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Management and monitoring based on the results. Applied to Monitoring and Evaluation System(MES). RESULTS CHAIN. Programming, management and decision making reflect the result to be achieved. There is a relationship between the Expected Result and planned interventions .
Management and monitoring based on the results Applied toMonitoring and Evaluation System(MES)
RESULTS CHAIN • Programming, management and decision making reflect the result to be achieved. • There is a relationship between the Expected Result and planned interventions. • All available human and financial resources must contribute to the planned interventions for achieving the expected results. • Monitoring is focused on achieving results and impacts defined and measurable through objectively verifiable indicators. • The results chain is intended to establish a logical relationship between the results at different levels of programming, which guarantees that all the Organization's resources are devoted to achieving the expected results
RESULTS CHAIN(2) • A result is a change of state describable and measurable of a relation of cause and effect induced by an activity. • In the chain of results, there is a "transformation process “ of resources for achieving expected results compound as follows : • Operation • Activity • Results • Purpose • Using • Direct result • Indirect result. • At the bottom of the chain, we have the activities and operations : implementation of human and financial resources. • The activity creates a “Result and Purpose" that contribute to achieve the results • Which will be measured by reference and performance indicators. • But whose production is subject to Assumption.
Example of results chain Referenceindicators Resource Planning The results chain draws on the transformation process
MEASURING RESULTS • Each result (purpose, use, result) describes a state change concrete, visible and measurable, induced by the activity • The Results should describe how a given situation will evolve compared the current state of affairs. • Each result is characterized by its indicators and its assumption.
Structure of results Chain in MES • The Structure of "direct / indirect results “, "using ", “pupose", in MES is flexible, each level can be created without prior dependence with other elements of the chain. • A purpose / result is obtained by a setof activities. • An activity is a set of operations • It is in level of an operation that we makes the planning of human resources and financial resources.
Definitions • Indirect & direct results : the final impacts of project activities • Using: How the target groups/projects use the product to get the Results. • Result/Purpose of results chain: the short-term result of activities available to target groups and projects as goods and services. • Indicators : allow describe / measure results achieved at each level of the chain relative to a reference value.
Definitions • Activities : actions undertaken in the project. They mobilize resources and are limited in time: start and end date • Operation : it is a sub-activity through which one is planning human and financial resources to realize an activity. • Responsible : in MES, they are persons who are responsible for the content of information on their responsibility in the projects
Taking account of the financial and human resources • The financial and human resources are organized to plan operations. • The sum of the operations budget allows to realise an activity. • We made a budget estimate for each operation on budget items. For example : • Human ressources • Consultant • Purchase / Procurement • Travel • Other costs
Budget programming with MES Global Budget : is the budget available from each donor. It is defined for the duration of the entire project. Annual Budget : it's the budget planning for one year. During planning of the annual budget, the budget estimates were made for each result Then by activity and operation.
The summary reports • Monitoring is focused on two main axes • Monitoring indicators of results chains • Monitoring operations • For results indicators, we can follow to have the rate of achievement of objectives for each level of result chain following the evolution of the indicators (see next slide) • For monitoring operations, we follow the status of activities and operations : • Ongoing • Completed • Canceled
Monitoring of operations or activities following their status
Summary reports • Reports are easily customizable with MES, we must provide the type of relationship with the desired data and integrate the system administrator in MES • The system administrator can set up tasks for automatic sending of the situations on the evolution of the operations or activities for each level of Results. For example, • Sending automatic mail with every change of state of a level of result chain to an actors concerned • Automatic sending mail the list of operations that must be completed during the week • sending automatic mail list of Operations that are overdue • ….
Advantage with using of MES • SSE is optimal when used in COMMUNITY. MES supports different roles for users • Consultation, adding and analysis of information are made COLLABORATIVELY • Using of decentralized information . Possibility of using the system in local network or stand-alone • Consolidate all information into a central database. • Accessibility of information can be made in stand-alone or local network or via the Internet connection by the concerned persons • Allow the use of the Internet for access to information, the encoding and analysis of information
Essay with SSE • Start with a web browser with address http://www.md2i.eu:8080/SSE • List of default password