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Discover the rich Latin origins of everyday English words with this informative guide. Uncover the fascinating connections and meanings behind commonly used terms. Enhance your linguistic knowledge with this exploration of our Latin roots.
Semper Fidelis (US Marines motto, usually seen as Semper Fi) – means always faithful
Ante Bellum – means, literally before the war, refers to a style, usually architecture in the South, that was created before the Civil War – an example would be large brick mansions with white columns)
etc. – an abbreviation for et cetera, meaning and the rest.
Alter – the other of two English word = Alternative
Arbor – tree English word = arborist
Amicus – friendly English word = amicable
Aqua – water English word = aquarium
Bellum – to carry on or wage war English word = Belligerent
Bene – wellor good English word = benefactor
English word = accelerate Celer – quick
English word = cognitive Cogito – to think
Cum – with Ex: Cum Laude = with honors
English word = Dentist Dentis – tooth
Dormio – Sleep English word = dormitory
Efficio - to do successfully English word = efficient
Fidelis – faithful, loyal English word = fidelity
English word = fortify Fortis – strong
Dictus = to say or speak English word = dictate
Domi = home English word = domestic
Donum = gift English word - donate
Excludo = to shut out English word = exclude
Felix = happy English word = felicity
Gratus = Pleasing English word = gratitude
Hostis = enemy English word = hostile
Ignis = fire English word = ignite
Lac = milk English word = lactate
Luna = moon English word = Lunar
Lupus = wolf English word = lupine Of Lupine Descent……
Medius = middle English word = medium
Medicus = doctor English word = medical
Milia = thousand English word = millimeter
Nauta = sailor English word = nautical
OS Bone Example: Osteoporosis
PATER FATHER Example: paternal
Descendo to go down Example: descend
Facile Easy Example: Facilitate
Iratus Anger Irrational
Fugio to flee Example: Fugitive
Lapsus A slip Example: Lapse
Includo To Include
Dilligens steady, earnest Example: dilligent
Disputo Verbal argument Example: dispute