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Looking for the bariatric surgery in India in best renowned hospitals, Cost of Bariatric Surgery in India is low as compared to other western countries including UK, USA, Afghanistan, Nigeria, South Africa, UAE etc. Making India a preferred destination for Bariatric Surgery in India.<br>
Bariatric Surgery in India Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat collects in the body to an extent that it affects the health adversely, resulting in a variety of health problems. Obesity is a complex and chronic disease with many causes, and not simply a result of overeating. Statistics has shown that genetics often plays a crucial role, particularly if one is morbidly obese. There are several criteria to determine morbid obesity. One criterion is being 50 to 100 percent more than the ideal body weight or being 100 pounds more than the ideal body weight. Another important criterion is the measure of one's Body Mass Index (BMI). Obesity is a big problem these days as it can lead to serious health issues. Obesity not only affects your metabolism, mobility and self-esteem but it also leads to various problems like hypertension, heart diseases, diabetes, high cholesterol, joint pain, fatty liver, depression, etc. Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) is generally referred to as Weight Loss Surgery. When other fat reduction methods such as diet management and physical exercise are not effective, Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) is the best option to lose and manage weight in a planned manner. 'Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery)' is a term used for all types of weight-loss surgeries. Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) is indicated in severely obese individuals who did not respond to non-surgical methods of weight loss. Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) is a treatment for those who fall in the following categories:- Suffering from severe obesity (Class 3 obesity) - Mainly defined by a BMI of more than 40. Class 2 Obesity - Those who are having BMI between 35-40 but having other comorbid diseases like hypertension, diabetics etc Those belonging to class 1 obesity and have been trying to do weight control by conventional methods of dieting, exercise etc with no results and falls in the high-risk category for obesity-related conditions due to hereditary and other factors.
The main concept behind using the Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) for weight loss is in reducing the capacity of the stomach to intake food and processing/absorbing the food. Ask Query at : 8010335566 What are the Causes of Obesity? 1.Medical The increased level of the hormone is responsible for insulin resistance and fat storage which is increasing appetite and causing weight gain. Certain prescription medications cause weight gain by slowing metabolic rate, increasing appetite and water retention in the body. Medical States such as hypothyroidism, PCOS, Cushing's disease and certain rare genetic diseases often lead to obesity. 2.Dietary Current generation is more inclined to fast foods, packaged foods and huge proportions which are more often than not because of misleading advertisements. The value of nutrition in daily diet has decreased while the overall intake of calories have increased, thanks to fast and packaged foods. 3.Genetics Genetic factors cause obesity in 70 - 80% of cases. Genetics cause severe obesity, slow metabolisms and some genetic mutations. It has been observed that the food habits are also similar among family members who are playing a good role in obesity. 4.Environmental
Our environment is not conducive with good food and lifestyle habits because of the dwindling number of walk paths and parks, packed work schedules, oversized portions in restaurants, expensive fresh produce and misleading food advertisements. 5.Physical Low physical activity, excessive TV viewing and long hours on the computer makes a very sedentary lifestyle and leads to weight gain. 6.Psychological It is the commonest reason in recent days where people are emotional eaters due to stress, especially women. What are the different types of Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery)? The main and most common types of Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) procedures are:- 1.Gastric Binding Surgery Gastric Band Surgery is a Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) which is a restrictive procedure. During Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery), the area of the stomach is reduced by placing a rubber inflatable band around the upper part of the stomach creating a small stomach pouch above the band and remaining stomach below the band. Gastric Band Surgery is a minimally invasive Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) and is considered the safest of the procedures. 2.Gastric Sleeve or Sleeve Gastrectomy
Comparatively a new surgical procedure aimed at weight loss, the Gastric sleeve is a restrictive procedure where the size of the stomach is reduced to approximately 20 % of the original size. The stomach gets full quickly thus reducing the food intake and in turn body weight. 3.Gastric Bypass Surgery Gastric bypass surgery is a surgical procedure which is a combination of both restrictive procedure and mal absorption procedure. Here the stomach is restricted to much smaller size than the original by creating a pouch at the top of the stomach and separating it from the rest of the stomach. At the same time, the small intestine is first divided and reconnected to create a bypass to the full length of the intestine. The food from the new smaller stomach goes into the smaller part only which gets full quickly thus reducing the food intake and passes through the smaller bypass portion of the intestine only thereby reducing the absorption also. This, in turn, reduces the body weight. 4.Biliopancreatic Diversion An extreme form of gastric bypass surgery where as much as 70% of the stomach is removed and bypassing is done. 5.Vertical Banded Gastroplasty The vertical banded gastroplasty or VBG is a restrictive gastric (stomach) bypass surgery for weight loss surgery. The vertical banded gastroplasty for weight loss, along with the gastric bypass surgery is one of the two major types of operations for the treatment of severe obesity. The goal of this procedure is to severely restrict the patient's capacity to eat certain foods. The general or bariatric surgeon uses sophisticated surgical staples to make a small stomach pouch. This reduces how much food the stomach can hold. When the amount of food the stomach can hold is reduced, an obese person feels full sooner. But at the same time, the stomach digests nutrients and calories in a normal anatomical way. This is another common way to reduce how much food the stomach can hold. Vertical banded gastroplasty has an advantage by limiting only the amount of the food meal, and not affecting the absorption process involved in digestion. Ask Query at : 8010335566
