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Understanding Memory Organization in Computer Systems

Learn how computer memory is laid out, addressed, and accessed in this comprehensive lecture. Explore topics like byte-addressable and word-addressable memory, memory alignment, interleaving, and chip selection.

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Understanding Memory Organization in Computer Systems

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  1. CS 3501 - Chapter 4 Cover a section of Ch 4 Review both Exam 2 and Exam 3 Dr. Clincy Professor of CS Dr. Clincy Lecture Slide 1

  2. Memory Organization • We discussed a simple example of how memory is configured in Ch 3 – we now will cover more detail of: • How memory is laid out • How memory is addressed • Envision memory as a matrix of bits – each row implemented as a register or “storage cell” – and each row being the size of a addressable Word. • Each register or storage cell (typically called memory location) has a unique address. • The memory addresses typically start at zero and progress upward Lecture

  3. Memory Organization • Computer memory consists of a linear array of addressable storage cells that are similar to registers. • Memory can be byte-addressable, or word-addressable, where a word typically consists of two or more bytes. • Byte-addressable case: although the Word could be multiple bytes, each individual byte would have an address – with the lowest address being the “address” of the Word • Memory is constructed of RAM chips, often referred to in terms of length  width. • If the memory word size of the machine is 16 bits, then a 4M  16 RAM chip gives us 4 megabytes of 16-bit memory locations. Lecture

  4. Memory Organization • For alignment reasons, in reading 16-bit words on a byte-addressable machine, the address should be a multiple of 2 (i.e 2 bytes) • For alignment reasons, in reading 32-bit words on a byte-addressable machine, the address should be a multiple of 4 (i.e 4 bytes) • For alignment reasons, in reading 64-bit words on a byte-addressable machine, the address should be a multiple of 4 (i.e 8 bytes). Lecture

  5. How does the computer access a memory location corresponds to a particular address? Memory is referred to using notation: Length x Width (L x W) We observe that 4M can be expressed as 2 2 2 20 = 2 22 words – means 4M long with each item 8 bits wide. Provided this is byte-addressable, the memory locations will be numbered 0 through 2 22 -1. Thus, the memory bus of this system requires at least 22 address lines. Memory Organization Dr. Clincy Lecture 5

  6. Memory Organization • Physical memory usually consists of more than one RAM chip. • A single memory module causes all accesses to memory to be sequential - only one memory access can be performed at a time • By splitting or spreading memory across multiple memory modules (or banks), access can be performed in parallel – this is called Memory interleaving • With low-order interleaving, the low order bits of the address specify which memory bank contains the address of interest. • In high-order interleaving, the high order address bits specify the memory bank. Lecture

  7. Memory Organization • Example: Suppose we have a memory consisting of 16 2K x 8 bit chips. • Memory is 32K = 25 210 = 215 • 15 bits are needed for each address. • We need 4 bits to select the chip, and 11 bits for the offset into the chip that selects the byte. Lecture

  8. Memory Organization • In high-order interleaving the high-order 4 bits select the chip. • In low-order interleaving the low-order 4 bits select the chip. Lecture

  9. CS3501 Exam 2 & 3 Results Average E2 Score = 39 (Average Grade = 75) E2 Score SD = 22 (very large causes odd scale) Exam 2 Grading Scale: 96-74 A-grade (3 students) 73-51 B-grade (2 students) 50-28 C-grade (12 students) 27-5 D-grade (6 students) 4-0 F-grade (1 student) • Average E3 Score = 46 (Average Grade = 75) • E3 Score SD = 20 (very large) Exam 3 Grading Scale: • 98-78 A-grade (2 students) • 77-57 B-grade (5 students) • 56-36 C-grade (10 students) • 35-15 D-grade (6 students) • 14-0 F-grade (1 student) In getting your grade logged, be sure and pass back the exam after we go over them Dr. Clincy 9

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