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Manage Attendance with LDT Technology's Innovation

Revolutionise your attendance with LDT Technologyu2019s e-attendance management system. It lets you simplify time and attendance management effortlessly and enhance productivity. Elevate your business operations with our comprehensive solution. Letu2019s connect and schedule a call!<br><br>

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Manage Attendance with LDT Technology's Innovation

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  1. E-ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT CRM www.ldttechnology.com

  2. Attendance Trackingusing FacialRecognition Modern facial recognition technology is used in e- attendance management to precisely record attendanceandguaranteethatdataisupdatedinreal- time in the backend system. This function promotes effective attendance management by improving convenienceforteachersandstudentsalike.

  3. Automated Attendance Updates When attendance is recorded using biometrics, the systemautomaticallyupdatestherecords.Thisfeatureis known as automated attendance updates. This feature improves accuracy and lessens administrative burden, makingattendancetrackingproceduresmoreeffective.

  4. Session-wise Attendance Overview Withvisualrepresentationsofattendancedataavailablefor instant insights, this system makes it simple to retrieve students'attendancerecordsforthedurationofthesession. Thisfeaturepermitstheefficienttrackingoftheirattendance progressbyencouragingresponsibilityandtransparency.

  5. Academic Performance It allows one to access report cards and certificates digitally, as well as examine test and semester-specific results.Thisintegratedplatformpromotesacomprehensive digital learning experience by improving accessibility to academicrecords.

  6. Notificationsand Circulars Instantalertsabouteventstakingplaceoncampusaresent to students, including information about parent-teacher conferences,examdates,andothercriticalnotifications.This featuremakesiteasierforparents,teachers,andstudentsto interactandcommunicate. An improvement in administrative effectiveness and attendancemonitoringineducationalinstitutionsise- attendancemanagement.

  7. LearningMaterial Repository It gives every student digital access to study materials tailored to their grade level. This digital library promotes learningthatisprearranged,witheachyear'ssessionsand semesterschoseninadvance.

  8. Phoneus +91788-906-4741 Getintouch Emailus sales@ldttechnology.com Address Office24A,3rdFloorMotiaz Royal Business Park, Zirakpur,Punjab140603

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