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This article explores the problem of isotropization in heavy ion collisions and investigates if Bjorken hydrodynamics can result from a collision in the AdS/CFT framework. It discusses AdS/CFT techniques, colliding shock waves in AdS, collisions at large coupling, and mimicking small-coupling effects.
AdS/CFT Correspondence in Heavy Ion Collisions Yuri Kovchegov The Ohio State University Based on the work done with Javier Albacete and Anastasios Taliotis, arXiv:0805.2927 [hep-th], arXiv:0705.1234 [hep-ph]
Outline • Problem of isotropization/thermalization in heavy ion collisions: can Bjorken hydrodynamics result from a heavy ion collision? • AdS/CFT techniques • Bjorken hydrodynamics in AdS • Colliding shock waves in AdS: • Collisions at large coupling: complete nuclear stopping • Mimicking small-coupling effects: unphysical shock waves
Notations We’ll be using the following notations: proper time and rapidity QGP? CGC
Most General Rapidity-Independent Energy-Momentum Tensor The most general rapidity-independent energy-momentum tensor for a high energy collision of two very large nuclei is (at x3 =0) which, due to gives
Color Glass at Very Early Times (Lappi ’06 Fukushima ‘07) In CGC at very early times we get, at the leading log level, such that, since Energy-momentum tensor is
Color Glass at Later Times: “Free Streaming” Free streaming is characterized by the following “2d” energy-momentum tensor: such that and • The total energy E~ e t is conserved, as expected for • non-interacting particles.
Classical Fields from numerical simulations by Krasnitz, Nara, Venugopalan ‘01 • CGC classical gluon field leads to energy density scaling as
Much Later Times: Bjorken Hydrodynamics In the case of ideal hydrodynamics, the energy-momentum tensor is symmetric in all three spatial directions (isotropization): such that Using the ideal gas equation of state, , yields Bjorken, ‘83 • The total energy E~ e t is not conserved, while the total entropy S is conserved.
If then, as , one gets . Rapidity-Independent Energy-Momentum Tensor Deviations from the scaling of energy density, like are due to longitudinal pressure , which does work in the longitudinal direction modifying the energy density scaling with tau. • Positive longitudinal pressure and isotropization ↔ deviations from
The Problem • Can one show in an analytic calculation that the energy-momentum tensor of the medium produced in heavy ion collisions is isotropic over a parametrically long time? • That is, can one start from a collision of two nuclei and obtain Bjorken hydrodynamics? • Even in some idealized scenario? Like ultrarelativistic nuclei of infinite transverse extent?
Perturbative take on the problem • Classical fields in CGC give (free streaming) – makes sense, as to define a diagram and S-matrix one needs an asymptotic state of free particles. • Can quantum corrections change this to ? • I do not believe so: one can show that quantum corrections give 1/t scaling order-by order (Yu.K. ‘05):
Perturbative take on the problem • If quantum corrections change one power into another, one normally sees that order-by-order in perturbation theory. Here’s a couple of examples: • The small-x BFKL evolution: • Perturbative Debye screening at finite-T: with • Nothing of this sort happens for the energy density:
Perturbative thermalization? • Perturbation theory does not seem to give us isotropization in heavy ion collisions. • Is thermalization possible at all? Bjorken hydro describes RHIC data rather well… • Let’s try a strongly coupled (non-perturbative) approach – maybe it will work? • The only suitable analytic technique is the use of anti-de Sitter / conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence. Additional supersymmetric particles are not likely to matter for bulk properties of the medium.
AdS/CFT Approach z=0 Our 4d world 5d (super) gravity lives here in the AdS space 5th dimension AdS5 space – a 5-dim space with a cosmological constant L= -6/L2. (L is the radius of the AdS space.) z
AdS/CFT Correspondence (Gauge-Gravity Duality) Large-Nc, large l=g2 Nc N=4 SYM theory in our 4 space-time dimensions Weakly coupled supergravity in 5d anti-de Sitter space! • Can solve Einstein equations of supergravity in 5d to learn about energy-momentum tensor in our 4d world in the limit of strong coupling! • Can calculate Wilson loops by extremizing string configurations. • Can calculate e.v.’s of operators, correlators, etc.
