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Extreme Weather: Scientific Reality and the Climate Reality Project

Explore the reality of extreme weather events, their identification and attribution, and the impact on global climate. Learn about Houston's climate reality through scientific data and projections.

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Extreme Weather: Scientific Reality and the Climate Reality Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Extreme Weather:Scientific Realityand the Climate Reality Project John W. Nielsen-Gammon Regents Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University Texas State Climatologist

  2. Outline • What is extreme weather? • Why does it matter? • How do we identify and attribute changes? • Science reality vs. climate reality: what’s happening in Houston • Informational vs. inspirational

  3. My slides are crappier.

  4. Extreme Weather • Short definition: Weather that’s newsworthy • Long definition: two kinds • Weather that’s extremely unlikely • Weather that’s unhealthy or damaging • (The same event often fits both definitions)




  8. - + - +


  10. 110 °F 100 °F 90 °F 80 °F 70 °F

  11. 110 °F 100 °F 90 °F 80 °F 70 °F 7 °F in Houston = 3 °C global avg

  12. Galveston: 30 Records this winter

  13. 2016-2017

  14. 2016-2017

  15. 2015-2016

  16. 2014-2015

  17. The Three Pillars of Sound Attribution(National Research Council, 2015)

  18. The Three Pillars of Sound Attribution A clear historical trend

  19. The Three Pillars of Sound Attribution Consistent model projections A clear historical trend

  20. The Three Pillars of Sound Attribution Consistent model projections A clear historical trend A sound physical basis

  21. Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change General Ike Unknown frequency change for Gulf of Mexico Category 2 Sea level rise plus coastal subsidence Relatively minor • Probably fewer globally • Peak intensity increases • Storm surge enhanced by sea level rise • Rainfall intensity enhanced

  22. Change in hurricane frequency

  23. Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change General Ike Unknown frequency change for Gulf of Mexico Category 2 Sea level rise plus coastal subsidence Relatively minor • Probably fewer globally • Peak intensity increases • Storm surge enhanced by sea level rise • Rainfall intensity enhanced

  24. 2100 2050 National Centers for Environmental Information

  25. Actually, 9.06”

  26. *about once every 5000 days

  27. 60% 45% Trend per century 30% 15% 0% Corresponds to about 5% increase in amounts

  28. 60% 45% Trend per century 30% 15% 0%

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