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管 理 學 ( MANAGEMENT ). 交通大學 管理學院 運輸科技與管理學系 任維廉 William 2009/2/24. First, make yourself a reputation for being a creative genius. Second, surround yourself with partners who are better than you. Third, leave them to get on with it. —David Ogilvy. 管 理 學 第一章 管理 與 組織 簡介.
管 理 學(MANAGEMENT) 交通大學 管理學院 運輸科技與管理學系 任維廉William 2009/2/24
First, make yourself a reputation for being a creative genius. Second, surround yourself with partners who are better than you. Third, leave them to get on with it.—David Ogilvy 管 理 學第一章 管理與組織簡介
Who Are Managers? What Is Management? What Do Managers Do? What Is An Organization? Why Study Management? How Study Management? 定義最難! 完整版好?精簡版好? MBA? Master of Business Administration 英文版 textbook?
綱 要 1. 管理者 2. 管理 (management) 3. 管理者的工作 4. 組織 (organization) 5. 為何要學管理
Top Middle First-line Non-managerial 1. 管理者: WHO ARE MANAGERS? 1. 定義 (definition) 2. 區分,層級 (level) 討論: 1. 產銷人發財(企業功能) 2. CEO(Chief Executive Officer) 3.The Peter Principle
WHO ARE MANAGERS? • 類比: • 明星 or 導演? 千里馬 or 伯樂? • 專精一技之長 or 整合者(通才)? • 將帥無能,累死三軍? • 定義: 1. 針對顧客需要,整合公司資源及人才,(提出新 方向)創造價值的人。 2.Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished.
CLASSIFYING MANAGERS • First-line Managers • Individuals who manage the work of non-managerial employees. • MiddleManagers • Individuals who manage the work of first-line managers. • Top Managers • Individuals who are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization.
2. 管理: WHAT IS MANAGEMENT? 定義最難! • 溝通協調:整合團隊,連結資源 • 做人做事,分工合作 • 群策群力,以竟事功 • 更精簡的? 由人視事
2. 管理: WHAT IS MANAGEMENT? Definition: • Getting things done through and with people. • coordinating and overseeing the work activities of othersso that their activities are completed efficiently and effectively. • 「管理」是掌管一機構生產力或績效的器官。經由管理使一機構對於所運用的資源條件,包括有形或無形,產生更正確之「 效果」與更高之效率。
MANAGERIAL CONCERNS • Efficiency 效率 • “Doing things right” • Getting the most output for the least inputs • Effectiveness 效能 • “Doing the right things” • Attaining organizational goals 討論:doing the right things right. -doing the (few) right things right- 10
3: 管理者的工作: WHAT DO MANAGERS DO? • Approaches: 1. 功能 (function), 程序 (process) 2. 角色 (role) 3. 技巧 (skill) 4. Others Content (POLC) Management • Attitude • Believes • Action • Guts • Ethics • Skill • Prob. formulation and sol. • Negotiating • Listening
FUNCTIONAL APPROACH • Planning • Defining goals, establishing strategies to achieve goals, developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities. • Organizing • Arranging and structuring work to accomplish organizational goals. • Leading • Working with and through people to accomplish goals. • Controlling • Monitoring, comparing, and correcting work.
MANAGEMENT ROLES APPROACH (MINTZBERG) • Interpersonal roles • Figurehead, leader, liaison • Informational roles • Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson • Decisionalroles • Disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator
SKILLS APPROACH (KATZ’S THREE ESSENTIAL MANAGERIAL SKILLS) • Technical skills • Knowledge and proficiency in a specific field • Human skills • The ability to work well with other people • Conceptual skills • The ability to think and conceptualize about abstract and complex situations concerning the organization
HOW THE MANAGER’S JOB IS CHANGING • The Increasing Importance of Customers • Customers: the reason that organizations exist • Managing customer relationships is the responsibility of all managers and employees. • Consistent high quality customer service is essential for survival. • Innovation • Doing things differently, exploring new territory, and taking risks • Managers should encourage employees to be aware of and act on opportunities for innovation.
4. 組織: WHAT IS AN ORGANIZATION? 1. 獨特目的 (distinct purpose) 2. 由人組成 (people) 3. 精巧結構 (deliberate structure) 比較:firm, industry, business
WHAT IS AN ORGANIZATION? • An Organization Defined • Adeliberate arrangement ofpeopleto accomplish some specificpurpose (that individuals independently could not accomplish alone). • Common Characteristics of Organizations • Have a distinct purpose (goal) • Composed of people • Have a deliberate structure
5. WHY STUDY MANAGEMENT? 1. Good management is needed in all organizations. 2. The reality of work: Employees either manage or are managed. 3. Rewards and challenges of being a manager. 討論: • 為何這麼多人申請Harvard MBA? EDP? • 「非線性」的人生
補充: TEAM WORK 1. Case study: a manager’s dilemma (p.33) 2. Thinking critically about ethics (p.37) 3. Becoming a manager (p.51) 4. Working together: Team-based exercise (p.54) 5. Internet-based exercise: David Ogilvy (奧美廣告) , Charles Schwab (嘉信理財), Richard Branson (維京航空), Michael Dell 6. Takeaways: important, and non-obvious
討論:學習管理有捷徑? 1. Peters, T. J. & Waterman, R.H., In search of excellence, 八個共同特徵 2. Pascale, R.T. & Athos, A.G., The art of Japanese management, 七 S 架構 3. Grove, A. S., High output management, 生產,槓桿,組織,激勵 4. 其他:中譯本,華人企業管理,computer game, role play……
回 顧 1. 定義:organization, management 2. 區分:first-line, middle, top manager 3. Management VS. Business functions 4. Interpersonal, Informational, Decisional roles 5. Technical, Human, Conceptual skills
TERMS TO KNOW • management roles • interpersonal roles • informational roles • decisional roles • technical skills • human skills • conceptual skills • organization • universality of management • manager • first-line managers • middle managers • top managers • management • efficiency • effectiveness • planning • organizing • leading • controlling
八個共同特徵 1. 傾向行動 2. 接近顧客 3. 給員工自主 4. 透過人員參與提高生產力 5. 公司正派,管理者主動投入問題 6. 做內行事 7. 組織結構單純,幕僚少 8. 嚴守核心價值,其餘則放手鼓勵創新 28
七S架構 1. Strategy 2. Structure 3. System 4. Skill 5. Style 6. Staff 7. Shared Value 29
升遷哲學(一)by 好友 廣平兄基層爬升靠努力, 中階突圍憑關係, 高來高去是政治, 下台背影須美麗。
The Peter Principle: Why things always go wrong? In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.
Peter’s Corollary In time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties.
1. 原因:...... always reward good work with promotion to a more senior job, and rarely punish bad work with demotion.2. 有何負面影響?對員工個人,對組織。 3. 解決之道?員工個人,組織。
升遷哲學(二) 參考郭台銘轉述柳傳志的說法基層爬升:責任感,中階突圍:上進心,層峰考量:企圖心,下台背影仍須美麗。
1. 直線型人生旅程: 求學,工作,結婚,生子,養育,退休。 2.「非線性」的人生階段: 出現反反覆覆的循環。