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Arlington AIRE Initiative: Combatting Climate Change

Learn about Arlington's commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, engage businesses and residents in sustainability efforts, and promote environmental awareness through energy-saving initiatives. Join the ACE Green Living Challenge today!

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Arlington AIRE Initiative: Combatting Climate Change

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  1. Fresh AIRE Fresh AIRE Arlington Initiative to Reduce Emissions Arlington County, Virginia

  2. Impacts of Climate Change • Intense, more frequent storms • Flooding of coastal and tidal areas • Increases or decreases in regional precipitation • Increased distribution of pests and pathogens

  3. Arlington Government Carbon Reduction Commitment • January 1, 2007 County Board Chairman Paul Ferguson pledged 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from County government operations from 2000 to 2012

  4. Arlington County Government Operations

  5. Arlington Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2000 Government emissions < 4% of Arlington total Government emissions less than 4% of community total

  6. County Commitment • AIRE Community-wide Action Plan • Government operations • Businesses • Residents

  7. County Commitments 2007 • Cut energy use in County buildings by 2% per year through improved energy efficiency • Plant 1,200+ trees • Solar projects on County facilities • Distribute 2,000+ CFLs • 20 free home energy audits • Buy more wind power • New county green building policy • Renewed emphasis on recycling

  8. Commitment for FY08, Beyond Environmental Sustainability Fund • New residential electric and gas utility taxes for Arlington. • $1.5 million for climate action, institutionalizing AIRE, 4 new FTE. • Funds County facilities upgrades, and outreach plus incentives to residents and businesses.

  9. Businesses and Residents:Three areas of opportunity • Energy • Transportation • Waste Reduction

  10. Businesses and Residents • Integration of County Environmental Programs

  11. Residential Outreach ACE Green Living Challenge • Switch lightbulbs to CFLs • Use a reusable mug for coffee/tea • Use cloth grocery bags • Use “green” cleaning supplies • Plant a tree • Recycle regularly www.arlingtonenvironment.org

  12. Residential Outreach • ACE Green Living Challenge launched • “Hands-On Green” seminars launched • Home energy audits • Over 300 applications • 20 audits to be completed • Weatherization of low-income senior homes • Distributed CFLs • Transit, ZipCar/FlexCar, bike/walk • Collaboration, coordination with other jurisdictions and programs

  13. Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light Residential Recycling and Climate Change • Recycling Saves Energy

  14. Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light Residential Recycling and Climate Change Arlington Curbside Recycling • 4000 tons paper, commingled and scrap metal • 5380 tons yard waste composted • WARM Model

  15. Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! Energy Saved Would Power a 100-watt Light Bulb! 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light 3 hours of light Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one Recycle one 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light 11 hours of light Residential Recycling and Climate Change Arlington Curbside Recycling • Reduced GHG Emissions by 43,556 Metric Tons of CO2 • Equivalent to taking 9500 cars off the road for a year • Equivalent to saving 5 million gallons of gas.

  16. Business Outreach Target Audiences • Building owners and management companies • Office tenants • Retail • Affordable housing developers

  17. Business Outreach • Partnerships with EPA Energy Star, WasteWise Communities • Chamber of Commerce and their individual members • Faith community (Interfaith Council, Virginia Interfaith Power & Light) • Leveraging existing tools and partners • Workshops planned for commercial office sector, retailers, multi-family properties. First “summit” April 25

  18. Business Recycling and Climate Change Environmental and Economic Benefits • Reduce trash disposal costs. • Save energy. • Prevent the emissions of greenhouse gases and water pollutants. • Produce recycled material to manufacture new products. • Conserve natural resources.

  19. Business Recycling and Climate Change • Manufacturing goods from recycled materialsuses 65 - 95% less energy than producing goods from virgin materials. • Recycling 35% of U.S. trash would reduce global warming emissions equal to taking 36 million cars off the road.-EPA

  20. Economic and Social Services Climate action serves County goals • Serve seniors, fixed-income, and low-income populations. • Positive impact on public health. • Smart growth and transport planning. • Economic development.

  21. County Contact Information www.arlingtonva.us/climate www.arlingtonclimateblog.com General inquiries:climate@arlingtonva.us Jan Guastaferro 703-228-7866 jguastaferro@arlingtonva.us

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