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Contents. Digital-SNOWTAM Trial Introduction REST Introduction REST in the Digital-SNOWTAM Trial Why it is used Architecture How it is used Example. Digital-SNOWTAM Trial Introduction. Demo. REST Introduction. REST. Representational State Transfer An architectural style.

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  1. Contents • Digital-SNOWTAM Trial Introduction • REST Introduction • REST in the Digital-SNOWTAM Trial • Why it is used • Architecture • How it is used • Example AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  2. Digital-SNOWTAM Trial Introduction

  3. Demo AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  4. REST Introduction

  5. REST • Representational State Transfer • An architectural style AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  6. Main definitions • Resources • Representations • Actions – Verbs • Type of data AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  7. Resources • A resource is a real thing that can be acted upon with a request • Anything that can be named can be a resource e.g. PDF, XML, SVG, HTML page, today’s weather report. • They are found using URIs (see www.purl.org) AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  8. Resources and time • Resources can vary over time. • The only thing that must be static is the semantic of the mapping (name). AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  9. Representations • The data transmitted to and from the resource is called a representation • Captures the current or intended state of the resource • It can be a copy of the file or a description of it AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  10. Transparency • How the representation is found should be transparent to the user • It could involve the server parsing the URL, constructing a database query and returning the result AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  11. Actions - Verbs • Once the representation of the resource has been returned, an action can be performed • The interaction is determined by the HTTP verbs: GET, PUT, POST and DELETE • The interaction is stateless AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  12. Type of data • When performing an action on a resource it is important to know what the resource is • MIME types can help here (e.g. text/xml) • The format of the request/response can be specified in a schema AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  13. Actions • GET • Used to read a resource or as a query • Should be side-effect free • PUT • Replaces the target resource in its entirety • DELETE • Removes the resource • POST • Has a variety of meanings e.g. it can be used when only a subset of a resource has to be modified AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  14. REST in the Digital-SNOWTAM Trial

  15. Why it is used • Support the provision of AIXM 5.1 data to end-user applications • The REST interface shall enable digital users to: • Query the Digital SNOWTAM database for the list of airports contained in the database and select one of these airports; • Get the list of airport’s features for a selected airport; • Get the surface contamination records for each such feature; • Get the feature related through xlink:href; • Get the SNOWTAM text and the free text translation associated with an Airport. AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  16. Architecture • The REST implementation framework used is Struts 2 REST plug-in which in turn uses the Convention plug-in. • See http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/rest-plugin.html for more information. • Please note the REST plug-in is only available for Struts 2.1.1 or above. AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  17. Implementation • Only GET is need for the trial. AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  18. Workflow • In order to interrogate the database: • request the list of airports • select one airport and use the xlink:href to get the details about this airport • select a runway and use the corresponding xlink:href to get the details about this feature • The xlink:href is a URL compliant to the Digital SNOWTAM REST request structure AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  19. Base URL • Base: • http://<server>/<app> • E.g. http://l-accept-04.pulsar.be/ec-xsnowtam-rest-accept • Then add a Suffix: • /<REST suffix> AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  20. Find Airports • Suffix: • /airportheliports[?designator=<pattern>] • There are about 15000 airports/heliports in the database so… • Optional Parameter: • The pattern is of the form [A-Z*]{1,4} where * is the wildcard character. • Pattern samples: • EB* matches any designator beginning with EB • *BBR matches any designator ending in BBR • E*R matches any designator beginning with E and ending with R AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  21. Query an Airport • Suffix: • /airportheliports/<gml:identifier>[?features=yes/no&contaminations=yes/no&date=<date&time>] • Mandatory parameter: • gml:identifier – UUID • Optional parameters: • date - <date&time> is the search date&time • features - specify if xlink:href pointing to related features must be included in the results, e.g. runways, taxiways, etc • contaminations - specify if contaminations must be included or not in the result AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  22. Examples

  23. 1 – Create Contamination • Use Bromma to create a contamination AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  24. 2 – Use REST to find the airport • http://l-accept-04.pulsar.be/ec-xsnowtam-rest-accept/airportheliports?designator=ESSB <ResultList> <AirportHeliportFeature designator="ESSB" id="77a0de0e-277a-4824-a561-2ba779a3658c" href="http://l-accept-04.pulsar.be/ec-xsnowtam-rest-accept/airportheliports/77a0de0e-277a-4824-a561-2ba779a3658c"/> </ResultList> AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  25. 3 – Find SNOWTAM Text • http://l-accept-04.pulsar.be/ec-xsnowtam-rest-accept/airportheliports/77a0de0e-277a-4824-a561-2ba779a3658c?features=yes&contaminations=yes • <aixm:annotation> • <aixm:Note> • <aixm:definition>snowtam-icao</aixm:definition> • <aixm:translatedNote> • <aixm:LinguisticNote> • <aixm:note lang="eng"> • SW** ESSB 10090900 (SNOWTAM A)ESSB B)10090900 C)12 F)3/2/2 G)1/1/1 H)2/3/3 BRD ) • </aixm:note> • </aixm:LinguisticNote> • </aixm:translatedNote> • </aixm:Note> • </aixm:annotation> AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  26. 4 – Get Airport data • http://l-accept-04.pulsar.be/ec-xsnowtam-rest-accept/airportheliports/77a0de0e-277a-4824-a561-2ba779a3658c?features=yes … <aixm:associatedRunways> <aixm:associatedRunway id="12/30" xlink:href="http://l-accept-04.pulsar.be/ec-xsnowtam-rest-accept/runways/58ea128d-1bbe-47f6-92fe-a8961b4bf5ee"/> </aixm:associatedRunways> … AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  27. 5- Get Runway contamination • http://l-accept-04.pulsar.be/ec-xsnowtam-rest-accept/runways/58ea128d-1bbe-47f6-92fe-a8961b4bf5ee?contaminations=yes • <aixm:areaContaminant> • <aixm:RunwaySectionContamination> • <aixm:observationTime>2009-10-09T09:00:00Z</aixm:observationTime> • <aixm:depth uom="MM">1</aixm:depth> • <aixm:frictionEstimation>MEDIUM</aixm:frictionEstimation> • <aixm:frictionDevice>BRD</aixm:frictionDevice> • <aixm:obscuredLights>NO</aixm:obscuredLights> • <aixm:layer> • <aixm:SurfaceContaminationLayer> • <aixm:layerOrder>1</aixm:layerOrder> • <aixm:type>WATER</aixm:type> • </aixm:SurfaceContaminationLayer> • </aixm:layer> • <aixm:section>2_THIRD</aixm:section> • </aixm:RunwaySectionContamination> • </aixm:areaContaminant> AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  28. 6 - Time based • http://l-accept-04.pulsar.be/ec-xsnowtam-rest-accept/runways/58ea128d-1bbe-47f6-92fe-a8961b4bf5ee?date=9/10/2009%2009:00&contaminations=yes AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

  29. AIXM 5.1 • TEMPDELTA and a BASELINE AIXM XML Developers' Seminar

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