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Lubisol Engineering: fuel savings and long service life with better crown insulation by Michael Horsfield

Lubisol Engineering: fuel savings and long service life with better crown insulation by Michael Horsfield. Crown insulation. Lubisol materials are manufactured by; Lubisol Engineering Company in Bulgaria DISMATEC Limited is an Agent for; Lubisol Engineering Company, Bulgaria

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Lubisol Engineering: fuel savings and long service life with better crown insulation by Michael Horsfield

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  1. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  2. Lubisol Engineering:fuel savings and long service lifewith better crown insulationby Michael Horsfield SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  3. Crown insulation • Lubisol materials are manufactured by; Lubisol Engineering Company in Bulgaria • DISMATEC Limited is an Agent for; Lubisol Engineering Company, Bulgaria • The materials described in this presentation are for the insulation and hermetic sealing of New Silica Crowns. However, they can also be used for hot repairs to existing silica crowns and examples of this are given towards the end of the presentation. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  4. Crown insulation • With Environmental protection and fuel savings being such important issues today, Glassmakers are obliged to find ways of avoiding excess use of fuel and energy. This can be done using special refractories, fit for purpose, together with good furnace design, but also by improving the insulation of the furnace silica crown. • Lubisol shows how this can be achieved. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  5. EXPERIENCE • Gained over 20 years in the field of thermal insulation and hermetic sealing of glass furnace silica crowns • Maintaining contact with customers to obtain up-to-date data on furnace operation and furnace refractory structure condition • On-Going studies SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  6. EXPERIENCE • Lubisol Engineering Company has over 20 years experience in the field of thermal insulation and hermetic sealing of Glass Melting Furnace Silica Crowns. • As a result of it’s studies, using up-to-date data from completed projects, the Company has implemented the latest trends amongst some of the leading Glass producing Companies around the world and convinced them that standard crown insulation can and should be further improved. • In order to keep data up-to-date Lubisol Engineering Co. have on-going studies with their Customers. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  7. INSULATION TRENDS • Typical known Silica crown insulation • Latest World trends towards crown insulation • The Lubisol Engineering Standard Insulation Package SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  8. INSULATION TRENDS • A large number of Glass Melting Furnace crowns, of varying sizes, are still insulated with only three to four layers of light silica brick. • This type of insulation has been used for the last 50 years, reflecting the conservative attitude prevailing in some areas of the Glass Industry and the fear from “over-insulation”. • According to the latest World trends, crown insulation should be made more efficient for energy and fuel savings. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  9. INSULATION TRENDS • This may also help in reducing the rate of condensation corrosion and rat-holing formation. • Crown corrosion usually starts with the movement of hot gases through small thin, almost invisible joints and cracks. This is the initial stage of condensation corrosion. • The best corrosion protection for the crown is to prevent and completely stop this movement of gases. To achieve this, hermetic sealing or air tight closing by fusion protection is important for all furnaces and especially furnaces experiencing rat-hole problems, melting aggressive glasses (boro-silicate, television glass and sodium silicate glass) where corrosion of the crown is a limitation to the life of the furnace. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  10. INSULATION TRENDS • This fact has been confirmed by Lubisol’s on-going field testing and observations of many silica crowns. • Lubisol Engineering Company offer special materials, application technology and know-how to improve crown design. • These materials, application technology and know-how aim to apply crown thermal insulation with maximum efficiency in order to reduce energy losses and fuel consumption. • At the same time, Lubisol Engineering Company offers a new solution for hermetic sealing to increase furnace crown life with minimal maintenance requirements and improve the safety factors against condensation corrosion and rat-holing. This solution is termed: “THE LUBISOL ENGINEERING STANDARD PACKAGE” SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  11. LUBISOL’s STANDARD INSULATION PACKAGE • For a new crown the Lubisol standard insulation package is:- • 64mm Light silica brick • 114mm Lubisol #2-SL Insulation • 30mm Lubisol #3 Covering Cement • For Hermetic Sealing, include: • 30mm Lubisol Si-Seal kit directly over the silica crown SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  12. LUBISOL’s STANDARD INSULATION PACKAGE • The Si-Seal Layer In cases where special protection against rat-holing is needed, the standard insulation package starts with a 30mm thick layer of Lubisol Si-Seal kit (castable si-seal mixed with a chemical bond liquid) applied directly over the silica crown. • This material develops a very strong adhesive bond and hermetic sealing ability with the silica bricks. • The Si-Seal kit layer is recommended for all types of Glass Melting Furnaces, especially for those furnaces melting high aggressive glasses and furnaces with Oxy-Fuel firing. SGT Furnace Solutions 3


