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Explore the power of faith in God to overcome fear and find peace in the midst of life's storms. Discover how God works through us to help others and how suffering can be transformed into something good. Gain insight from the Bible and see the ultimate triumph of God in the face of adversity and death.
Are the ideas we are discussing in this study messing with your faith? Sometimes we feel a bit less safe or secure when we begin to question what we think we know about how God works in our world.
Fear is a fundamental part of the human condition. What things do you fear? Faith in God is the Christian response to fear. What is the most common command in the Bible? Fear not! 366 times
Knowing that God is with us can give us peace in the midst of the storms in our lives. Should the worst happen, God will still hold us in the arms of love.
God not only promises to walk with us but also promises to work through us to come to the aid of others in need. As we have esen in this book, most of the time when God wants to do something in this world He most often does this through people. As this study made you more aware that God wants to use you to help others?
The key is paying attention. Be more aware of the “nudges” we feel. When we seen what we call God-incidents it should remind us that God is active in this world by constantly working in our lives for the benefit of others and through others to care for us.
God does not always instantly solve our problems. We can’t always see God’s mysterious ways of working in our lives or those around us. The task is to make ourselves available to God each day and pay attention. ONE OF OUR PRAYERS EACH DAY IS TO ASK GOD TO GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE HIM.
If you want to know how God instructs us to care for other people, then read your Bible. We are the hands and voices of God for others in this world. This is the primary way God answers prayer and works in the world.
The point is not whether or not God knows our future. The future may have many paths. The point is that we have free will and we can choose whether or not to follow God’s will or reject it. We can choose to make God’s will our will or not to make that choice.
There is inherent suffering in life. Our bodies are physical and will not last forever. There are natural disasters that kill many. When these bad things happen, we need to let God work through us to make something good come out of the evil and suffering we encounter.
How have you witnessed God taking a bad event in your life and making something good come from it? The greatest example of God’s work through suffering is the death of Jesus Christ. God used the suffering and death of Jesus for the redemption of the world. Through suffering, God can change hearts and lives allowing good to triumph over evil
Suffering and evil will never have the final word for those of us who believe. The Bible does not promise that we won’t go through difficulties or experience pain or death. We may not live to see something fulfilled. Moses died before entering the Promised Land.
Read 1 Corinthians 15:54-58 Our final victory comes at death. Death is not the end for us but a transition to a new and better life. Death is not a defeat but a triumph!
Read 2 Corinthians 4:16 – 5:1 In death, we move from the physical to to the spiritual.
The book of Revelation was written to Christians who were tempted to compromise their faith in the face of suffering, adversity, and death. Revelation offer another picture of the ultimate triumph of God.