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PARTNERSHIP 2.0:. Expanding Local Networks for Improved Reader’s Services. Creating Partnerships.
PARTNERSHIP 2.0: Expanding Local Networks for Improved Reader’s Services
Creating Partnerships • The advent of user collaborative technology provides new ways to address readers/reference services. The same spirited, innovative thinking that catapulted Web 2.0 services to the forefront in many academic libraries can also reinvigorate how libraries and information centers develop partnerships.
Creating Partnerships with international universities, foundations, and non-profit institutes offer exceptional opportunities for academic libraries in the developed world to “cast their nets” and facilitate reference and resource training for patrons.
OBJECTIVES • Recognize specific national or international, access to information needs in order to develop partnerships; • Examine and critically assess current endeavors in order to ensure that new efforts are not duplicates of other, already existing program initiatives; • Know the potential of existing technologies in order to ignite and reinvent readers/reference services.
Networking • Reciprocally beneficial sharing of resources, developed or pre existing by two or more bodies (Edmonds 1986) • Categorized into “exchange, coalition or entrepreneurial and one-way marketing” by Wilson and Masterson in 1974 (McDougall, 1997) 1950’s and 1960’s - Library cooperation 1970’s - Resource sharing 1980’s – Networking NOW - Consortium, partnership
Networking • The pressure on financial resources, development of technology, the growth in publishing output and the demand for access to it, have all contributed to the case for more effective forms of library networking, which can be seen at international, national, regional and local levels.
Form of Exchange • exchange of materials of all kinds (catalogues, serial title holdings, accessions lists, etc.) • information (for staff) • information (for reader enquiries) • users and bibliographical information
Coalition, partnership or joint venture • development of service tools (software development, understanding of IT, organization of events, acquisition and/or disposal of materials, international collection development tool conspectus, etc.)
Areas of Professional Activity featured in Networking Between Academic Libraries • Collection Development • Library Services • Access • Staff Development • Management • Publicity • International links • Professional involvement
DOST-ESEP Library Network • envisioned to build library resources and services in eight (8) academic libraries in the Philippines; and • provide connectivity by means of the information highway in the Philippines, the PHnet, which is the country’s gateway to the Internet. • Subject areas covered: • mathematics, physics, biology, molecular biology/biotechnology, chemistry, statistics, earth science, pharmacology and engineering
Inter-Institutional Consortium (IIC) or South Manila Consortium • mobilize resources of five (5) institutions to complement each other’s strengths and areas of improvement • establish linkages locally and globally • Committee of Librarians has a continuing project, e.g. cooperative centralized processing of library materials to maximize resource utilization of the member libraries: • standardize bibliographic description and classification of collection and improve the quality of cataloging • provide common access to the collection • share highly specialized and technical library materials
Mendiola Consortium Agreement focuses on cross enrollment, resource sharing particularly access to library holdings namely Filipiniana collections, business literature holdings, humanities, education and legal collections.
Intramuros Library Consortium address common concerns on maximizing the use of the varied resources of each library in the Intramuros area. The idea is to develop specialization rather than duplication of resources and services. Areas of specialization: business, humanities, labor and employment, foreign service/diplomacy engineering, fine arts, health and medicine
Health Research and Development Information Network (HERDIN) Focal point is the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) of the Department of Science and Technology. Mandate: enhance the systematic coordination of research and development efforts in health and nutritional status of the population.
HERDIN cont’d • Improve the flow of health and health related information in the country (for end users in the academe research community, and those in the health care delivery system). • Major tasks focused on : • Computerized databases of local health materials • Subject areas: food and nutrition, medicinal plants, nuclear medicine, health technologies, research management, public health service, hospital administration, health policies and legislations, health education, investigative studies, health economics, medicine (basic and clinical), nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, public health education, communicable, parasitic and bacterial diseases and allied medical sciences.
Association of Research and Academic Library Information Network (ARALIN) Computerized Filipiniana bibliographic records (union catalog) established to answer the increasing need for data sharing and the establishment of a network for the dissemination of information in the education sector.
Ortigas Center Library Consortium Inc. • Activities are designed to promote • interlibrary cooperation in the forms of loans and access to services and resources; • bibliographic cooperation such as maintenance of a union catalog, union list of serials, and cooperative periodical indexing; • professional development activities such as common trainings, seminars and workshops; • outreach activities with street children and the under-privileged.