Why Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery)? Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) is the last option for those for whom conventional types of weight reduction like eating routine, exercise and pharmaceutical have demonstrated ineffectual. Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) enables patients to lose over abundance weight and their hazard to different issues and clutters that outcome from abundance body weight, for example: Heart disease High blood pressure Arthritis Gastroesophageal reflux disease Type 2 diabetes Severe sleep apnea Is Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) Right for you? A Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) is good for individuals who are obese or morbidly obese. Most have tried to slim down with diets and/or exercise, but have failed. Doctors take a close look at the whole person when determining if the person is a good candidate for Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery). If the patient is not ready to do the pre-surgery diet and work, the doctor may not elect to go ahead with the procedure. Typically, to qualify for Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) you must be 'morbidly obese', which usually means being overweight by 100 pounds (man) or 80 pounds (woman) with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40+. There are other factors the surgeon will consider in determining if Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) is right for you, such as: Age - Generally, Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) can be performed on anyone between the ages of 18 and 60. Weight - If your weight is double than your ideal body weight, you may be a candidate for Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery). Medical - There are no medical conditions responsible for the weight gain such as hormonal imbalances, tumorsor other diseases, or those diseases have been treated, or are currently being treated. Commitment - You are bound to change your habits including eating, lifestyle, diet and exercisenot only immediately, but also into the future.
History - You have a history of trying to lose weight and gaining it back, or you have been obese for at least five years with no success at traditional weight loss methods. Addictions - You have no known or diagnosed addictions to alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances. If you meet all of the above requirements, you're probably a good candidate for Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery). What are the Preparations for Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery)? Having a Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) is a life-changing procedure and is one that should be considered carefully. The following steps can help you to prepare for your Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) and the changes that you will go through. Educate yourself about Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery). Learn everything you can about Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery). Make a list of the following: A complete history of all diet attempts. Medicines (both prescription and over the counter) and the dosages you take. Food you like and that you cannot tolerate. Medical records, especially any recent cardiac stress testing, to minimize repeat tests. Start making important changes in eating and exercise habits, doing this can help prepare you for the life changes that you will need to do after the Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery). These are some of the necessary dietary and behavioral changes that you need to start: Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. Switch from caffeine to decaffeinated beverages Keep a detailed written food diary. Eat at least three times a day and avoid snacking in between. Don't worry about the calories for now, focus on the behavior. Begin a walking program if possible. Stop smoking. Smoking slows the healing process and may cause respiratory problems after surgery. If you need help, ask your doctor.
What are Post Operative Care following the Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery)? You will need to stay in the hospital until your team feels that it is safe for you to leave (on average, one to three days). Don't drive if you are taking prescribed pain medicine. Start exercising as soon as possible when you heal most weight loss centers will design an exercise program for you. Once you are home, it is important to eat and drink exactly what your doctor and dietitian recommend. You are advised see your doctor, nurse, and dietitian on a regular basis after surgery to monitor your health, diet, and weight loss. You will be able to slowly increase how much you eat over time, although it will always be important to: Eat small, frequent meals and not skip meals Chew your food slowly and completely Avoid eating while "distracted" (such as eating while watching TV) Stop eating when you feel full Drink liquids at least 30 minutes before or after eating Avoid foods high in fat or sugar Take vitamin supplements, as recommended What is the Recovery after the Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery)? Recovering from Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) and losing weight can be stressful and emotional, and it is important to have the support of family and friends. Working with a social worker, therapist, or support group can help you through the ups and downs. Recovery from Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) requires both a short-term plan and a long-term plan. To manage the effects of morbid obesity and Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery), your post Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) care plan may involve several different types of healthcare professionals, who will work together to help ensure your overall health, manage your food addiction and provide a smooth transition to new day-to- day activities.
Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) is a genuine life-changing experience. Changes in your life may include the ability to fully perform day-to-day activities, the reduction of your risk of disease, the possible resolution of certain medical conditions and new opportunities for jobs or relationships. The benefits of Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) usually outweigh the personal commitment and financial investment associated with the Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) and its aftercare. It is important to follow your surgeon's instructions for a safe recovery and a long-term plan that will help you maintain the benefits of massive weight loss for the rest of your life. Ask Query at : 8010335566 What are the Benefits of Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery)? The most obvious benefit is weight loss: it does depend on the type of procedure, but generally, you could be looking at up to 80% weight loss. This varies from one person to another but is an average figure. Weight loss means reduced body fat levels, which equates to a slimmer, more natural looking you. You will find that the greatest amount of weight loss will be in the first twelve months following Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery). After that it will tend to slow down and eventually reach a stable level. This is because the body has adjusted to the low intake of calorie and has reached what we call a 'plateau'. If that's a sensible, healthy weight then that is fine. What you need to do then is to maintain that weight level. If you feel you need to lose a little more weight, then you can adjust your diet and activity levels accordingly. Apart from weight loss, another benefit is a reduced risk of developing an obesity-related disease such as Type II diabetes. These states or 'co-morbidities' are very serious and very often are not reversible. If you already suffer from one of these conditions, then as a result of Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery), you will find that it greatly improves or in some cases disappears altogether.
Another factor linked to this is that these co-morbidities are life-threatening. In some cases you could be looking at losing seven years off your life. By undergoing this type of Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) you will reduce any long-term health risks and ensure that you have a normal life expectancy. Other physical benefits consist of increased energy, better mobility and overall, your general health will have improved. Psychologically, your new found weight loss and improved appearance will mean an altogether better quality of life. Your confidence will start to increase and you will feel better about yourself. Whereas you might have previously shied away from social situations you will find that the opposite is the case. And, you will be able to enjoy the normal, everyday activities that we all take for granted. Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) allows you to lose up to 70% of your weight excess. Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) offers you a new appearance which will increase your self-esteem and help you to join society. It improves your interpersonal and sexual relationships. Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) increases your job and professional opportunities. Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) facilitates in a remarkable way your motricity by eliminating nuisances and corporal pains. Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) you suffer from arterial hypertension, you have 70% probabilities that it can become controllable without medications, or with an important reduction in the use of them, in a period of 2 or 3 months after the surgery. In 80% of the cases cholesterol and triglycerides reduce until normal levels, generally in a period of 2 or 3 months. By reducing arterial hypertension and the levels of cholesterol, the risks of suffering cardiac illnesses also decrease. It eliminates the gastroesophageal reflux completely (hiatal hernia). If you suffer from diabetes type II (mellitus), you have 90% possibilities of reducing your sugar in blood until normal levels. It eliminates the sleep apnea completely. It improves significantly asthma and the respiratory insufficiency. What are the Risks of Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery)?
All surgeries come with the possibility of risks, but fortunately, their incidence is quite small. These include slippage of the band due to food intolerances or even perforation of the stomach, vomiting after the Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) may develop which can lead to a small stomach pouch stretch. In some cases, it can cause vomiting or straining after Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) before the incision heals. The long-term risks include food intolerance, Bowel obstruction, diarrhea because of Dumping syndrome, nausea or vomiting, Low blood sugar, Malnutrition and ulcers. Why Choose Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) in India? Of late, India has emerged to be the centre for various procedures of Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) for international patients coming all across the world. The healthcare infrastructure in India is similar to the advanced countries like the US or UK thereby delivering similar or even better results. The medical team performing Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) in India is excellent in terms of quality and experience. Most of the weight loss surgeons in India are qualified from prestigious universities of the western world, which has the history of producing ace medical professionals. What diet should be followed after the Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery)? The dietician or nutritionist at the hospital will give you a detailed diet plan for several weeks after the Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery). To give you an idea this is how your diet plan would be after the Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery):
