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Retina is a layer of tissue at the back of the eye, which helps to see images focused on it by the cornea and lens. Retinal Detachment is an eye disorder, wherein the retina gets separated from the underlying layer of blood vessels, which supplies oxygen and other nutrients to it. When the retina gets detached, the supply of oxygen and nutrients are stopped. If the condition is left untreated, it may even lead to a complete vision loss and blindness. To know more visit here: www.lazoi.com
RETINAL DETACHMENT causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
What is Retinal Detachment ? Retina is a layer of tissue at the back of the eye, which helps to see images focused on it by the cornea and lens. Retinal Detachment is an eye disorder, wherein the retina gets separated from the underlying layer of blood vessels, which supplies oxygen and othernutrientsto it. When the retina gets detached, the supply of oxygen and nutrients are stopped. If the condition is left untreated, it may even lead to a complete vision loss and blindness. There are three types of retinal detachment: • rhegmatogenous • tractional • exudative
Symptoms of Retinal Detachment • Sudden appearance of ‘flashing’ bright lights, especially in the peripheral vision • Vision becomes blurred • The individuals experience illusions that some small objects like spots, hairs, or strings ,are moving in the eye (called floaters) • Blindnessin the affected eye • A shadow keeps appearing in the vision field
Causes for Retinal Detachment • Bending or drooping of the vitreous that can occur with advancing age, due to a change in its consistency • Advanced stages of diabetes • Trauma/injury to the eye • Any eye inflammatory disorder may trigger retinal detachment
Risk Factorsof Retinal Detachment • Adults above the age of 40 years • A previous occurrence of retinal detachment • A family history of the condition • Individuals with severe nearsightedness • Any previouseye surgery, like cataract removal • Congenital abnormalities affecting the eye • Any trauma or eye injury (including head injury), experienced previously • Use of certain eye drops (like pilocarpine for treatment of glaucoma - a condition of elevated eye pressures) • Certain disorders affecting the eye, such as chronic inflammation of the eye (known as uveitis) • Participation in certain rough/contact sports, like boxing
Diagnosis of Retinal Detachment • Physical examination and evaluation of complete medical history • Electroretinogram • Measuring the intraocular pressure • Fluoresceinangiography • Ophthalmoscopy • Refraction test • Retinal photography, which aims to project the photographs of the inner surface of the eye • Visual acuity • Slit-lamp examination • Ultrasound of the eye
Treatment of Retinal Detachment Most individuals suffering from retinal detachment would need a surgery, either immediately or after a short time. When the eye condition is mild, then surgery may be performed using lasers to close the holes/tears in the retina or Pneumatic retinopexy in which gas bubbles are placed in the eye, in order to make the retina go back to its original place.
Prevention of Retinal Detachment • Use of protective eye wear is recommended, when working with hammers, lawn mowers, weed-eaters, fireworks, or any similar equipment that can cause an eye injury • All diabeticindividuals are advised to keep their sugar level under control consistently • Consultation with an eye specialist at least once a year is recommended, especially for elderly adults and those who are at risk for a retinal detachment
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