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Pickerington High School Central. Class of 2019-Registration Presentation www.pickerington.k12.oh.us. What will we learn today?. Credits Grades Cumulative GPA Create a plan for high school courses. Select classes for 9 th grade. Credits. How do you earn credits?
Pickerington High School Central Class of 2019-Registration Presentation www.pickerington.k12.oh.us
What will we learn today? • Credits • Grades • Cumulative GPA • Create a plan for high school courses. • Select classes for 9th grade.
Credits How do you earn credits? • Passing Your Classes with A, B, C, or D • Summer School
StandardHonorsCollege Credit Plus and A.P. A = 4.0 A=4.5 A=5.0 A-=3.75 A-=4.22 A-=4.69 B+ = 3.25 B+=3.66 B+=4.06 B=3.0 B=3.38 B=3.75 B-=2.75 B-=3.09 B-=3.44 C+ = 2.25 C+=2.53 C+=2.81 C=2.0 C=2.25 C=2.5 C-=1.75 C-=1.97 C-=2.19 D+ = 1.25 D+=1.41 D+=1.56 D=1.0 D=1.13 D=1.25 D-=.75 D-=.84 D-=.94 Grades
Grade Point Average • GPA –Average of grade points earned for total classes completed. • Class Rank (in high school) – Your numerical placement in relation to other students in your class based on your cumulative GPA (Available at the end of each semester of high school)
English Social Studies Science Mathematics Health/P.E. Fine Arts Electives(Health and PE will not count for these electives) Total 4 credits 3 credits 3 credits (1unit of Integrated Science, 1 unit of Biology, 1 unit of Advanced Sciences) 4 credits (one of which must be Algebra 2 or its equivalent) 1 credit (1 Health, 2 PE) 1 credit (music, art, theater, photography) 4 credits • 20 Credits High School Graduation Requirements Subject Area Credits
High School Diplomas • Standard Diploma-student meets all graduation requirements and end the end-of-year course exams (18 points). • Honors Diploma-a student who completes the college preparatory curriculum shall meet 7 of 8 specified criteria.
Honor’s Diploma Criteria 1. Earn 4 credits of English. 2. Earn 4 credits of math including Alg. I, Alg. II, and Geometry or higher math. 3. Earn at least 4 credits of science including 1 credit of Physics and 1 credit of Chemistry. 4. Earn at least 4 credits of social studies. 5. Earn 3 credits of one foreign language or 2 credits of two foreign languages. 6. Earn 1 credit of Fine Arts. 7. Maintain an overall high school grade point average of at least a 3.5 unweighted. 8. Obtain a 27 on the ACT or a 1210 on the SAT.
New Graduation Requirements Beginning with the class of 2018 • Will NOT have to take the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) • In addition to the 20 credits, all students must take end-of-course exams in the following courses: • Algebra and Geometry • Physical Science • American History and American Government • English 9 and English 10
New Graduation Requirements Beginning with the class of 2018 Continue • Students taking Advance Placements classes or taking Dual Enrollment classes in Physical Science, American History or American Government may take assessment aligned to those courses in lieu of end-of-course exams to avoid double testing.
New Graduation Requirements Beginning with the class of 2018 Continue In addition to the end-of-course exams, students must also meet one of the following three: • Earn a cumulative passing score on seven end-of-course exams (18 points). The scores will be set by the State Board of Education. • Earn a “remediation-free” score on a nationally recognized college admission exam such as ACT or SAT. The State of Ohio will pay for all 11th grade students to take the exam free of charge. • Earn a State Board of Education-approved, industry recognized credential or a state-issued license for practice in a career and achieve a score that demonstrates workforce readiness and employability on a job skills assessment.
The MINIMUM Corefor College Preparation in Ohio • English-4 units • Math-4 units • Science-3 units • Social Studies-3 units • Foreign Language-2 units • The Arts-1 unit
Choosing The Right Classes • Registration guides can be found atwww.pickerington.k12.oh.us or http://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/contentpage2.aspx?cid=60780 Check with your current teachers who will recommend which level of classes in their specific subject areas you should take.
