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Melhoria da Qualidade do Processo em Fábricas de Software Open Source através

Melhoria da Qualidade do Processo em Fábricas de Software Open Source através do Personal Software Process Julio Maravitch Maurício Neto maravitch@gmail.com VI Encontro CIn sobre Qualidade, Processos e Gestão de Software 27/03/2007. Agenda.

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Melhoria da Qualidade do Processo em Fábricas de Software Open Source através

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  1. Melhoria da Qualidade do Processo em Fábricas de Software Open Source através do Personal Software Process Julio Maravitch Maurício Neto maravitch@gmail.com VI Encontro CIn sobre Qualidade, Processos e Gestão de Software 27/03/2007

  2. Agenda • Modelo Open Source de Desenvolvimento • Fábricas de Software Open Source • Personal Software Process • Utilizando PSP em Fábricas OS • Conclusões e Trabalhos Futuros

  3. Objetivo • Entender como funciona o ecossistema OS • Atender às necessidades do ambiente • Promover a melhoria da qualidade do processo de desenvolvimento • Pode ser melhorado? • Como?

  4. Free Software Projects • Nascem como iniciativa isolada e particular • Usuários são co-desenvolvedores • Divulgação “boca-a-boca” • Teste massificado pelos usuários • Gerência de versões é complexa e “bem-definida”

  5. Open Source Projects • (Sun apr 16 00:10:21 BRT 2006)  133,421 projects! • Communications(13469) • Database(5388) • Desktop Environment(2822) • Education(3252) • Formats and Protocols(1292) • Games/Entertainment(12694) • Internet(21951) • Multimedia(11518) • Office/Business(6136) • Other/Nonlisted Topic(2065) • Printing(417) • Religion and Philosophy(274) • Scientific/Engineering(9942) • Security(2494) • Sociology(355) • Software Development(18587) • System(17790) • Text Editors(2436)

  6. Open Source Projects • (Tue mar 27 11:57:45 BRT 2007)  184,564 projects! • Communications (18433) • Database (6942) • Desktop Environment (3760) • Education (4920) • Formats and Protocols (2870) • Games/Entertainment (17237) • Internet (28264) • Multimedia (15505) • Office/Business (9655) • Other/Nonlisted Topic (2560) • Printing (511) • Religion and Philosophy (333) • Scientific/Engineering (14895) • Security (3274) • Sociology (429) • Software Development (28149) • System (22952) • Terminals (688) • Text Editors (3187)

  7. Causas de Descontinuidade de Projetos SW Livre • Falta de interesse, tempo ou motivação • mudança de liderança nos projetos impactam sua continuidade • Code Forking • cada usuário tem acesso ao código e pode alterá-lo e redistribuí-lo sem o conhecimento do líder do projeto

  8. Free Software EngineeringResume • “A Field to Explore” • “is still in its infancy” (2003!) • “How to create free software? Issues: • Classification of free software projects • Creation of a methodology • Methods + classification + models ++ Simulation (intelligent agents) = Free SW Engineering”

  9. The OSS model • Three dimensions: • structure, process and culture Division of labour Co-ordination mechanisms Distribution od decision-making Organizational boundaries Informal structure Political structure Legitimate basis of authority Eletronic communication Multicultural community Values: reciprocity, gift giving, reputation, ideology Core assumptions structure culture process

  10. OSS development process • Problem discovery • Finding volunteers • Solution identification • Code development and testing • Code change review • Code commit and documentation • Release management

  11. building a software factory...[Making the software factory work... 1990-1999]http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~in953/papers/MakingTheSoftwareFactoryWorkLessonsFromADecadeOfFactory.pdf • to define a detailed software development process • staff members were given extensive training in the new process • process specification separated from process execution • data collection and analysis • interviews • software process assesments • process attributes for each project • configuration management system • project tracking data

  12. o PROCESSO é complexo! (c) MERX LLC

  13. processo é complexo... Ex.: Ampla Prospecção Contrato Execução Entrega Encerramento

  14. To do an effective job, you need to... • Plan your work • Do your work according to this plan • Strive to produce the highest quality products

  15. Personal Software Process (PSP) • It is a disciplined way of writing software which can lead to dramatic improvements in • the quality of the software you write • your productivity • the quality of your plans and estimates. • Following a discipline like this can lead to greater self-knowledge, a valuable thing in itself

  16. Personal Software Process (PSP) • It shows how to apply advanced engineering methods to their daily tasks • Provides detailed estimating and planning methods • Shows how to track sw engineers' performance against these plans • Explains how defined process can guide their work • Will lead you away from random hacking and towards professional software eng.

  17. PSP is not... • a Silver Bullet solution • a radically different approach to development

  18. PSP is • a framework that allows detailed planning and tracking of project status • a vehicle to collect “in process” metrics to provide insight and opportunities to improvement • a way to protect development steps needed to “build in” quality

  19. What does PSP provide? • Measurements • Size • Time • Defects

  20. Time estimating error

  21. Defect Level Improvement

  22. Productivity Results

  23. PSP processes

  24. PSP Process Flow

  25. Benefits • PSP has the potential to increase your effectiveness as a programmer dramatically • The data you collect and the conclusions you infer from them can empower you in negotiations with your boss • Deeper benefits are possible too. Any self-knowledge has the potential to lead to personal growth

  26. Best practices • Task breakdown (detailed planning) • Time alloted to Design • Size estimation methods • Time alloted to Review/Inspection • Time tracking • Defect tracking • Metric analysis • Coding standards

  27. Why are we doing all this? • The quality of a software system is determined by the quality of its worst components. • The quality of a software components is determined by the quality of its developer’s knowledge, discipline, and commitment. • As software professionals you should now how to measure, track, and analyze your own performance. • You should be able to learn from your past failures and improve your personal practices.

  28. Utilizando PSP em OS • Dificuldades das Fábricas OS • Motivação dos participantes • Melhoria pessoal • Configuraçao inconstante no espaco-tempo • Coordenacao de atividades de forma isolada e assíncrona • Modelos tradicionais se mostraram ineficientes • Alternativa bottom-up

  29. Utilizando PSP em OS • Metodologia • Definição de um processo de desenvolvimento de fábricas OS • Execução do processo {caos...} • Identificação das necessidades de fábricas OS • Busca por alternativas de melhoria {PSP} • Casamento de melhorias oferecidas com as necessidades requeridas

  30. Conclusions & Future Work • Open Source é um oceano azul a ser explorado • A qualidade deve acontecer de forma bottom-up • Indicativamente, PSP pode auxiliar OSS na busca por melhoria da qualidade • Estudos Empíricos • Desenvolvedor • Gerente • Cliente

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  34. Melhoria da Qualidade do Processo em Fábricas de Software Open Source através do Personal Software Process Julio Maravitch Maurício Neto maravitch@gmail.com VI Encontro CIn sobre Qualidade, Processos e Gestão de Software 27/03/2007

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