You would only be on liquid diet for the first couple of days while you are at the hospital. This would include broth, water and juice. This would continue for about a week after which you would start on soft diet like smoothies and pureed meals. A high-protein diet and multivitamin supplements are indicated for reducing muscle wasting. From 2nd through 6th week, your liquid meals would get thicker. Having 4 to 5 three ounce meals a day are normal and would make you feel full. Foods appropriate for this stage include cream soups and yogurt-based smoothies. Solid foods would be introduced to your diet during 6th week or so. At that point, your bariatric diet will consist of 3 four-ounce "normal" meals per day. Start slowly and figure out which foods your system can tolerate well. Raw vegetables and fibrous foods may be too much for you to handle first. So, you would need to cook and chew food thoroughly before swallowing. Ask Query at : 8010335566 What are the best hospitals for Bariatric Surgery in India? Some of the best hospitals for Bariatric Surgery in India are: Apollo Hospital Southern Region, Chennai Akshaya Apollo Hospital Limited, Ahmedabad Fortis Hospitals - Anandpur, Kolkata Columbia Asia Referral Hospital - Yeshwantpur, Bangalore Columbia Asia - WhiteField, Bangalore Columbia Asia Hospital - Palam Vihar, Gurgaon BLK Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi Medanta - The Medicity, Gurgaon Sarvodaya Hospital and Research Centre, Faridabad JAYPEE Hospitals, Noida Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai Aster Medcity, Kochi Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket, New Delhi Manipal Hospital, Bangalore Global Hospitals, Hyderabad Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon Beams Hospitals, Amritsar Liven Healthcare, Mumbai Hiranandani Hospital, Maharashtra Asian Bariatrics, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Kokilaben Dhirubhai, Maharashtra Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bangalore Kular Hospital, Ludhiana Saifee Hospital, Mumbai
Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon Primus Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi Rockland Hospital, Delhi What is the cost of Bariatric Surgery in India at various locations? The best Hospital available for Bariatric Surgery in Delhi is BLK Super Specialty Hospital. It provides Bariatric Surgery at very affordable price and cost. The estimated cost of Bariatric Surgery in Delhi at BLK Hospital will be an approximate cost to Rs. 4 to 7 Lakhs. The treatments provide here are very cost friendly and the hospital provides all the facilities at a cheaper price. BLK Super Specialty Hospital is a 650 bedded hospital with dedicated 125 critical care beds with over 150 specialists across various super specialties making it one of the best hospitals in Delhi and India. The best Hospital available for Bariatric Surgery in Noida (Uttar Pradesh) is Jaypee Hospital. It provides Bariatric Surgery at very affordable price and cost. The estimated cost of Bariatric Surgery in Noida at Jaypee Hospital will be an approximate cost to Rs. 4 to 7 Lakhs. The treatments provide here are very cost friendly and the hospital provides all the facilities at a cheaper price. Jaypee hospital is a very famous hospital which consists of 150 critical beds and it is one of the premier hospitals in Delhi/NCR and gaining popularity in India. The best Hospital available for Bariatric Surgery in Faridabad (Haryana) is Asian Institute of Medical Sciences. It provides Bariatric Surgery at very affordable price and cost. The estimated cost of Bariatric Surgery in Faridabad at Asian Institute of Medical Sciences will be an approximate cost to Rs. 4 to 7 Lakhs. The treatments provide here are very cost friendly and the hospital provides all the facilities at a cheaper price. Asian Institute of Medical Sciences is a 425 Bedded Hospital. It is located in Faridabad (Haryana) is one of the finest medical institutions. The best Hospital available for Bariatric Surgery in Gurgaon (Haryana) is Fortis Memorial Research Institute. It provides Bariatric Surgery at very affordable price and cost. The estimated cost of Bariatric Surgery in Gurgaon at Fortis Memorial Research Institute will be an approximate cost to Rs. 4 to 7 Lakhs. The treatments provide here are very cost friendly and the hospital provides all the facilities at a cheaper price. Fortis Memorial Research Institute which is located in
Gurgaon is a 1000 bedded multi specialty hospital. It follows medical practices and procedures which are research oriented and benchmarked against the best in India. The best Hospital available for Bariatric Surgery in Jaipur (Rajasthan) is Fortis Escorts Hospital. It provides Bariatric Surgery at very affordable price and cost. The estimated cost of Bariatric Surgery in Jaipur (Rajasthan) at Fortis Escorts Hospital will be an approximate cost to Rs. 4 to 7 Lakhs. The treatments provide here are very cost friendly and the hospital provides all the facilities at a cheaper price. Fortis Escorts Hospital is a very famous hospital in Jaipur (Rajasthan). The best Hospital available for Bariatric Surgery in Patna (Bihar) is Paras Hospital. It provides Bariatric Surgery at very affordable price and cost. The estimated cost of Bariatric Surgery in Patna (Bihar) at Paras Hospital will be an approximate cost to Rs. 4 to 7 Lakhs. The treatments provide here are very cost friendly and the hospital provides all the facilities at a cheaper price. Paras Hospital is the first corporate hospital in Patna (Bihar). The hospital has