  14. LUBISOL’s STANDARD INSULATION PACKAGE • The sketch shows the build up of materials representing the; “THE LUBISOL ENGINEERING STANDARD PACKAGE” • The course of light silica brick (porous silica) is used as this material is considered to be the most suitable to be in touch with the crown silica brick and/or the Lubisol Si-Seal kit and also minimises the total material cost. • On occasions, existing furnace silica crowns have been up-graded with the Lubisol standard insulation package. • An example of this is after seven (7) years, equalling to the first furnace campaign life, the Lubisol standard package was installed for the second furnace campaign life instead of the previous insulation package. The furnace crown is now 15 years old and showing no signs of major deterioration. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  15. HERMETIC SEALING • A new silica crown with a hermetic sealing layer of Lubisol Si Seal SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  16. HERMETIC SEALING • The Lubisol Si-Seal kit is applied to a hot crown at a temperature of around 850ºC, during the furnace pre-heat period. Applying the Si-Seal kit layer on a cold crown brings no benefit to the application, therefore, this is not part of Lubisol’s standard practice. • The Si-Seal kit is installed in panel sections of generally 700mm x 700mm with an 8mm-10mm expansion joint between each panel. • The coefficient of expansion of the Si-Seal kit is equal to that of the Silica brick, therefore, creating no problems during the expansion phase of the materials during the furnace pre-heat period. • The layer of Si-Seal is covered with a 10mm thickness of silica motar, in dry powder form, which also fills any joints between the Si-Seal panels. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  17. HERMETIC SEALING • Sealing of the crown expansion joints SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  18. HERMETIC SEALING • Sealing of the crown expansion joints with the Lubisol Si-Seal kit ensures complete hermetic sealing of the joint. • The Si-Seal kit totally fills the expansion joint with the ability to easily flow into the joint left, after the silica expansion phase during the furnace pre-heat period. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  19. HERMETIC SEALING • Hermetic sealing of the expansion joints with the Lubisol Si Seal kit SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  20. HERMETIC SEALING • For added protection of both condensation corrosion, external corrosion from any batch carryover deposits, that may rest on the crown expansion joint position, and added hermetic sealing property of the joint, silica tiles are installed on top of the Si-Seal kit sealing. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  21. INSULATION • Lubisol #2SL Insulating layer reinforced with a light silica brick lattice • Lubisol #3 Covering Cement layer SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  22. INSULATION • Slide 21 shows the Lubisol #2-SL Insulation material being applied, to the left side. • The Lubisol #2-SL is supplied in the form of wet granules ready for use, the material being lightly rammed or tamped into position. To give this material added stability it is reinforced with a light silica (porous silica) brick lattice. • The Lubisol #3-Covering cement layer is shown to right side of the slide, which is towelled into position. • The Lubisol #3-Covering cement layer has a very strong surface preventing the ingress of batch dust and carryover through the layer and allowing for the ease of cleaning. SGT Furnace Solutions 3