Philippine Association of Academic and Research Libraries Network (PAARLNET) • 100+ institutional members • Produced research tools: Index & Philippine Periodicals, Philippine Union Catalog, Philippine Name Headings, Union List of Theses, Compilation of Theses and Dissertations, Union List of Serials in Business and Economics, Union List of Serials in Education and the Union List of Serial Holdings in Science and Technology.
PAARL cont’d • embarked on a project funded by the National Commission on Culture and the Arts through the National Committee for Library and Information Services a “Union Catalog of Local History Materials in Region I” both in print, in CD-Rom and in the Web. • conducted seminar-workshops, symposia and fora to enhance professional development of its members and promote continuing education.
PAARL cont’d • memo of agreement with YBP Library Services on PAARLNET Book Acquisition Consortium Project (big discounts and less paperwork) • formation of a “Philippine Standards for Academic Libraries 2000” recognized by the Philippine government • provides educational scholarship and grants yearly awards for most outstanding performances by a librarian and outstanding library project.
European Studies Consortium of the Philippines • intensify the relations between the Philippines and the European Union with the aim to promote a better understanding of Europe by developing a masters degree program in European studies and promoting applied research topics related to Europe • European Documentation and Resource Center (EDRC) - formulates policies and guidelines on collection content and specialization, acquisition, organization and services delivery of the Centre in coordination with the University of the Philippines and Ateneo de Manila University.
Library Link • project of the Filipino Heritage Library and a membership of 77 institutions from both public and private sectors. • basically a bibliographic network or a union catalog database of the Filipiniana materials found in the member institutions. • Filipiniana, as defined by the project, are those materials about the Philippines and/or authored by Filipinos and which may be in various formats. • A one – step resource center for Filipiniana resources and provides one search engine or point of entry for researches on Philippine studies; • venue for interaction among researchers, library professionals, people from the publishing industry and the academe • Catalog contains 178,252 records
Philippine eLib • Joint undertaking of five (5) government agencies namely: Department of Science and Technology, Department of Agriculture, Commission on Higher Education, The National Library and the University of the Philippines. • Benefits include: • access to combined holdings of the participating agencies and expensive electronic databases by SUCs at lower cost • preservation of Filipino cultural heritage through digitization • opportunity to network Philippine materials into a single portal • leverage existing network for access by the citizenry • Other features: • current awareness service • selective dissemination of information • full text downloading • literature searches • document delivery • E-Journal subscription • mailing list and • Rapid, responsive and knowledgeable customer support (guaranteed 24 hours response time)
Academic Libraries Information Network in Mindanao (ALINET) • networking at the local level that initially envisions to improve access to information among academic libraries in a city. • library networking confined within a defined area and relied heavily on the personal finances of the head librarians • primary purpose of the cooperation was to allow students and faculty physical access to the resources of each other’s libraries. • membership from 5 to 57 institutions
Davao Colleges and Universities Network (DACUN) • another provincial/local library network in Southern Mindanao composed of 11 libraries • Undertakes staff training and development among its member librarians ; implements networking agenda: collection development enhancement, unification of library standards, improvement of information technology infrastructure and maintenance and publication of databases and other bibliographic activities.
Nutrition Research Information Network (NUTRINET) • Science and Technology Information Institute- DOST (STII-DOST) • Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI-DOST) • Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI-DOST) • National Nutrition council
Nutrition Research Information Network (NUTRINET) • Science and Technology Information Institute- DOST (STII-DOST) • Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI-DOST) • Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI-DOST) • National Nutrition Council – Dept. of Agriculture • Agricultural Training Institute – DA
NUTRINET – CONT’D • College of Home Economics – UP Diliman • College of Medicine – UP Manila • College of Public Health – UP Manila • College of Human Ecology – UP Los Banos • Institute of Human Nutrition and Food – UPLB
University of the Philippines • Network of libraries of six (6) autonomous units in 10 campuses each of which has a university librarian managing a main library and several college/unit libraries staffed by professional librarians
UP Diliman (Flagship Campus) • Network of a Main Library and 33 college/unit libraries. Mission: - to provide library users the best possible access to the information they need in support of instruction, research and extension; and - the best possible information services through the use of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) as applied to libraries.