reasonable health-care facility and experts from many faculties. The best Hospital available for Bariatric Surgery in Chandigarh is PGI Chandigarh. It provides Bariatric Surgery at very affordable price and cost. The estimated cost of Bariatric Surgery in Chandigarh at PGI Chandigarh will be an approximate cost to Rs. 4 to 7 Lakhs. The treatments provide here are very cost friendly and the hospital provides all the facilities at a cheaper price. The best Hospital available for Bariatric Surgery in Mohali (Punjab) is Max Super Specialty Hospital. It provides Bariatric Surgery at very affordable price and cost. The estimated cost of Bariatric Surgery in Mohali (Punjab) at Fortis Hospital will be an approximate cost to Rs. 4 to 7 Lakhs. The treatments provide here are very cost friendly and the hospital provides all the facilities at a cheaper price. Max Super Specialty Hospital is one of the best hospital for Bariatric Surgery in India. The best Hospital available for Bariatric Surgery in Mumbai (Maharashtra) is Hiranandani Hospital. It provides Bariatric Surgery at very affordable price and cost. The estimated cost of Bariatric Surgery in Mumbai (Maharashtra) at Hiranandani Hospital will be an approximate cost to Rs. 4 to 7 Lakhs. The treatments provide here are very cost friendly
and the hospital provides all the facilities at a cheaper price. Hiranandani Hospital is a 240 bedded multi specialty hospital and known for its comprehensive treatments for all major specialties. Medical Tourism in India Medical Tourism is a means of associating patients to high class medical, cardiac and kidney surgery facilities overseas. India is a leading destination for medical tourism, and people from all over the world are looking to visit India for their medical requirements. Medical Tourism engages travelling abroad to receive high class medical treatment at very economical rates, as compared to countries like US, UK and Australia. As a result of which, we can see a further rise in Indian medical tourism with each passing day. Imagine a difficult surgical procedure done in a high class hospital by experienced doctors at a very low price what it usually takes. That's India. From the high quality of treatment, huge range of procedures, buildings and talented doctors to perform any medical procedure with no waiting time, the list of benefits of travelling for medical treatment in India are many. Lazoi is an online healthcare portal in India where the patients can easily book their doctor's appointments irrespective of their location. We are having best Bariatric surgeons in India who always remains ready to work for the welfare of the patients. The treatment of domestic patients can be done across all over India they have the freedom to choose the location where they will be willing to have their treatment done. The international patients are provided with medical care in the metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and many more.
The amount of care and quality they get is what attracts people. But, the services provided to the patients should not be excess than the patient's affordability. If quality comes at an affordable cost, it is an unbeatable advantage. This combination of getting best quality and low cost advantage is very unique for India. We are linked with numerous JCI-accredited hospitals that are known for offering the best and the efficient healthcare services. International patients can get the benefit of having affordable medical treatments in India along with the use of state of the art technology, treatment at trusted hospitals, quality infrastructure and special personalized care. If you are an international patient and you had gone through medical treatment in India, you will get the facility of having a second opinion from the doctor in the mode as you like. You can ask an online query, get tele-consultation with the doctor or you can have an online video consultation. This further helps in saving the travel time of the international patients. Lazoi acts as a bridge and provide numerous facilities to the patients as well as the doctors. This can be very beneficial as patients do not have the access of direct contact with doctors. Lazoi is a formal and a high reputed organization which is trusted by many. Beware of misguiding agents which further can harm you and may also take huge amount of money. What is the cost of Bariatric Surgery in India? Cost of Bariatric Surgery in India ranges from 4 to 7 lakhs. Treatment Cost for Gastric Banding Surgery ranges from 4 to 6 lakhs Treatment Cost for Gastric Sleeve Surgery ranges from 4 to 6.5 lakhs Treatment Cost for Gastric Bypass Surgery ranges from 5 to 7 lakhs The duration of stay at Hospital in India for Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) is 10 to 15 days. Cost comparison among different countries doing Bariatric Surgery: Surgery USA Singapore UK India
Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Surgery Roux-en-Y Surgery Sleeve Gastrectomy $18,500 $28,000 $20,000 $10,000 $15,000 $13,000 $15,000 $24,000 $21,000 $5490 $7970 $7180 Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Surgery in USA will cost around $18,500 Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Surgery in Singapore will cost around $10,000 Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Surgery in UK will cost around $15,000 Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Surgery in India will cost around $5490 Roux-en-Y Surgery in USA will cost around $28,000 Roux-en-Y Surgery in Singapore will cost around $15,000 Roux-en-Y Surgery in UK will cost around $24,000 Roux-en-Y Surgery in India will cost around $7970 Sleeve Gastrectomy in USA will cost around $20,000 Sleeve Gastrectomy in Singapore will cost around $13,000 Sleeve Gastrectomy in UK will cost around $21,000 Sleeve Gastrectomy in India will cost around $7180