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Significance of Hospitality. Friday Sermon July 15th 2011 . SUMMARY. Friday Sermon July 15th 2011 . Significance of Hospitality. In the Qur’an we also read about Hadhrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) presented a roasted calf to his guests.
Significance of Hospitality Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
SUMMARY Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Significance of Hospitality In the Qur’an we also read about Hadhrat Ibrahim (on whom be peace) presented a roasted calf to his guests And give thou to the kinsman his due, and to the poor and the wayfarer, and squander not thy wealth extravagantly. Chapter 17, verse 27 The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said: ‘A person who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgement should honour his guests.’ Hudhur (aba) said that said this signifies that honouring of guest is important for God and for the Day of Judgement. Hospitality is an sign of belief and is an obligation. Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Significance of Hospitality The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘Those who believe in God and the Day of Judgement should pay the rightful dues of a guest.’ When it was enquired what constituted rightful dues, he replied, ‘[stay of] a day and a night’. Hudhur (aba) explained that certainly the Holy Prophet (pbuh) has set limits of hospitality as three days. Stay of a day is the minimum. However, in some circumstances, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was host to people for many days and entrusted other guests to his Companions. Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Hospitality at Jalsa Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Hudhur (aba) said that with the grace of God, wherever the Jama’at is increasing there is an extensive arrangement of Langar. The Langar arrangement in the UK is probably the largest after Rabwah. It is obvious that this extent is due to the presence of the Khalifa of the time. The biggest merit of this permanent Langar is that a large majority, if not all the people who work for it are volunteers. They have been voluntarily giving their time for the past many years for this. Langar Khana The UK Jama’at has accomplished the duty of a permanent Langar extremely well and continues to do so. Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Hospitality at Jalsa Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Next Hudhur related some incidents from the Register of companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to highlight the significance of hospitality. Some accounts of the hospitality of the Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Faith inspiring incidences Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Faith inspiring incidences Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Faith inspiring incidences Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Faith inspiring incidences Next morning Dr. sahib saw the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) saying very passionately that he had received a revelation ‘O Prophet feed the hungry and the distressed’ [Tadhkirah p. 884] Dr. sahib then realised that the knock on the door late in the night was owing to this revelation. Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Faith inspiring incidences Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Faith inspiring incidences Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Faith inspiring incidences Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Faith inspiring incidences Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Hadhrat Babu Abdul Aziz sahib relates that once a student came to Qadian to take Bai’at at the hand of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). After the Bai’at the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) asked him to stay on. He fetched bedding for him with his own blessed hands and served him food. Before he departed, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) had some food packed for him. The student distributed the food to his family when he reached home. As a blessing of this his mother and brother also accepted Ahmadiyyat. Faith inspiring incidences . The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) made every effort to offer very special hospitality to MaulviAbulRehman Sahib from Kabul for months. , Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Faith inspiring incidences Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Faith inspiring incidences Hudhur explained that this year the Jalsa administration has changed the name of the VIP section to ‘reserve’. Hudhur said food at Jalsa is the same for everyone except in instances where people are not used to what is cooked. Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Friday Sermon July 15th 2011 Faith inspiring incidences
Hadhrat Malik Ghulam Hussein sahib Mahajir relates that the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) always advised him, ‘Ghulam Hussein, see to it that the guests are not inconvenienced in any way.’ Hudhur said this piece of advice is just as important today as it was for Ghulam Hussein sahib. We should pray that we serve the Jalsa guest in an excellent manner. It is not just serving food, every task is for the convenience of the guests Faith inspiring accounts Friday Sermon July 15th 2011 Hudhur(aba) said the new and long-term Ahmadis should pray for the strengthening of their faith and should praise God and be grateful to Him, for it is merely with His grace that He is showing us the paths of truth. May He always continue to show them to us.
Hudhur (aba) announced some funeral Prayers, the first one was a present funeral and the other two in absentia. Shaikh Mubarak Ahmad sahib passed away on 10 July at the age of 90. He was a long-term resident of UK. During the era of Hadhrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) he had served as an assistant P.S. He also served as deputy NazirTaleem in Pakistan. In the UK, he served in the Qadha Board . He had a very devotional relationship with Khilafat and used to regularly write to Hudhur in spite of his illness. His connection was most sincere and loyal and he was at the forefront of financial giving and was very keen at Tabligh activities. He leaves behind four daughters and two sons. May God enable them all to walk in the footsteps of their father. Funeral Prayers Friday Sermon July 15th 2011
Malik Mabroorshaheed Sahib was martyred in his chambers in Nawabshah Pakistan on 11 July. The assailant fired at him at close range and then fled. His brother was nearby; he gave chase and was also shot at, but luckily escaped. Mabroorsaheed was a lawyer and attempts had been made on his life before. He had a few one-sided enmities where people bore grudges against him for representing murder victims. In addition there was enmity borne out of his affiliation with the Jama’at which was dominant. Currently he was serving as the sadr of Nawabshah. Razia Begum sahibapassed away in Rabwah on 25 June. She was the mother of our missionary sahib in Kazakhstan. He was a pious lady who was a devout worshipper and had a deep connection with Khilafat. She made her Wasiyyat for 1/3rd at the age of 24. In spite of financial hardships she had complete faith that she would honour her Wasiyyat as indeed she did during her lifetime. She had endured a couple of severe accidents, including being hit by a train. Yet, she faced every difficulty with patience and steadfastness. May God elevate her status in Paradise. Funeral prayers Friday Sermon July 15th 2011