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Welcome To ENONAC 1st Public Forum Saturday, August 18, 2012 @ 10:00 am

Welcome To ENONAC 1st Public Forum Saturday, August 18, 2012 @ 10:00 am St. Maria Goretti Catholic Community Center 7300 Crowder Blvd. New Orleans, LA. While New Orleans East was Hard Hit by Katrina and had its challenges…its future, like that of

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Welcome To ENONAC 1st Public Forum Saturday, August 18, 2012 @ 10:00 am

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  1. Welcome To ENONAC 1st Public Forum Saturday, August 18, 2012 @ 10:00 am St. Maria Goretti Catholic Community Center 7300 Crowder Blvd. New Orleans, LA

  2. While New Orleans East was Hard Hit by Katrina and had its challenges…its future, like that of New Orleans… is ripe with opportunity for transformation as a Future Growth Corridor for the Region.

  3. What Is ENONAC? East New Orleans Neighborhood Advisory Commission(ENONAC) is a state legislated Commission adopted as HB 887 in 2008 and later revised to Act 394.

  4. WHY IS ENONAC UNIQUE? By Louisiana Statue the City of New Orleans is REQUIRED to properly NOTIFY ENONAC of proposed projects for the East New Orleans community, further ENONAC may ADVISE the appropriate governmental bodies in regards to the planning of public and private development.

  5. Why ENONAC Was Created? ENONAC was created for the following purposes: • Preserve of property values and to improve the character and integrity of individual residential neighborhoods. • Educate and inform member neighborhood organizations and associations on matters and issues of general interest. • Participate in planning and improvement. • Challenge shoddy development of multifamily complexes. • Lobby for the demolition of depilated multifamily complexes. • Promote high-quality developments and limit incompatible land use mixes.

  6. WHAT ARE ENONAC’s BOUNDARIES? The boundaries of ENONAC are the Industrial Canal to the west, the Intracoastal Canal to the south, the St. Tammany Parish Line to the east, and Lake Pontchartrain to the north.

  7. WHO IS ENONAC? ENONAC is composed of all non-compensated volunteers which includes Presidents and Members from neighborhood associations, business owners and other members of the East New Orleans community. They make up the Commission Advisory Board (CAB). Who provide community leadership necessary to create a sustainable community and fulfill the mission of ENONAC, a core of dedicated individuals, supported by expert advice and service.

  8. WHO IS THE CAB? The CAB is the voting power and pulse of ENONAC. The CAB consist of the president of each neighborhood association or organization within the commission area or an appointed representative of that neighborhood association or organization. The party representing the association or organization must submit an affidavit attesting to their status as president or being an appointed representative from their respective organization or association. The commission shall also consist of two at-large members elect from the commission area. The CAB elects ENONAC’s seven (7) member Executive Board .

  9. WHAT ARE ENONAC’s COMMITTEES? ENONAC carries out its mission through Committees and meetings of the ENONAC leadership with the city and other organizations responsible for recovering and rebuilding East New Orleans. There are priority committees with established goals. These committees are active and currently engaged in their action plans. • Economic Development: Retail and Amenities • Medical and Health Care Services • Housing, Land Use and Zoning (HLUZ) • Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces (PROS) • Quality of Life (Blight and Code Violation) • Infrastructure

  10. Issues ENONAC works to address! ENONAC work towards effectively combining the efforts of your local community centers under one organization and serve the people who live and work in Eastern New Orleans in positive and life changing ways. We work to improve the overall Quality of Life for All New Orleans East Residents and Businesses by…... • Contesting for a state of the art full service hospital and quality healthcare. • Reduce blight • Promote Neighborhood beautification • Purge nuisance businesses • Encourage Quality economic • Development • Track, record and report code violators and blight. • Infrastructure Improvement

  11. WHO ENONAC PROTECTS? ENONAC PROMOTS, PROTECTS and PRESERVES the quality of life and the property values of each and every East New Orleans’ resident.

  12. The Truth About ENONAC! Myths Facts ENONAC is a political organization. False False False False ENONAC’s Executive Board and CAB members are paid. ENONAC members pay membership dues and/or fees. ENONAC is controlled by politicians.

  13. The Truth About ENONAC! Myths Facts Any person can serve on ENONAC. Only those persons domiciled within the boundaries of ENONAC. Elected officials nor an employee of an elected officials MAY NOT serve on ENONAC. Blood-relatives of the Executive Board and CAB, may not work for ENONAC. An elected official or an employee of an elected official can serve on ENONAC. ENONAC members can hire relatives to work for ENONAC.

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