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Using Your Expertise in Social and Behavioural Sciences for an NIH Grant Application: Perspective from a Lower Middle-Income Country . Le Minh Giang Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam NIH Symposium, Tuesday 23 July, 2019. Share your thoughts on this presentation with #IAS2019.
Using Your Expertise in Social and BehaviouralSciences for an NIH Grant Application: Perspective from a Lower Middle-Income Country Le Minh Giang Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam NIH Symposium, Tuesday 23 July, 2019 Share your thoughts on this presentation with #IAS2019
Disclosure and Acknowledgment • I have no conflict of interest • Over the past 15 years, my work in Vietnam have been supported through grants awarded by NIH, ANRS, PEPFAR, US CDC and SAMHSA: • R03DA037783 (PI: Le); • ANRS12351 (PI: Le and Laureillard) • ANRS 12353 (PI: Nagotand Le) • R01DA033673 (PIs: Goldsamt, Clatts and Le); • R01DA016188 (PI: Michael Clatts); • R01DA022170 (PI: Michael Clatts); • R24HD056691-6 (PIs: Jennifer Hirsch & Richard Parker); • R01DA037441 (PI: Todd Korthuis); • R01DA040510 (PI: Gavin Bart) • DW43TW010057 (PI: Li Li) • SAMSHA UD1-TI023603 (PI: Richard Rawson from 2011 – 2014; Sherry Larkins 2014 - )
Some innovations: In 2010: “Pain and Hope: 20 years of HIV/AIDS in Vietnam” The first-ever museum exhibition telling stories about HIV in Vietnam In 2013: Social and Policy Dimensions of AIDS in Vietnam in Global Public Health, Vol 8 (Suppl. 1), September 2013 In 2017: Sexual Heath Promotion Clinic: The first-ever health clinic for MSM/MSW in the country
We have become a premier resource for HIV-related social science research in Vietnam RO1DA041978/ANRS 12353 (PIs: Des Jarlais and Nagot) “Drugs and Viral Infections in Vietnam” (DRIVE Study). While NIDA fund the interventions, ANRS (French Agency for Research on HIV/Hepatitis) fund social science research component ANRS12351 (PIs: Le and Laureillard) “Determinants of Very Late Presentation to HIV Care: A Social Science Study Embedded in the STATIS Clinical Trial.”
Figure 2: Conceptual Framework of SE-BRAVO (adapted from Andersen’s Model) Developing theory-based behavioural interventions Figure 1 Conceptual Framework of STAR-OM Intervention 1 R01 DA049329-01 (PIs: Le & Korthuis) Using Andersen’s conceptual framework on health service services for vulnerable populations to design and assess community- and family- level interventions to address barriers for access and retention in OUD and HIV care in rural, mountainous settings 1 R01 DA050486-01 (PIs: Le & Shoptaw) Using adaptive therapy conceptual framework for an adaptive design to assess optimal combinations of evidence-based interventions for methamphetamine use among people with OUD
Lessons Learned • To improve the results of the increasingly complex and efficacious biomedical responses to the epidemic, there is an increasing need to understand and to address social and behavioural determinants, including those related to substance use, of HIV outcomes • While our work in Vietnam started with (and still continue) using social sciences to improve our understandings of these determinants, we need to quickly build the capacity to develop behavioral interventions to improve HIV outcomes • And once we have adapted behavioural interventions and shown they are ready for scale-up, social sciences can help to understand what work, why they work and what may prevent/facilitate successful scale-up (Implementation Science)
Lessons Learned • In leading the development of an NIH application, one doesn’t need (and it may be impossible) to become an expert in both social and behavioural sciences. But it is important to be able to engage in informed dialogue with colleagues who are experts in these areas • An HIV-focused NIH application requires a multi-disciplinary team, including those with medical, public health, social, behavioral, implementation science and other background. This is often not easy to build in low-and-middle income settings • I have been very fortunate to have many excellent US mentors, who help me to connect with their colleagues who provide expertise that we don’t have. And therefore, NIH grants have helped to build local capacity to address global issues
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION leminhgiang@hmu.edu.vn