  24. ADVANTAGES OF THE LUBISOL STANDARD PACKAGE • Low specific weight • High efficiency of the insulation, due to the very low thermal conductivity factor • Reduced thickness of insulation materials • Reduced rat-holing • Long service life • Savings of the total energy & fuel costs • Savings on capital costs SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  25. ADVANTAGES OF THE LUBISOL STANDARD PACKAGE • Low Specific Weight The Lubisol #2-SL Insulation material has a low specific weight of 0.33 kg/dm³ in comparison to that of light silica brick (porous silica) of usually 0.8 kg/dm³. • Low Thermal Conductivity The “THE LUBISOL ENGINEERING STANDARD PACKAGE” has a thermal conductivity of 0.08 W/m.K. • Reduced thickness of Insulation Materials By using the Lubisol standard package the thickness of materials is reduced in comparison to that of total brick insulation packages. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  26. ADVANTAGES OF THE LUBISOL STANDARD PACKAGE • Reduced Rat-holing Rat-holing is eliminated when the Lubisol standard insulation package is applied to a silica crown. • Long Service Life From known data, service life can be said to be no less than 10 years for varying types of furnaces. This service life is based on a thickness of between 238mm and 256mm for the Lubisol standard insulation package. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  27. ADVANTAGES OF THE LUBISOL STANDARD PACKAGE • Savings of the total energy and fuel costs It is difficult to give an actual figure for these, due to clients being sensitive to providing the cost information that they pay for their fuel, however, Lubisol have calculated that energy savings of between 700 – 1000 W/m ² of crown area have been achieved after the Lubisol standard insulation package has been installed. The corresponding fuel savings being between 980 – 1400 m³ Gas/m²Crown area/Year, obviously, the actual cost saving is dependant of the price of the fuel in different Countries. • Saving on Capital cost Due to less materials being required for the Lubisol standard package in comparison to that of the total brick insulation package, savings on Capital cost are realised. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  28. LUBISOL MATERIALS DATA SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  29. LUBISOL MATERIALS DATA SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  30. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  31. REDUCING HEAT LOSS • Heat losses from a silica crown insulated with light silica brick insulation is approximately 2,000 W/m² • Heat losses from a silica crown insulated with Lubisol’s standard insulation package is approximately 1,100 W/m² SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  32. REDUCING HEAT LOSS • Heat Loss from a silica crown with three (3) to four (4) layers of light silica (porous silica) brick insulation is approximately 2000 W/m². • A further increase in the thickness of this type of insulation gives no further advantage because of the rising conductivity of the material at higher temperatures. A better solution is to combine light silica (porous silica) brick with more efficient insulating materials as with the Lubisol standard insulation package. The heat loss from the Lubisol standard insulation package is approximately 1,100 W/m². SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  33. SAVINGS USING THE LUBISOL INSULATION PACKAGE • Energy saving of 900 W/m² • Fuel saving of 1230m³ Natural Gas for 1m² Crown area per year • Cost saving of Euro 400/m²/year for a mid-sized furnace with 100m² crown - equating to Euro 40,000/year SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  34. HEAT LOSS EXAMPLELIGHT SILICA BRICK Heat Loss Calculations Crown with 4 x 64 mm Light Silica – Total Thickness = 286 mm S1 – Silica crown 450 mm S2 – Light silica 64 mm S3 – Light silica 64 mm S4 – Light silica 64 mm S5 – Light silica 64 mm S6 – Covering cement 30 mm SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  35. HEAT LOSS EXAMPLELUBISOL STANDARD PACKAGE Heat Loss Calculations Lubisol Standard Package - 2008 S1 – Silica crown 450 mm S2 – Lubisol Si-Seal kit 30 mm S3 – Light silica brick layer 64 mm S4 – Lubisol #2-SL insulation 114 mm S5 – Lubisol covering layer 30 mm SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  36. CASE STUDY • Company: VETROBALSAMO – Italy • Type of Furnace: New Oxy-Fuel fired furnace • Furnace Construction: 2004 • Area of Silica Crown: 85m² • Lubisol Insulation Package: 30mm Lubisol Si-Seal kit, incl. exp. Joints 64mm Porous Silica brick 128mm Lubisol #2-SL Insulation material 30mm Lubisol #3 Capping Cement SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  37. CASE STUDY - continued • Heat losses of the silica crown with no Lubisol insulation package, from a previous furnace campaign = 2,500 W/m² • Heat losses measured from the new furnace campaign silica crown, with the Lubisol insulation package = 1,000 W/m² • Fuel cost savings to date: Euro 108,000 • Present crown condition: No cracks, hot spots or rat-holes. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  38. LONG TERM BENEFITS • Energy and cost savings • Reduced consumption of fossil fuel • Long service life without rat-holes • Reduced maintenance requirements • Low specific weight of the materials • Reduced thickness of insulation materials • High efficiency materials • Low capital cost • Short payback period • Suitable for the insulation to silica crowns of all types of fossil fuel fired furnaces SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  39. OTHER APPLICATIONSOF THE LUBISOL Si-Seal KIT • Sealing of silica crown rat-holes SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  40. OTHER APPLICATIONSOF THE LUBISOL Si-Seal KIT • Sealing of large holes in the silica crown SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  41. OTHER APPLICATIONSOF THE LUBISOL Si-Seal KIT • Photograph of a large hole repair in a silica crown SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  42. BETTER AND SAFER CROWN INSULATION BETTER AND SAFER CROWN INSULATION Prof. Stan Lutskanov • Lubisol Engineering Co. has positive experience in the field of thermal insulation and hermetic sealing of glass furnace silica crowns. As a result of our studies we accepted and implemented the latest trends among the leading glass companies that the standard crown insulation can and should be further improved. A large number of glass furnace crowns of small or medium size glass producers are still insulated with only 3-4 layers of light silica brick. This type of insulation has been used without significant change during the last 50 years, and it reflects the conservative attitude prevailing in some areas of the glass industry and the fear from “over-insulation”. According to the latest world trends the crown insulation should be made much more efficient for saving of energy and fuel and this may also help for reducing the rate of condensation corrosion and rat-hole formation. