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EAST WEST WINDOW PROJECT WORKING GROUP 3 Department of Operational Oceanography Maritime Institute in Gdańsk MAGDALENA MATCZAK, JACEK ZAUCHA, JULIUSZ GAJEWSKI 24 July 2007.
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM EAST WEST WINDOW PROJECT WORKING GROUP 3 Department of Operational Oceanography Maritime Institute in Gdańsk MAGDALENA MATCZAK, JACEK ZAUCHA, JULIUSZ GAJEWSKI 24 July 2007
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM The main aim of the East West Window project is to accelerate the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) development through better connecting of the existing potentials within the region. The project will: • promote territorial integration of the North-West Russia and Kaliningrad into the Baltic Sea Region through joint spatial planning and development actions in the priority fields such as business development, transport and ICT development as well as in the sea use planning and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, • diminish knowledge gaps within the region on the character of development potential, its synergies and complementarities with potentials of other countries of the region, and on methods how this potential can be efficiently connected with the potentials of the regional partners, • will serve VASAB as a useful tool for preparation of the Long Term Perspective for spatial development of the BSR till 2030in line with the encouragement of the Council of the Baltic Sea States. VASAB – Vision and Strategies around the Baltic Sea VASAB 2010 stands for co-operation of Ministers responsible for spatial planning and development in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) Countries. From federal states (Germany and Russia) also regional authorities participate.
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM The budget of the project - 503 104 Euro and 385 578 comes from TACIS The project will be executed from 16th June 2007 till 15th December 2008 Project partners: • Latvian Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government (project Responsible Partner as chairing VASAB in 2007-2008), • German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing, • Swedish Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications, • Polish Ministry of Regional Development, • Danish Forest and Nature Agency, • Swedish research institute Nordregio, • Polish Maritime Institute, • St. Petersburg Administration, • Kaliningrad University and • Russian Economic Developers Association (ASSET).
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM The expected outputs: • Assessment of unused innovation potential in NW Russia and recommendations on policy improvements for innovations in NW Russia from the BSR perspective • Identification of spatial problems generated by innovation and in(out) sourcing in NW Russia and assessment of their potential for the BSR integration • Assessment of accessibility and trade flow perspective of NW Russia • Policy recommendations on contribution of NW Russia to the joint efforts to improve connectivity and accessibility of the BSR • Recommendations for improvement of the transnational planning methodologies in the field of transport and ICT development in the BSR • Assessment of legal framework for co-operation of NW Russia in transnational sea use planning and ICZM • Sea use register in Russia with relevant maps/GIS application • Policy recommendations on legislative changes leading to involvement of Russian institutions in the management system for sea use planning and ICZM at the BSR level • Recommendations on upgrading the instruments and tools for transnational sea use planning and ICZM accumulated at the BSR level based on the completed pilot activities • Develop proposals for future investments in NW Russia in the fields of knowledge-based economy, transport and ICT • Acknowledgment of the results at the political level (e.g. Northern Dimension, BDF, Baltic 21, VASAB, CBSS summits) • Institutional framework for co-operation with other BSR countries in the transnational sea use planning and ICZM
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM The interim results of the project will be presented to the decision-makers, experts and other stakeholders in May 2008 in Riga and Kaliningrad while the final findings and policy recommendations will be presented at the closing conference of the project in St. Petersburg in October/November 2008. The project is divided into three WORK PACKAGES: • WORK PACKAGE 1: Business development and innovation affecting spatial development – led by the Danish Forest and Nature Agency. • WORK PACKAGE 2: Enhancing accessibility – led by the Latvian Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government. • WORK PACKAGE 3: Transnational sea use planning and ICZM – led by the Polish Ministry of Regional Development.
