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Developmental Psychology: Children and Adolescents

Explore the processes of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth in children and adolescents. Understand the effects of genetic and environmental influences on development. Learn about the major theories and research in the field.

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Developmental Psychology: Children and Adolescents

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  1. FEM 3101Developmental Psychology: Children and AdolescentsPJJ - FACE TO FACE 1SEMESTER 1SESSION 2013-20148 SEPTEMBER 2013 SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  2. INSTRUCTOR: DR. SITI NOR BINTI YAACOB DEPT. OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT & FAMILY STUDIES FACULTY OF HUMAN ECOLOGY Tel.: 603-89467088/ 03-89467093/012-2841844 e-mail: sitinor@upm.edu.my/sitinor8888@gmail.com SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  3. COURSE SYNOPSIS Processes of physical, cognitive, social and emotional growth and development from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on the major aspects at each stage of development. Processes and outcomes of interaction between the child-adolescent and the environment. SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  4. COURSE OBJECTIVES By the end of the course students will be able to: • Identify ecological processes of physical, socio-emotional and cognitive development of children and adolescents.(C2) • Explain the effects of genetic, environment, and genetic-environment interactions influences on children-adolescent development. (C4, A3, CS) • Explain the effects of children-adolescent interactions with the environment on children-adolescent growth and development. (P3, CTPS, TS) SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  5. About the course Part One: Introduction - Concepts, Theories & Research Part Two: Child Psychology Part Three: Adolescent psychology SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  6. COURSE CONTENT – 5 UNITS Unit 1: Introduces major concepts, principles and theories of child and adolescent development. Unit 1 also covers various alternative methods researchers use to explore questions or obtain information on child and adolescent development. Unit 2: Highlights the prenatal development of the unborn child. SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  7. COURSE CONTENT – 5 UNITS Unit 3: Postnatal Development – Birth & Infancy Unit 4: Covers physical, intellectual, language and socio-emotional development of children (early – late childhood). SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  8. COURSE CONTENT – 5 UNITS Unit 5: Covers significant aspects of adolescent development such as physical, cognitive, personality, moral and vocational planning. Specific developmental problems during adolescence are highlighted. SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  9. LECTURE TOPICS Introduction Prenatal development Postnatal development Physical development in children Cognitive development in children Language development in children Socio-emotion and values development in children Adolescents’ physical development Adolescents’ cognitive development Adolescents’ socio-emotional development Adolescents’ vocational and career development SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  10. Assessments SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  11. WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? • Derived from Latin words: psyche & logos • Psyche = soul/emotions (feelings) • Logos = knowledge/field of studies • Broad definition: • Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and cognitive processes. It describes thinking and behavior and looks at the relationships between them (“the what”) and tries to explain the causes for them (“the why”) SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  12. DEFINITION OF CONCEPT • What is Growth (Pertumbuhan)? • What is Development (Perkembangan)? SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  13. GROWTH • Growth is a quantitative process of change • ex. change in weight/height – i.e. changes in size and structure, physical and mental aspects. • Changes can be measured & assess - from one stage to the other. • Growth will reach its peak once a person mature. SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  14. DEFINITION “Growth is an individual development in body size, for example changes in muscles, bones, hair, skin & glands. [Karl E. Garrison] “Growth is a change that can be measured from one stage to the other, and from time to time” [Atan Long] “Growth as an increment in a person external attributes. For examples in terms of size, height and body weight” [D.S Wright & Ann Taylor] SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  15. WHAT IS DEVELOPMENT? • Development is change. • Child development is a scientific study of processes of change and stability from conception through adolescence. • It involves changes in physical, social, emotional and intellectual functioning over time. • Changes include alterations in size, shape and function. It can be either progressive or regressive. • Development occurs in the context of the significant social environment of life process (family, school, peer group, community). SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  16. The study of children is concerned with two primary types of change over time: • Quantitative change:refers to the easily measurable and sometimes obvious aspects of development (including physical growth – height & weight, vocabulary, frequency of communication & years of education) • Qualitative change:refers to variations and modifications in functioning. It is a change in kind, structure or organization. SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  17. Behavioral change as a developmental change • Three general condition/criteria • The change is orderly or sequential. • The change results in a permanent alteration of behavior. • The change results in a new behavior or mode of functioning that is more advanced, adaptive or useful than prior behaviors. SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  18. Thus….Child Development is…. A scientific study of understanding all aspects of human constancy and change from conception through adolescence A part of a larger discipline known as developmental psychology or human development, which includes all changes experienced throughout the lifespan SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  19. Developmental stages • Prenatal • Infancy (0-2 years) & Toddlerhood (2-3 years) • Early childhood(3-6 years) • Middle childhood (6-10 years) • Adolescence (11-19 years) • Early (11-14 years) • Middle (15-17 years) • Late (18-19 years) • Adulthood(≥ 20 years) • Early (20-30 years) • Middle (40-50 years) • Late (60 years and above) SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  20. DOMAINS OF DEVELOPMENT • Change & stability occur in various domains of the self. • These domains are intertwined – each affects the others. • 3 main domains: • Physical – growth of the body & brain, sensory capacities, motor skills & health. • Cognitive – change & stability in mental abilities (learning, memory, language, thinking, moral reasoning & creativity). • Psychosocial - change & stability in personality, emotional life & social relationships. SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ