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  43. BETTER AND SAFER CROWN INSULATION • Lubisol Engineering Co. offers special refractory materials, application technology and know-how for improving the furnace crown design. LUBISOL aims to encourage the glass producers to apply crown thermal insulations with maximum efficiency in order to reduce energy losses and fuel consumption. In the same time the company is offering new and better solutions to increase furnace crown life and improve safety factors against condensation corrosion and rat holing. • REDUCING HEAT LOSS Heat losses from a silica crown with 3-4 layers of light silica brick insulation are about 2000 - 2200 W/m2. A further increase of the thickness of this type of insulation gives no further advantage because of the rising conductivity of the material at higher temperatures. A better solution is to combine light silica with other more efficient insulating materials. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  44. BETTER AND SAFER CROWN INSULATION REDUCING HEAT LOSS • LUBISOL’s standard insulation package for a new crown incorporates a layer of 64 mm light silica brick, followed by 1 layer of 114 mm Lubisol #2-SL and 30 mm Lubisol #3 Covering Cement. This package is suitable for cold or hot application – before or after the heating-up. With this insulation the heat losses from the crown can be further reduced down to 1100 W/m2, bringing additional energy savings of 1000 W/m2, and fuel savings of 1400 m3 natural gas for 1 m2 crown area per year. The cost of the saved fuel is 430 €/m2/year and for a mid size furnace with 100 m2 crown – about 43 000 €/year. For a leading glass company operating 100 glass furnaces with 10 000 m2 crown area the cost of the saved fuel due to better crown insulation will be 4 300 000 €/year, and it is clear why such companies take so much care to make the crown insulation more efficient. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  45. BETTER AND SAFER CROWN INSULATION • HERMETIC SEALING In cases when special protection against rat-holes is needed, the insulation starts with a layer of 30 mm Lubisol Si-Seal kit applied directly over the silica crown. This material develops a very strong adhesive bond and hermetic sealing ability with the silica bricks. This is specially recommended for furnaces with oxy-fuel firing, as well as for furnaces melting highly aggressive glasses such as borosilicate, TV lead glass and sodium silicate. This is also recommended to companies having rat-hole problems in previous campaigns. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  46. BETTER AND SAFER CROWN INSULATION LONG-TERM BENEFITS • Observations over a long period of time on large number of furnaces indicated, that the upgraded crown insulation leads to big fuel savings and long service life of the crown without rat-holes. Glass melting has been carried out at the same maximum furnace crown temperature and the only difference has been the reduced consumption of gas or oil. • The main advantage of the Lubisol insulation package is the very low specific weight and high efficiency of the insulation package, due to the very low thermal conductivity factor, being about 50 % lower than the one of the light silica brick. The Super Light ceramic insulating material Lubisol #2-SL has a specific gravity of only 0.33 kg/dm3 and a thermal conductivity of 0.08 W/m.K. This contributes to reducing the thickness, the total amount and cost of the insulation materials needed. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  47. BETTER AND SAFER CROWN INSULATION LONG-TERM BENEFITS • The cost of this Lubisol package based on efficiency is lower than the price of conventional crown insulation, so the company is able to offer very light and highly efficient crown insulation at a competitive low price with a return on investment in less than one year. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  48. BETTER AND SAFER CROWN INSULATION INSULATION IN ACTION • The LUBISOL materials have been applied so far on more than 100 glass furnaces around the world, including several big container glass and float glass furnaces. The LUBISOL package being light and highly efficient in a rather small thickness is very suitable for the insulation of all type glass furnaces, especially for the large span container and float glass furnace crowns. The cost of the saved fuel on a large span float furnace crown (580 m2) of a leading glass company built with Lubisol insulation in 2007 has been estimated at about 250 000 €/year. The same big company operating 25 float glass furnaces is very much interested to apply more efficient crown insulation on all of them during the forthcoming cold repairs. SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  49. BETTER AND SAFER CROWN INSULATION INSULATION IN ACTION • The LUBISOL package offers efficient insulation and fuel savings in a guaranteed new crown design, combined with hermetic sealing, protection against rat-holes and a long service life of the silica crown of 10 years or more. This is now one of the best available crown insulation solutions in the world. • By reducing the heat losses and fuel consumption in the glass industry, LUBISOL is participating with a small contribution trying to help for environment protection against the climate change. • Contact: Prof. S. Lutskanov, e-mail: lubisol@ttm.bgoffice@lubisol.com Fax: +359 2 9753 291 www.lubisol.comwww.lubisol.ttm.bg SGT Furnace Solutions 3

  50. REFERENCE • Lubisol materials have been applied on more than 100 glass melting furnaces in some 38 countries around the world SGT Furnace Solutions 3

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