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AED Automatic External Defibrillator

AED Automatic External Defibrillator. AED. Indication for the use of an AED Unresponsive Pulseless Non breathing patient Over 1 year old. AED. Contraindication for the use of an AED Patient has a pulse Patient is breathing Patient is under 1 year

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AED Automatic External Defibrillator

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  1. AED Automatic External Defibrillator

  2. AED Indication for the use of an AED • Unresponsive • Pulseless • Non breathing patient • Over 1 year old

  3. AED Contraindication for the use of an AED • Patient has a pulse • Patient is breathing • Patient is under 1 year • Patient is on a metal surface or laying in water

  4. AED Why are there age considerations? • Chest must be large enough for adult pads • Pads must be at least 1/2” apart • Children require a lower voltage shock

  5. AED Myths • AED cannot analyze a person to determine if the patient is having a heart attack. • AED cannot make recommendations about whether or not a person should see a doctor.

  6. AED Shockable Rhythms: Ventricular Fibrillation (V Fib) Ventricular Tachycardia (V Tach)

  7. AED Non-shockable Rhythms: Normal Sinus Rhythm Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA) Asystole Agonal

  8. AED operation • Stop CPR if in progress. • Verify patient is unresponsive, pulseless, and non breathing. • Have partner resume CPR • Attach AED • Turn on AED • Follow AED voice prompt

  9. AED operation • Place AED on left side of patient - near left ear is optimal • Attach AED pads per diagram - do not place pads over pacemakers or medication patches (more info later)

  10. AED operation • Deliver shock when advised • Push button • Arms straighten & back arches • AED will automatically dump charge if not used

  11. AED operation 3 results which may occur after shock: • Pulse regained - do not remove AED • No pulse - AED indicates “no shock” • No pulse - AED indicates “shock”

  12. AED operations When ALS is not available transport when.. Patient regains a pulse 6 shocks have been delivered 3 consecutive “no shock messages”

  13. Post Resuscitation Care • Keep AED on patient • Perform pulse check every 30-60 seconds

  14. Safety Considerations • Human error • Mechanical error Can cause Inappropriate shocks or failure to shock

  15. Other Considerations • Medication patches • Pacemaker or implanted cardiac defibrillator • Chest hair

  16. AED maintenance • Check AED and supplies Case in good condition and undamaged Charged Batteries Spare Batteries Spare Electrodes Towel Razor

  17. End

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