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Hedge with an Edge

Hedge with an Edge. Mathematics of Finance. April 7 th and 14 th 2012 Riaz Ahmed & Adnan Khan Lahore University of Management Sciences. The Good.

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Hedge with an Edge

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  1. Hedge with an Edge Mathematics of Finance April 7th and 14th 2012 Riaz Ahmed & Adnan Khan Lahore University of Management Sciences

  2. The Good • To blame organizational failures solely on derivatives is to miss the point. A better answer lies in greater reliance on market forces to control derivative-related risk taking. 10 Myths About Financial Derivatives by Thomas F. Siems (CATO Institute)

  3. The Bad • “……and it was all caused by derivatives. So, everybody said we better regulate derivatives better, we oughta have more sunshine, we oughta have more transparency..” JOSEPH STIGLITZ Interview with ABC

  4. And the Ugly…… • What are derivatives? • How does one determine the price of such instruments? • The Math behind it all…………..

  5. The Ugly

  6. From Random Walks to Brownian Motion • Consider a random walk • Move right or left based on a coin toss

  7. Random Walk • Define • The mean of Ri • The Variance of Ri

  8. Coin Tossing Game • Heads - wins you a rupee • Tails - loses you a rupee • After n tosses the earnings are given by the rv • Starting with no money, expected earnings after n tosses

  9. Coin Tossing Game • The variance of the earnings is given by • So we have

  10. Making it more Interesting • Consider the quadratic variation • Let’s start flipping the coin faster say n tosses in time t • Q: What should the winnings be so that the quadratic variation is finite and non zero?

  11. In terms of the random walk • If we take n steps in time t, how long should each step be so that the variation remains finite and non zero?

  12. The right scaling • Let the winnings (or alternately the step size) be • i.e. • The quadratic variation then is

  13. Brownian Motion • Consider the random walk, with step size taken every time interval • In the limit as this scaling keeps the random walk finite and non zero

  14. Brownian Motion • The expectation is given by • The variance is as • The limiting process is called Brownian Motion Bt or Weiner Process Wt

  15. Diffusion Equation-who ordered that? • Consider a random walk • Suppose at time t one is at position x • Consider the probability distribution at the next time step

  16. Who ordered that…... • Taylor expanding etc… • Taking vanishingly small time steps and noting we scaled so that remained finite

  17. Variations…… • Consider a function • Want to know how much the function changes over an interval , where • Summing over all intervals we define the n variation as • n=1 (absolute) and n=2 (quadratic) variation

  18. Functions….Nice and otherwise • Nice functions are those with total variation finite • Can define the integral over an interval for such functions (our old friend the Riemann Steiltjes Integral) • Bad functions may not have finite total variation, e.g. on

  19. Weiner Process • A continuous time continuous space stochastic process • Sample paths are continuous • Increments are Normally distributed • i.e. has pdf given by

  20. Weiner Process • Increments are independent are i.id • The covariance is given by • In general

  21. Martingales • A sequence of random variables (stochastic process) where the expectation of the next value is equal to the present observed value • This means knowledge of past events cannot help predict the future • E.g. Ones position in a random walk • E.g. Earnings in the coin tossing game

  22. Technical Mumbo Jumbo • A stochastic process is a P-Martingale with respect to a filtration if • is an information set for the process

  23. Wiener Process • Wiener Process is a Martingale • Increments are mean zero normal and since we are taking expectations at time t, the process is determined up to time t • Hence

  24. Weiner Process is Markovian • A stochastic process satisfies the Markov property if • i.e. The process is memoryless • The future depends on what is now irrespective of the past

  25. Mean Square Convergence • Consider the function F(X). If then it is said that F(X)converges to in the mean square sense • For a Weiner process • This ‘means’ that in the mean square sense

  26. Simulating Weiner Processes • Consider the discretization • where and • Also each increment is given by

  27. Sample Paths for Weiner Process

  28. Numerical Expectation and Variance • Theoretically on the interval [0,t]

  29. Taylor Series Ito’s Lemma • For a deterministic variable X • However if we try the same for Brownian motion, the higher order terms cannot be dropped as (at least the expected value in the MSS). • Actually as

  30. Ito’s Lemma • For a stochastic variable X • Q: If , what is • A: Using Ito’s lemma • This is an example of an Ito Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE)

  31. Ito’s Lemma • Consider a function of a Weiner Process • Using Taylor’s rule • So we have • Ito SDE

  32. Examples • Q: Obtain an SDE for • A: We have • Using Ito we get • Q: Obtain an SDE for • A: Using Ito we have

  33. Stochastic Integration • Consider Ito’s lemma • Integrating from 0 to t we have

  34. Example • Q : Evaluate • A: Noting • And using the formula derived

  35. Example • Q: Evaluate • A: Note that • The using the formula derived we have

  36. Ito Stochastic Integral • Let f(x(t),t) be a function of the Stochastic Process X(t) • The Ito Stochastic Integral is defined if • The integral is defined as • where the limit is in the sense that given means

  37. Properties of Ito Stochastic Integral • Linearity • Zero Mean • Ito Isometry

  38. Diffusion Processes • Consider the SDE • Here A(G(t),t) is called the drift • And B(G(t),t) is called the diffusion • Q: Given A and B can we determine G? i.e. solve the SDE

  39. ‘Solving’ SDE • We derived SDE given the process • Usually are given SDE, want to ‘solve’ the SDE to find the process • Need to extend Ito’s lemma to be able to do this

  40. Extension of Ito’s Lemma • Consider a stochastic process • And a function of the process • An extension of Ito’s lemma gives

  41. Solving SDE using Extended Ito’s Lemma • Geometric Brownian Motion • Let • Using Ito’s lemma we have

  42. On to the Promised Land Finally some finance After Lunch

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