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Various Chinese Dishes

Discover the distinct characteristics and famous dishes of Sichuan, Hui, Lu, Min, Yue (Cantonese), Su, Zhe, and Xiang cuisines in China. From spiciness to sweetness, each cuisine offers a unique culinary experience.

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Various Chinese Dishes

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  1. Various Chinese Dishes 小组成员:黄美玲 吴晓倩 邓宝林 王小亮 周广臣

  2. Do you know how many Cuisines of Chinese Dishes?And what are they? 8

  3. 1 Sichuan Cuisine 2 Hui Cuisine 3 The Lu Cuisine 4 The Min Cuisine 5 Yue (Cantonese) Cuisine 6 Su Cuisine 7 Zhe Cuisine 8 Xiang Cuisine

  4. 1 Sichuan Cuisine • Sichuan cuisine is famous for its hot and spicy dishes.The climate in sichuan and Chongqing is very humid all through the year,then people there like tokeep the dame out by eating heavily spiced food. • Typical Flavors:spicy,sour and spicy,zanthoxylum-flavored,sweet and sour,garlic-flavored,fish-sauce-flavored,etc.

  5. The famous sichuan dishes: • stir-fried Spicy Carp,红烧鲤鱼 • Twice-cooked pork Slice,回锅肉 • Ma po beancurd,麻婆豆腐 • chongqing Hotpot,重庆火锅 • Bean Noodles in Spicy Sauce,川辣凉粉

  6. stir-fried Spicy Carp红烧鲤鱼

  7. Twice-cooked pork Slice回锅肉

  8. Ma po beancurd麻婆豆腐

  9. chongqing Hotpot重庆火锅

  10. Bean Noodles in Spicy Sauce川辣凉粉

  11. 2 Hui Cuisine • Around Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Province • Typical Flavors:large quantity of servings;a little oily;sugary;smoked fowl or pork • The famous dishes: • Maofeng Mountain Smoked Fish, 方腊鱼 • Smoked Preserved Fish,熏鱼 • Fuliji Roasted Chicked,徽菜烧鸡 • Butterfly Noodles,蝴蝶面

  12. Maofeng Mountain Smoked Fish方腊鱼

  13. Smoked Preserved Fish熏鱼

  14. Fuliji Roasted Chicked徽菜烧鸡

  15. Butterfly Noodles蝴蝶面

  16. 3 the lu cuisine • Shandong province ,mainly made up of 3parts:jinan style ,jiaodong style,Confucius Dishes • The most famous dishes: • different sorts of sea food ,各种各样的海鲜 • Wowo tou,窝窝头 • peeled shrimp in Cucumber Rings ,玉带虾仁 • Bird's Nest Cooked in 4 Ways,燕窝四大件

  17. different sorts of sea food

  18. Wowo tou

  19. peeled shrimp in Cucumber Rings玉带虾仁

  20. Bird's Nest Cooked in 4 Ways燕窝四大件

  21. 4 the min cuisine • Fujian province • Typical Flavors:Not very strong in flavor,sour and spicy,sour and sweet,mild and fresh • The famous dishes: • Monk Jumps over the Wall ,佛跳墙 • fish Balls(from sea fishes,crabs,shrimp,squid,etc),鱼丸 • fujian rice noodle ,福建米粉 • fujian wonton(ravioli),福建扁肉

  22. Monk Jumps over the Wall佛跳墙

  23. fish Balls

  24. fujian rice noodle

  25. fujian wonton(ravioli)

  26. 5 Yue (Cantonese) Cuisine • From Guangdong Province, mainly made up of 3 parts: Guangzhou, Chaozhou and Dongjiang • Typical Flavors:fresh and mild flavor, which helps to keep the nature of ingredients. The Famous Dishes: ScaldedShrimps 虾 Salt Baked Chicken 盐焗鸡 Roasted Goose 烧鹅 Tingzai porridge 粥 Roasted Suckling Pig 烤乳猪 Stewed Sweet and Sour Pork 炖糖醋肉

  27. Scalded Shrimps

  28. Salt Baked Chicken盐焗鸡

  29. Roasted Goose

  30. Tingzai porridge

  31. Roasted Suckling Pig

  32. Stewed Sweet and Sour Pork 炖糖醋肉

  33. 6 Su Cuisine From Jiangsu Province and Shanghai. Typical Flavors:Sweet , and food are always cooked thoroughly into very soft, which can utterly digest the sweet and delicious sauce. The Famous Dishes: Fish Head in Casserole 鱼锅头 River Carp in Sweet-and-sour Sauce with Pine Nuts,甜酸酱松子仁鲤鱼 Different Kinds of Sticky Rice Cake,各种各样的米糕

  34. Fish Head in Casserole鱼锅头

  35. River Carp in Sweet-and-sour Sauce with Pine Nuts甜酸酱松子仁鲤鱼

  36. Different Kinds of Sticky Rice Cake,各种各样的米糕

  37. 7 Zhe Cuisine Zhe Cuisine has long history in China due to the ancient prosperity ever since Song Dynasty. Hangzhou dishes are characteristic of the cutting skill and the mild flavor; Ningbo is famous for its seafood cooking, while Shaoxing dishes are well-known for its delicate. The Famous Dishes: Peeled Shrimps with Longjing Tea Leaves,龙井虾仁 West Lake Water Float Grass Soup,西湖莼菜汤 Steamed West Lake Grass Carp in Vinegar Sauce,西湖醋鱼 Fried Small Bells( with dried soybean milk as the skin, stuffed with minced pork and some vegetable) ,油炸小铃铛 Sautéed Prawns and Eel with Fresh Chilli Pepper,生爆鳝片

  38. Peeled Shrimps with Longjing Tea Leaves龙井虾仁

  39. West Lake Water Float Grass Soup西湖莼菜汤

  40. Steamed West Lake Grass Carp in Vinegar Sauce西湖醋鱼

  41. Fried Small Bells( with dried soybean milk as the skin, stuffed with minced pork and some vegetable) 油炸小铃铛

  42. Sautéed Prawns and Eel with Fresh Chilli Pepper生爆鳝片

  43. 8 Xiang Cuisine From Hunan Province, the middle part of China. Typical Flavors:spicy and oily flavor. Most of the ingredients are thoroughly stewed, thus taking in all the delicious and hot sauce completely. Smoked and preserved chicken and pork are also very unique in Hunan Province. The Famous Dishes: Preserved Pork Fried With Dried Radish Peel,熏猪肉炒萝卜乾果皮 Steamed Preserved Pork,蒸熏猪肉 Fried Stinky Beancurd,臭豆腐 Stewed Duck in Chilli Sauce,辣椒卤鸭 Fish Head Steamed with Minced Pepper ,剁椒鱼头

  44. Preserved Pork Fried With Dried Radish Peel熏猪肉炒萝卜乾果皮

  45. Steamed Preserved Pork蒸熏猪肉

  46. Fried Stinky Beancurd臭豆腐

  47. Stewed Duck in Chilli Sauce辣椒卤鸭

  48. Fish Head Steamed with Minced Pepper剁椒鱼头

  49. THANKS!

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