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Mathematical Background and Linked Lists

Learn about summing integers using arrays, recursion, induction, geometric closed form, program correctness, and powers of 2. Explore logs, exponents, binary numbers, and algorithm analysis. Understand properties of logs, monotonic functions, arithmetic series, and algorithm analysis.

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Mathematical Background and Linked Lists

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  1. Mathematical Backgroundand Linked Lists

  2. Iterative Algorithm for Sum • Find the sum of the first n integers stored in an array v: sum (v[], n) temp_sum  0 for i  0 to n – 1 do temp_sum  temp_sum + v[i] return temp_sum

  3. Programming Using Recursion • Write a recursive function that solves the same problem: sum (v[], n) if (n = 0) then return 0 else return (v[n-1] + sum (v, n-1))

  4. Review: Induction • Suppose • S(c) is true for a fixed constant c • Often c = 0 • S(k) implies S(k+1) for all k >= c • Then S(n) is true for all n >= c

  5. Proof By Induction • Claim: S(n) is true for all n >= c • Basis: • Show S(n) is true for n = c • Inductive hypothesis: • Assume S(n) is true for n = k • Step: • Show that S(n) is then true for n = k + 1

  6. Induction Example:Geometric Closed Form • Prove: x0 + x1 + … + xn = (xn+1– 1) / (x – 1) for all x  1 • Basis: show that x0 = (x0+1 - 1) / (x - 1): x0 = 1 = (x1– 1) / (x – 1) • Inductive hypothesis: assume that x0 + x1 + … + xk = (xk+1– 1) / (x – 1)

  7. Induction Example:Geometric Closed Form • Step (show true for n+1): x0 + x1 + … + xk+1 = (x0 + x1 + … + xk) + xk+1 = (by hypothesis) (xk+1– 1) / (x – 1) + xk+1 = (xk+1– 1 + xk+1  (x – 1)) / (x – 1) = (xk+1– 1 + xk+2–xk+1) / (x – 1) = (xk+2– 1) / (x – 1)

  8. Proving Program Correctness Using Induction • Basis Step: sum (v, 0) = 0 • Inductive Hypothesis (n = k):Assume that sum (v, k) correctly returns the sum of the first k elements of v, i.e. v[0] + v[1] + … + v[k-1] • Inductive Step (n = k + 1): sum (v, n) returns v[k] + sum (v, k)which is the sum of the first k+1 elements of v

  9. Powers of 2 • Many of the numbers we use will be powers of 2 • Binary numbers (base 2) are easily represented in digital computers • Each "bit" is a 0 or a 1 • 20=1, 21=2, 22=4, 24=16, 28=256, … • An n-bit wide field can hold 2n positive integers: 0  k  2n-1

  10. Unsigned Binary Numbers • Each bit represents a power of 2 • For unsigned numbers: • The minimum value is 0 • The maximum value is 2n-1, where n is the number of bits • So, for example • 5 bits => 32 possible values (25) • 10 bits => 1024 possible values (210)

  11. Binary and Decimal 28=256 27=128 26=64 25=32 24=16 21=2 22=4 23=8 20=1 Decimal10 3 1 1 9 1 0 0 1 10 1 0 1 0 15 1 1 1 1 16 1 0 0 0 0 31 1 1 1 1 1 127 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 255 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

  12. Logs and Exponents • Definition: log2x = y means x = 2y • The log of x in base 2, is the value of y that gives x = 2y • 8 = 23, so log28 = 3 • 65536= 216, so log265536 = 16 • Notice that log2x tells you how many bits are needed to hold x values • 8 bits hold 256 numbers: 0 to 255 (28-1) • log2256 = 8

  13. 2x and log2x – for Small x’s

  14. 2x and log2x – for Large x’s

  15. Floor and Ceiling – Floor function: the largest integer < X – Ceiling function: the smallest integer > X

  16. Floor and Ceiling • Properties: • More examples:

  17. Example:log2x and Tree Height • n items in an almost full binary tree,the tree height (length of longest path) is log2n 4 6 2 5 1 3

  18. Properties of logs • Usually, we work in log base 2 • In base 2: • a = 2log2a • log2an = n·log2a • Similarly, in any base b: • a = blogba • logban = n·logba

  19. Properties of logs • Claim: • log a·b = log a + log b • Proof: • a = 2log2a and b = 2log2b • a·b = 2log2a ·2log2b = 2log2a+log2b • Therefore: log2a·b = log2a + log2b Note: log a·blog a·log b

  20. Other log Properties • log a/b = log a – log b • Special case: log 2 1/a = – log 2 a • Base change: logan = logbn / logba • log log X < log X < X for all X > 0 • log log X = Y means • log X grows slower than X • Called a “sub-linear” function

  21. Log Base Change • Any base x log is equivalent to base 2 log within a constant factor • Example: • log10n = log2n / log210 • log210 = 10/3 • Therefore:log10n = 0.3  log2n

  22. Monotonic Functions • A function is called monotonically increasing if for all x, y such that x > y:f(x) > f(y) • Example: f(x) = x • A function is called monotonically non-decreasing if for all x, y such that x > y:f(x) ≥ f(y) • Example: f(x) = 5

  23. Monotonic Functions • A function is called monotonically decreasing if for all x, y such that x > y:f(x) < f(y) • Example: f(x) = -x • A function is called monotonically non-increasing if for all x, y such that x > y:f(x) ≤ f(y)

  24. Monotonic Functions monotonically non-increasing monotonically non-decreasing neither

  25. Monotonic Functions – Examples • f(x) = x2 • Decreasing for x < 0, increasing for x > 0, therefore does not fit any definition • Monotonous non-decreasing

  26. Arithmetic Series • The sum is • S(1) = 1 • S(2) = 1 + 2 = 3 • S(3) = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6

  27. Algorithm Analysis • Consider the following program segment: x 0 for i  1 to n do for j  1 to i do x  x + 1 • What is the value of x at the end?

  28. Analyzing the Loop • Total number of times x is incremented: • The running time of the program is proportional to n(n+1)/2 for all n • O(n2)

  29. Geometric Series • General geometric series: • Common special case, for x = 2:

  30. Infinite Geometric Seriesfor |x| < 1 • When |x| < 1, we can compute the sum of an infinite geometric series: • Example, x = ½:

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