Choosing the right classes Graduation requirements: •4 credits of English • English 9 • Honors English 9(recommended for students interested in extending learning beyond regular courses.) 3. AP English Language and Composition-Dual Enrollment 4. AP English Literature and Composition-Dual Enrollment
Choosing the right Math class • Algebra I • Geometry (Student has already taken Algebra 1 and earned credit) • Honors Geometry (Student has already taken Algebra 1 and is interested in extending learning beyond the regular course.) • Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2 (Student has already taken Geometry) • Other advanced math • College Algebra-Dual Credit • Trigonometry-Dual Credit Graduation requirement: 4 credits of math including Algebra 2.
Choosing the right Social Studies Class • World History • Honors World History (Recommended for students interested in extending learning beyond regular class.) Graduation requirement: 3 Social Studies credits including: •World History (1) •American History (1) •Economics (1/2) •POD (1/2)
Choosing Science Classes • Integrated Science (1 credit) • OR • Biology(1 credit) • (Only if student has already received high school credit in Integrated Science in the 8th grade) Graduation requirements: 3 credits of Science Integrated Science (grade 8 or 9) Biology (grade 9 or 10) Science electives (1 credit0
PICKERINGTON S.T.E.M. Moving Forward
Physical Education/Health Three options for PE: • Take it during the school year. • Take it during the summer. • Turn in PE Replacement/Waiver: Participate in 2 seasons of athletics or marching band at the PHSC and take 1/2 credit in an elective instead. NOTE: Students must submit the PE replacement/waiver form to their high school counselor. Graduation requirement: Health (1/2) (grade 10) PE (1/2)(2 classes, grades 9 and 10 or waivers)
Choosing Electives • Look at prerequisites. • Consider class load. • Consider what you enjoy doing. • Always choose the most rigorous classes you can handle. Graduation requirements: 1 credit of fine art (any art, photography, theatre, or music class count as fine arts) 4 credits any elective
Deciding to take a Foreign Language • Consider the following: • Most colleges require 2 years of the same foreign language. • Honors diploma requires 3 years of one or 2 years of two. • Class load • American Sign Language is not an option for freshmen.
Dual Credit Requirements & Information • Students wishing to take Dual Credit courses will fill out a form and will have to take the Compass test if you do not have qualifying ACT scores. • Students wishing to register for the Dual Credit courses will make sure to select an alternate class • If students do not qualify for the Dual Credit course, will have to be placed in the alternate class. • All Dual Enrollment courses are one semester and count for one high school credit, except for Intro to Teacher Education
Repeating Classes • A student wishing to repeat a class in which he/she has already received a passing grade must: • Meet with his/her counselor and show good reason why he/she needs to repeat the class. • Have the approval of the teacher involved. • Complete form for repeating a class.
Pass/Fail Option • Students may take elective courses (not in CORE content areas) without the pressure of grades. Students will also be permitted to choose their final grade as a letter grade or pass/fail. Grades in a course taken as pass/fail will be determined according to the district grading scale. • 1. Courses taken as pass/fail will receive graduation credit and will be counted toward eligibility. • 2. Students may take up to 1 credit per year Pass/Fail in addition to P.E. in all areas except for core content and foreign languages. • 3. A student choosing the grade option must do so at the end of the course. • 4. For students choosing the grade option, only the semester and final grade will be changed. • 5. Initial choice of pass/fail must be made during the first 4 weeks of a semester of a year course and first two weeks of a semester course.
SAMPLE OF CLASSES Period Course # Semester 1 Course # Semester 2
SAMPLE OF CLASSES WITH BAND Period Course # Semester 1 Course # Semester 2
SAMPLE OF CLASSESHONORS – TOOK Integrated Science AND Algebra I in 8TH GRADE Period Course # Semester 1 Course # Semester 2
SELECT YOUR CLASSES WORKSHEETRegistration guide: www.pickerington.k12.oh.us Period Course # Semester 1 Course # Semester 2 •Freshman must have 6 or 7 classes each semester. •Please see registration guide for Educational options and schedule change policies.
Remind How to sign up for PHSC Counselors’ Class of 2018 messages: To: 81010 Message: @2019tigers You will be able to see texts of different reminders that pertain to your student(s)
Courses will be selected online for the 2015-16 school year • All schedule requests must be submitted online by January 30th. The IC Registration Portal will be closed after this date. • Students who do not select their courses, will have to take classes selected by their counselor. • Students will receive a schedule verification from in the spring that must be signed by a parent or guardian.