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM PREPARATRORY ANALYSIS I. Activities prioritised by the WG3 in the analytical phase 1. Mapping existing sea users, 2. Screening the legal systems of sea space planning and management (from plan to construction permit) 3. Screening the spatial planning and spatial management instruments used by BSR countries for sea use planning and management in the BSR countries. 4. Screening linkages between sea use planning and terrestrial spatial planning. 5. Screening the outcomes of the previous and ongoing projects. 6. Screening relevant activities of Helcom in particular the Baltic Sea Action Plan, 7. Screening relevant activities of EU Commission with regard to maritime policy, 8. Screening national ICZM strategies, Screening how ICZM recommendations are understood in the BSR countries, 9. Screening national good practices on sea use planning and combination of spatial planning on sea and land, 10.Screening national sea environmental strategies.
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM PREPARATRORY ANALYSIS II. Proposed ways of implementation: • Preparing compendium of the sea use planning systems of the BSR countries (2,3, 4, 8,9,10) – to be done by national experts. • Preparing BSR user register (1) – to be done by national experts. • Analysing most important policies influencing sea use planning (5, 6,7) ― to be done by WG3 experts from Latvia, Russia and Maritime Institute, Poland
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM PREPARATRORY ANALYSIS III. Summing up Analytical phase should be summed up by the: 1. Synthesis report prepared by the Lead Consultant outlining: • Legal situation in sea use planning and its integration with terrestrial spatial planning; • Main situation with sea users; • Tentative proposals on goals and principles for using sea space, including a definition of the ecosystem based planning concept; • Tentative proposals for integration of sea use planning with terrestrial spatial planning. 2. Seminar in Gdańsk, at which the results will be presented and discussed with stakeholders.
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM POLICY RELEVANT ACTIVITIES I. Activities prioritised by the WG3: 1. Vision of using sea space in accordance with what is happening on the land; 2. Mapping the vision; 3. Strategy for using sea space in an integrated way; 4. Action programme showing what should be done and by whom and when to achieve the ideas from the vision.
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM POLICY RELEVANT ACTIVITIES II. Proposed ways of implementation These activities can be done only by the CSD itself. The WG3 Chief Consultant can only facilitate the process. • Tentative suggestions on goals and principles for using the sea space - by the chief consultant • E-mail WG3/CSD session on that subject • Tentative suggestions on zoning of the Baltic the sea space - by the chief consultant and LV and RU experts • E-mail WG3/CSD session on that subject • Tentative proposals of necessary steps to be taken for integrating sea use planning with the terrestrial spatial planning – by the chief consultant • E-mail WG3/CSD session on that subject • Tentative list of actions that should be prioritised by the WG3 • E-mail WG3/CSD session on that subject Inputs from WG2 on expected increase of sea transport would be necessary at this stage
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM POLICY RELEVANT ACTIVITIES III. Summing up A. Policy phase should be summed up by the seminar in Kaliningrad for CSD members in May/June 2008 for discussing: • the main guiding goals and principles for using the sea space – the discussion should result in a tentative vision of using sea space: • strategy/suggestions for integrating sea use planning and terrestrial spatial planning, • main actions showing what should be done and by whom and when to achieve the ideas from the vision. B. After the seminar the Chief Consultant will prepare report including a tentative map of the BSR space in 2030
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM KALININGRAD PILOT STUDY The pilot action in the Gdansk Bay aimed to demonstrate promotion of use and protection of marine resources through sea use planning methodologies. A. Analysing the Baltcoast recommendation on sea use planning by PL and RU experts. B. Drawing/outlining the institutional framework for co-ordinated sea use planning in the Gdańsk Bay. C. Preparation of the action programme for putting the institutional framework for joint sea use planning into motion. D. Preparation of the list of joint projects to be financed under incoming ENPI. E. Concertation with stakeholders in Kaliningrad and Gdansk.
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM KALININGRAD PILOT STUDY III. Summing up • Pilot phase should be summed up by the seminar in Kaliningrad for RU and PL decision-makers in May/June 2008.
VASAB Working Group 3 - sea use planning and ICZM WORKING DOCUMENT FOR WG3 Thank you for ATTENTION