFHRA Someone calls to advise on ESA entitlement and next steps in the ESA regime Someone calls to gather any missing information and explain the next steps (this TP only applies to customers with missing information) 12 Someone calls me to give further information and advice, find out if I need extra help with the process 11 Someone calls me to arrange a WCA 10 WRAG The Job Centre contacts me to arrange a WFI I become aware about forthcoming changes to my benefits Support Group 9 8 I receive a letter with my ESA award notification ALLOWED 4 I receive a letter with my JSA award notification 7 3 5 2 6 1 I receive a medical questionnaire to fill out 13 DISALLOWED 14 JSA claimed 15 18 I receive a letter informing me that changes are about to commence and advising me on the next steps I attend the WCA with Atos Someone calls to inform me of the entitlement decision and advises me of my options. If I wish to claim JSA I am transferred to someone who takes my claim details Appeals I attend the WFI I receive a letter informing me of benefit disallowance and the WCA outcome 16 I write a letter / call to appeal* 17 The Job Centre contacts me to arrange a WFI^ *if customer calls they will be told appeal needs to be in writing

  12. 21st Century Welfare Reform “ Over the next two Parliaments the current complex system of means tested working age benefits and tax credits will gradually be replaced with Universal Credit, an integrated payment that will ensure work always pays, with less scope for fraud and error. £2 billion has been set aside in DWP’s departmental expenditure limit settlement over the next four years to fund the implementation of the Universal Credit. Further details will be set out in DWP’s forthcoming White Paper” (from Spending Review 2010)

  13. What do professionals say? “Families are the answer!” Steve Parr- Job Coach Trainer SABRE “A lifetime commitment!”

  14. Funding Personal Budgets etc Shift from ‘projects’ that don’t deliver jobs Place expectations on DWP contractors Place expectations on other locally funded employment supports

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