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Python & Oracle

Python & Oracle. By Michael McLaughlin Python cx_Oracle Tutorial cx_Oracle Documentation. Objectives. Introduce Python Learn how to install cx_Oracle Learn how to connect to Oracle Learn how to run static SQL statements Learn how to run dynamic SQL statements

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Python & Oracle

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  1. Python & Oracle By Michael McLaughlin Python cx_Oracle Tutorialcx_Oracle Documentation

  2. Objectives • Introduce Python • Learn how to install cx_Oracle • Learn how to connect to Oracle • Learn how to run static SQL statements • Learn how to run dynamic SQL statements • Learn how to call PL/SQL store programs

  3. Introduce Python

  4. Python? • A robust high-level programming language: • Gets complex things done quickly • Automate system and data integration tasks • Solve complex analytical problems

  5. Install cx_Oracle Driver

  6. The cx_Oracle Driver • Conforms to the Python DB API 2.0 • Requires Oracle Client Installation • Not presently in standard Linux repos • You can download from here: • https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cx_Oracle

  7. Installing cx_Oracle Driver • Things you need to know first: • Ships for Linux/Unix in RPM file • Ships for Windows in MS Windows Installer file • Available for Python 2.6/2.7 on Linux/Unix • Available for Python 2.6/2.7/3.4-3.6 on Windows • Requires local Oracle Instant Client insall • Supports platforms: • Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows

  8. Installation Steps (as root) • Check your Python version with: # python -V • Check for Oracle Client installation: # rpm –qa oracle-instantclient11-2-basic • Check for Oracle Client installation: # yum install -y /tmp/oracle-instantclient* • Install cx_Oracle Driver: # yum install -y cx_Oracle-5*

  9. Verify cx_Oracle Installation • Connect to the Python IDLE environment • Type in the following commands: >>> import cx_Oracle >>> db = cx_Oracle.connect("student/student@xe") >>> print db.version • Returns the following for Oracle 11g XE:

  10. Connect to Oracle

  11. Implement a connect.py script #!/usr/bin/python# Import the Oracle library.import cx_Oracle, systry:  # Create a connection.db = cx_Oracle.connect("student/student@xe")  # Print a message.  print "Connected to the Oracle " + db.version + " database." except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, e:   error, = e.args   print >> sys.stderr, "Oracle-Error-Code:", error.code   print >> sys.stderr, "Oracle-Error-Message:", error.message finally   # Close connection. db.close();

  12. Run a static SQL Statement

  13. Implement a static query #!/usr/bin/python... try:  # Create a connection.db = cx_Oracle.connect("student/student@xe")  # Create a cursor.cursor = db.cursor()  # Execute a query.cursor.execute("SELECT 'Hello world!' FROM dual")  # Read the contents of the cursor.for row in cursor: print (row[0]) ...finally:   # Close cursor and connection. cursor.close()   db.close()

  14. Returning rows from a cursor #!/usr/bin/python... # Execute a query. cursor.execute("SELECT item_title " +                  ",      item_rating " +                  "FROM   item " +                  "WHERE  item_type = ”                  "        (SELECT common_lookup_id " +                  "         FROM   common_lookup " +                  "         WHERE  common_lookup_type = 'DVD_WIDE_SCREEN')") # Read the contents of the cursor. for row in cursor: print (row[0], row[1])...

  15. Run a dynamic SQL Statement

  16. Binding a value in a cursor #!/usr/bin/python...sRate = 'PG-13' ... # Define a dynamic statment.   stmt = "SELECT item_title, item_rating " + \ "FROM item WHERE item_rating = :rating” # Create a cursor. cursor = db.cursor() # Execute a statement with a bind variable. cursor.execute(stmt, rating = sRate) # Read the contents of the cursor.for row in cursor: print (row[0], row[1])... The local variable. The bind variable. Name and value pair assignment.

  17. Binding two values in a cursor #!/usr/bin/python... # Define a list.dvd = ('DVD_FULL_SCREEN','DVD_WIDE_SCREEN')|...stmt = "SELECT common_lookup_id"                   + "\n" + \         "FROM   common_lookup"                      + "\n" + \         "WHERE  common_lookup_table = 'ITEM'"       + "\n" + \         "AND    common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE'" + "\n" + \         "AND    common_lookup_type IN (:x,:y)” # Parse the statement by replacing line returns with a single # whitespace, replacing multiple whitespaces with single spaces. stmt = re.sub('\s+',' ',stmt.replace('\n',' ').replace('\r','')) # Declare a dynamic statement with a sequence. cursor.execute(stmt, x = dvd[0], y = dvd[1])... The list of local variables. The bind variables. Name and value pair assignment.