UP Library Services • Lending Services • Information and bibliographic services • Reader’s Advisory Services • Reference work and referrals • Library orientation tours, lectures and other user education services • Inter-library loans • Microfilming and other reprographic services • Computerized book cataloging and periodical indexing • Media Services • Exhibits • Research and publications • Networking / resources sharing • E-mail, internet access with website at www.mainlib.upd.edu.ph
UP Diliman: Academic Library Cooperation National Linkages • UP Library and professional staff serve as trainers/reviewers/resource speakers: • UPILIS • Professional library associations/organizations and library schools • Extends interlibrary loan, references and information services to co-members of local consortia (DOST-ESEP, MBA consortium) • NCAA/Sentro ng Wikang Filipino Project for a UP Filipino Language Resource Center
UP Diliman: Academic Library Cooperation Regional Linkages • SARBICA • Colloquium on Academic Library Information Resources for Southeast Asian Scholarship (Academic Exchange and Cooperation) The Colloquium establishes ties among the university libraries, university presses and schools of library and information science. Agreed to identify technical expertise of information professionals, standardize bibliographic records, share records and supply copies of unique library materials at cost, exchange some university publications and deposit a few university press imprints in university libraries • International Meeting on Microform Preservations and Conservation Practices – SEACAP (MSEAM)
UP Diliman: Academic Library Cooperation International Linkages • Exchange of publications (IPP to around 100 institutions) • International Conferences on Digital Libraries • Signatory to a number of MOA: Asia and the Pacific: Monash University, University of New South Wales; University of Technology Sydney; Hua Chiao University; Osaka University of Foreign Students; Osaka University of Economics and Law; University of Tokyo; Kyoto University; Soka University; University of Tsukuba; National Open University, Taiwan; University of Hawaii
UP Diliman: International Linkages (MOA) • Southeast Asia: Universitas Gadja Mada; Universitas Islam Indonesia; Universiti Sains Malaysia; Sipalkorn University; Chulalongkorn University; Thammasat University; University of Hanoi; Han Nam University; Ho Chi Minh Polytechnique University • Europe: Vrije University Brussel; El Azhar University; University of Aix-Marseille III; University of Bonn; Eindhoven University of Technology; Universitat Van Amsterdam
UP Diliman: International Linkages (MOA) • United States: Virginia Polytechnic Institute; San Francisco State University; California State University; Georgia Institute of Technology; University of Illinois; Pennsylvania State University; Boston University; University of Wisconsin; University of Missouri; North Carolina State University; University of Rhode Island; University of South Carolina; Brigham Young University.
COLLABORATIONS/PARTNERSHIPS INSTITUTIONS • Cornell University • University of Wisconsin – Madison • UP Press • Kyoto University Center for SEA • Library of Congress • Lopez Foundation • Local and Historical and Cultural groups
UP Institute of Library and Information Science • Regional cooperation in information manpower development – PGTCSIS – SEA • UNESCO initiatives :concept paper on education and training of information professionals in SEA, SISNAP within the framework of ASTINFO, SLISNET • Enhancement of instruction via: • Faculty/staff/student exchanges (SEAMO/SEARCA University Consortium Program) • Study tour program by IFLA through its Asian Libraries Program • Sandwich programs
UP ILIS cont’d • UPILIS published Filipiniana Reference Annotated Guide in both CD-ROM and print. CD-ROM version is titled: The Filipiniana Reference Sources Bibliographic Database and Print version is titled: Guide to Filipiniana References Sources It is a list with annotations of 1746 titles on Philippine reference books in the sciences, social sciences and the humanities.
UP Our experience in the University of the Philippines has given us the impetus to be the lead institution for a computerized center for bibliographic activities of universities in the Philippines.
Summary Forms of library cooperation/partnership in the Philippine setting at the community, national and regional level and not only improves but also enhances Readers/Reference Services: • In terms of the extent of involvement : interlibrary loans, union lists, shared access, cooperative acquisitions, cooperative cataloging, cooperative indexing, automation, database access and library staff exchange. • In terms of the extent to which partners enjoy benefits : joint purchasing, sharing of resources, acquisition planning, cooperative training, cooperative planning and expertise development.
Collaborations and Partnerships • “When you cannot go it alone and succeed, collaboration becomes a prerequisite to effectiveness”; it is natural for institutions to “come together to assemble sufficient collective confidence, knowledge, financial resources or political power to enable them to be effective” (pointed out by James E. Austin, 2000, Harvard Business School)
Conclusion • In the world of research libraries, collaboration and partnerships have allowed them to pool resources, collect cooperatively, manage collections efficiently, achieve long-term preservation goals more effectively, and adapt to new technology.
Conclusion • Partnerships strengthen capabilities of the libraries as active members and enable them to provide the best possible information services to their respective constituency and alumni, the general public, and to the world.