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De werkloosheid in Spanje, ondanks een daling in de afgelopen jaren blijft relatief hoog in vergelijking met andere Europese landen en de neiging om te beginnen weer te stijgen in begin 2009. Echter, sommige economische sectoren nog steeds bieden professionele kansen voor buitenlanders, met inbegrip van marketing, import-export, hoogleraar, vertaling, het en nieuwe technologieën. Je zou beter volledig voorbereid om te zoeken voor de werkgelegenheid in Spanje en solide professional en talenkennis hebben! Spreekvaardigheid in het Spaans is vaak een essentiële voorwaarde voor het krijgen van een baan, behalve in sommige grote internationale ondernemingen waar werktalen zijn anders dan Spaans. Unskilled, seizoensgebonden of landbouw banen vereisen geen spreekvaardigheid in het Spaans. For more info click the link below: http://barcelona.thetylergroup.org/2012/11/05/de-arbeidsmarkt-in-spanje/
Unemployment in Spain, despite a decline in recent years remains relatively high in comparison with other European countries and tend to start to rise again in early 2009. However, some economic sectors still offer professional opportunities for foreigners, including marketing, import-export, Professor, translation, and new technologies. You'd be better fully prepared to search for employment in Spain and solid professional and language skills! Fluency in Spanish is often an essential prerequisite for getting a job, except in some large international companies where working languages other than Spanish. Unskilled, seasonal or agriculture jobs do not require fluency in Spanish.
With regard to the geographical distribution of jobs attract many foreign workers Madrid and Barcelona because of their vibrant economic activities. Valencia also has a strong economic expansion in recent years experienced and also attracts many foreign workers. There are also many tourism or seasonal employment available along the coasts. The minimum monthly salary in Spain is of € 624 (gross) for a full time job since 2009. Spanish employees benefit from 22 vacation days and 14 holidays per year. The statutory working time is set at 40 hours per week (up to 9 hours per day). The workday usually start later than elsewhere in Europe, around 9 or 10 am and later in the evening, around 7 or 8 pm ends.