  18. Binding a dynamic dictionary #!/usr/bin/python... # Define an alphabetic indexing tuple. ind = tuple('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') # Define a parameter list and empty target list.typ = ('DVD_FULL_SCREEN','DVD_WIDE_SCREEN','BLU-RAY')mat = {}... A tuple used to name dictionary names, or the names of name-value pairs. A dynamic list of variables that need to bound to a dynamic SQL statement Declaring an empty dictionary.

  19. Binding a dynamic dictionary Beginning of list of values. ...# Define a dynamic query. stmt = "SELECT common_lookup_id"                   + "\n" + \...         "AND    common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE'" + "\n" + \         "AND    common_lookup_type IN (" # Build dictionary and append dynamic bind list to statement. for j, e in enumerate(typ): mat[str(ind[j])] = typ[j] if j == len(typ) - 1: stmt = stmt + ":" + str(ind[j]) else: stmt = stmt + ":" + str(ind[j]) + ", "   # Close lookup value set. stmt =  stmt + ")" + "\n" \          "ORDER BY 1”... Logic to build list of bind variables and dynamic dictionary. Append closing parenthesis of list.

  20. Dynamic statement and dictionary • Generated dynamic statement: AND    common_lookup_column = 'ITEM_TYPE' AND    common_lookup_type IN (:a, :b, :c) ORDER BY 1 • Parse the query for line returns: stmt = re.sub('\s+',' ',stmt.replace('\n',' ').replace('\r','')) • Generated mat dictionary: {'a': 'DVD_FULL_SCREEN', 'c': 'BLU-RAY', 'b': 'DVD_WIDE_SCREEN'} • Call the query with a dictionary:   cursor.execute(stmt, mat)

  21. Binding a transaction ...# Declare variables.sItemTitle = 'Star Trek Beyond’sItemSubtitle = 'Extended Edition' ... # Execute a query. stmt = "UPDATE item"                           + "\n" + \      "SET    item_subtitle = :bItemSubtitle" + "\n" + \      "WHERE  item_title = :bItemTitle" ... # Declare a dynamic statement. cursor.execute(stmt, bItemTitle = sItemTitle                 , bItemSubtitle = sItemSubtitle ) # Commit the inserted value.db.commit()... Assign local variables to bind targets. Commit change.

  22. Transaction Control • You start a transaction like: # Set a starting transaction point. db.begin() • Commit the write in the try-block: db.commit() • Rollback in the except block with an error: db.rollback()

  23. Call PL/SQL stored programs

  24. Calling a procedure ...# Create a connection. db = cx_Oracle.connect("student/student@xe") # Create a cursor. cursor = db.cursor() # Call a stored procedure.cursor.callproc( 'insert_bill_detail' \        , ( sBillNumber        \        , sBillText          \        , sDetailNumber      \        , sDetailText   )) ... First call parameter is the name of the procedure. Second call parameter is the list of actual parameters.

  25. Calling a procedure with list A parameter list. ...# Create a sequence for a procedure call.param = (sBillNumber, sBillText, sDetailNumber, sDetailText) try: # Create a connection. db = cx_Oracle.connect("student/student@xe” # Create a cursor. cursor = db.cursor() # Call a stored procedure. cursor.callproc( 'insert_bill_detail', param) ... Call parameters bundled in a list.

  26. Calling a function with list ...# Create a sequence for a procedure call.param = (sBillNumber, sBillText, sDetailNumber, sDetailText) try: # Create a connection. db = cx_Oracle.connect("student/student@xe") # Create a cursor. cursor = db.cursor() # Call a stored procedure.fRetVal = cursor.callfunc( 'insert_bill_detail_func', cx_Oracle.NUMBER, param)   # Check for successful function call or failure number.  if fRetVal == 0:     print "Success”  else:    print "Failure [" + str(int(fRetVal)) + "]”... Function return type. Capture a failure code from the function.

  27. Review • Introduce Python • Learn how to install cx_Oracle • Learn how to connect to Oracle • Learn how to run static SQL statements • Learn how to run dynamic SQL statements • Learn how to call PL/SQL store programs

  28. Questions & Answers

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