Holographic renormalization de Haro, Skenderis, Solodukhin ‘00 • Energy-momentum tensor is dual to the metric in AdS. Using Fefferman-Graham coordinates one can write the metric as with z the 5th dimension variable and the 4d metric. • Expand near the boundary of the AdS space: • For Minkowski world and with
Single Nucleus in AdS/CFT An ultrarelativistic nucleus is a shock wave in 4d with the energy-momentum tensor
Shock wave in AdS Need the metric dual to a shock wave and solving Einstein equations The metric of a shock wave in AdS corresponding to the ultrarelativistic nucleus in 4d is (note that T_ _ can be any function of x^-): Janik, Peschanksi ‘05
Diagrammatic interpretation The metric of a shock wave in AdS corresponding to the ultrarelativistic nucleus in 4d can be represented as a graviton exchange between the boundary of the AdS space and the bulk: cf. classical Yang-Mills field of a single ultrarelativistic nucleus in CGC in covariant gauge: given by 1-gluon exchange (Jalilian-Marian, Kovner, McLerran, Weigert ’96, Yu.K. ’96)
Asymptotic geometry • Janik and Peschanski ’05 showed that in the rapidity-independent case the geometry of AdS space at late proper times t is given by the following metricwith e0 a constant. • In 4d gauge theory this gives Bjorken hydrodynamics: with
Bjorken hydrodynamics in AdS • Looks like a proof of thermalization at large coupling. • It almost is: however, one needs to first understand what initial conditions lead to this Bjorken hydrodynamics. • Is it a heavy ion collision which leads to such asymptotics? If yes, is the initial energy-momentum tensor similar to that in CGC? Or does one need some pre-cooked isotropic initial conditions to obtain Janik and Peschanski’s late-time asymptotics?
Model of heavy ion collisions in AdS • Imagine a collision of two shock waves in AdS: • We know the metric of bothshock waves, and know thatnothing happens before the collision. • Need to find a metric in theforward light cone! (cf. classical fields in CGC) ? empty AdS5 1-graviton part higher order graviton exchanges
Heavy ion collisions in AdS empty AdS5 1-graviton part higher order graviton exchanges
Expansion Parameter • Depends on the exact form of the energy-momentum tensor of the colliding shock waves. • For the parameter in 4d is m t3 :the expansion is good for early times t only. • For that we will also considerthe expansion parameter in 4d is L2t2. Also valid for early times only. • In the bulk the expansion is valid at small-z by the same token.
What to expect • There is one important constraint of non-negativity of energy density. It can be derived by requiring thatfor any time-like tm. • This gives (in rapidity-independent case)along with Janik, Peschanksi ‘05
Physical shock waves • Delta-functions are unwieldy. We will smear the shock wave: • Here and with L a typical transverse momentum scale. • Solving Einstein equations we read off the resulting metric the energy density: cf. Grumiller, Romatschke, ‘08
Physical shock waves • Energy density at mid-rapidity grows with time!? This violates condition. This means in some frames energy density at some rapidity is negative! • How is this possible?Look at the energy-momentum tensor of a nucleus after collision: • Looks like by the light-cone timethe nucleus will run out of momentum and stop! • Higher order corrections (graviton exchanges) would prevent energy density from going negative…
Physical shock waves • We conclude that describing the whole collision in the strong coupling framework leads to nuclei stopping shortly after the collision. • This would not lead to Bjorken hydro. It is very likely to lead to spherically-symmetric Landau hydro. • While Landau hydro is possible, it is Bjorken hydro which describes RHIC data rather well. Also baryon stopping data contradicts the conclusion of nuclear stopping at RHIC. • What do we do? We know that the initial stages of the collisions are weakly coupled (CGC)!
Unphysical shock waves • One can show that the conclusion about nuclear stopping holds for any energy-momentum tensor of the nuclei such that • To mimic weak coupling effects in the gravity dual we propose using an unphysical shock waves with not positive-definite energy-momentum tensor:
Unphysical shock waves • Namely we take • This gives: • Almost like CGC at early times: • Energy density is now non-negative everywhere in the forward light cone! • The system may lead to Bjorken hydro. cf. Yu.K., Taliotis ‘07
Will this lead to Bjorken hydro? • Not clear at this point. But if yes, the transition may look like this: (our work) Janik, Peschanski ‘05
Isotropization time • One can estimate this isotropization time from AdS/CFT (Yu.K, Taliotis ‘07) obtainingwhere e0 is the coefficient in Bjorken energy-scaling: • For central Au+Au collisions at RHIC at hydrodynamics requires e=15 GeV/fm3 at t=0.6 fm/c (Heinz, Kolb ‘03), giving e0=38 fm-8/3. This leads toin good agreement with hydrodynamics!
Landau vs Bjorken Bjorken hydro: describes RHIC data well. The picture of nuclei going through each other almost without stopping agrees with our perturbative/CGC understanding of collisions. Can we obtain it analytically? Landau hydro: results from strong coupling dynamics at all times in the collision. While possible, contradicts baryon stopping data at RHIC.
Notation: Viscous Hydro example Non-equilibrium viscosity corrections give the energy-momentum tensor: Danielewicz Gyulassy ‘85 p p p3
CGC: LO Calculation p t e t /2 QS t p3 t After initial oscillations one obtains zero longitudinal pressure with e = 2 p for the transverse pressure. At late times, , one gets