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The royal family and the democracy. Spanish royal family. Sanction and promulgate laws. Summon and dissolve Parliament and call an election in the terms provided in the Constitution.
Spanish royal family • Sanction and promulgate laws. • Summon and dissolve Parliament and call an election in the terms provided in the Constitution. • Propose to the Congress of Deputies candidate for president of the Government, appoint and dismiss him, in the terms provided in the Constitution. • Appoint and dismiss other Cabinet members on a proposal from its chairman. • Issue the decrees approved by the Council of Ministers, • The Patron of the Royal Academies. • State expressing consent to be bound by international treaties. • To declare war and make peace, after authorization by Parliament.
Whatpowerdoesthemonarchyhave? • The 1978 Constitution, Title II The Crown, Article 62 and 56 delineates the powers of the king, It is incumbent upon the King: only arbitral power. • Is the Head of State, only arbitrates and moderates the regular functioning of the institutions, assumes the highest representation of the international relations. • Sanction and promulgate the laws • Summon and dissolve the Cortes Generales and to call for elections under the terms provided for in the Constitution. • Call for a referendum in the cases provided for in the Constitution. • Appoint and dismiss members of the Government on the President of the Government’s proposal.
Prince Felipe and PrincessLetizia Their role in Spain is to attend many meetings with presidents of other countries and chairing some of the events held in Spain. In addition they will be the successors of King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia when they die.
Infants Infanta Cristina, Duchess of Palma de Mallorca Infanta Elena, Duchess of Lugo • She carries out many institutional, cultural, academic and welfare activities in Spain and abroad, especially in European and Latin American countries. • As Honorary President of the Spanish Committee of UNESCO. • She is the President of the International Foundation for Disabled Sailing. • Infanta Elena has participated in many official events, having travelled to Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, Argentina, Japan, Peru and the Philippines representing the Royal Family.
DictatorshipRepression • All other languages different to Spanish were forbidden, the other symbols were suppressed too. • The repression of Franco forbidden languages ,religions, La “Falange” was the only political party. • The white terror is the repression that cost more than 150,000 to 400,000 deaths
The transition • The Spanish transition to democracy was the era when Spain moved from the dictatorship of Francisco Franco to a liberal democratic state. • Political role of Juan Carlos I The death of Franco elevated Don Juan Carlos de Borbónto the throne. Until Franco’s death, Juan Carlos had remained in the background. The role of the king in the coup of Feb. 23rd 1981 The refusal of the King to promote the coup led to it being called off during the night. The monarch assured himself after discussions, personal and with colleagues, of the fidelity of military leaders. Alfonso Armada presented himself in Congress with a dual objective: to convince Lieutenant Colonel Tejero to relinquish his posture and assume himself the role of head of government under the order of the king, in a clearly unconstitutional manner. But Armada was not the awaited "competent, military authority" andTejeroignored him. while Tejero resisted until midday of the 24th and was arrested outside the Congress building
The transition Suarez the prime Minister… In July 1976 King Juan Carlos I orderedtheformation of thefirstdemocraticgovernment of hisreign and thesubsequentdismantling of theFranco’sstructure, Suarez was a complete unknownto a majority of Spanishpeople. Withonly 43 yearswith no manydifficulties, he wasabletounite a group of politicians of hisgenerationwhohad come tothedemocraticbeliefs in variousways. He wasabletogather, withPhalangists "converts" likehim, social democrats, liberals, Democrats, etc. and, between 1976 and 1979, the Franco regimewasdismantledwiththecomplicity of the anti-Franco forces as the PSOE and especiallytheCommunistParty of Spain and its leader, Santiago Carrillo, whonamed Suarez as anintelligentanticommunist. 23th of February on 1981 • Suarez resigned and on 23F was taking part the votation of his successor CalvoSotelo. The Coronel Tejero got in on the hemicycle with a gun on his hand and tried to arrive to the power.
The transition Thelegalization of thepoliticalparties. Politicalpartieshaveplayed in thepoliticaltransitionanimportant role in thedemocraticstructure of Spain. 1978 Constitutiondefined a parliamentaryregimewhichpotentiatedthe role of parties.Thepoliticalpartieswere: • Batasuna • Herri Batasuna • Partido Carlista • Partido Comunista de España • Partido Nacionalista Vasco • Partido Regionalista de Cantabria • Partido Socialista Obrero Español • Partidos políticos integrados en Unión de Centro Democrático • Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya • Unión de Centro Democrático