  22. Influences on Development: • Factors that can influence development are:- • Nature (sejadi) • Genetic (Warisan/baka/genetik) • Nurture (Asuhan) • Environment (Persekitaran) • Food intake (Pemakanan) • Health (Kesihatan) SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  23. Major Contextual Influences • Normative Influences • Normative age-graded influences/event, i..e. biological or social • Example = puberty or entry into formal schooling • Normative history-graded event, i.e. cohort (a group of people who share a similar experience) • Example = living during the Great Depression/Tsunami • i.e. Atypical events, e.g. having a birth defect • Non-normative Influences • Individual events that impact the person • Events can be traumatic or happy SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  24. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHILD PYCHOLOGY? • Children of antiquity • Medieval times (6th – 15th centuries) • The Reformation (16th centuries) • Philosophies of the Enlightenment (17th centuries) • Evolution (Darwinism) & Child Development • Birth of Scientific Methodology • Mental Testing Movement SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  25. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHILD PYCHOLOGY? • Medieval times (6th – 15th centuries) • Infants/newborn are regarded as miniature, already formed adult • Age was unimportant in medieval custom • No concrete theories on children’s uniqueness or separate developmental periods • There exist some awareness of the vulnerability of children (child protection laws & special clinical care) SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  26. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHILD PYCHOLOGY? • The Reformation (16th centuries) • Belief on original sin • Children were born evil and stubborn and had to be civilized toward a destiny of virtue and salvation SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  27. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHILD PYCHOLOGY? • Philosophies of the Enlightenment (17th centuries) • John Locke (1632-1704) • British philosopher who introduced “tabula rasa” • Children begin with “nothing at all” • Environments shape them • Children are viewed in “passive”, “mechanistic” term • Ideas on “nurture” (parents as rational tutors) SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  28. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHILD PYCHOLOGY? • Philosophies of the Enlightenment (17th centuries) • Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) • Children as “organism” - active shapers of their own destiny • Ideas on “nature” – development determined by their own innate nature • Innate-goodness view SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  29. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHILD PYCHOLOGY? • Evolution (Darwinism) & Child Development • Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882) • Theory of Evolution • 2 important & related concepts: natural selection & survival of the fittest • Emphasizes the adaptive value of physical characteristics/surroundings/ environment and behavior • Researchers were prompted to study all aspects of children’s behavior • The birth of “the science of child psychology” or child study SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  30. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHILD PYCHOLOGY? • Birth of Scientific Methodology • Baby Biographies • Charles Darwin (1877) • Emphasizes observations on own children and relatives • From rudimentary observations to improved methods SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  31. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHILD PYCHOLOGY? • Beginning of 20th century • G. Stanley Hall pioneered the study of child development • Use questionnaire to study children • Use scientific method • Focus on adolescent development SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  32. HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHILD PYCHOLOGY? • Mental Testing Movement • Alfred Binet (1857-1911) • Binet & Theodore Simon took a normative approach, to find a way to identify children with learning problems who needed to be placed in special classes • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test - 1916 SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  33. An emerging consensus All domains are interrelated. Normal development includes a wide range of individual differences. Children help to shape their own development and influence others’ responses to them. Historical and cultural contexts strongly influence development. Early experience is important, but children can be remarkably resilient. Development in childhood is connected to development throughout the rest of the lifespan. SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  34. Theories inDevelopmental Psychology What is a theory? • Hypotheses are tentative explanations or predictions that can be tested by research. • A theory is a set of logically related concepts or statements, which seeks to describe and explain development and predict what kinds of behavior may occur under certain conditions. • Benefits: • Explain the meaning of an event/facts • Able to relate these facts • An orderly, integrated set of • statements that: • Describes • Explains behavior • Predicts SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  35. Theories • Psychoanalytic • Psychosexual (S. Freud) • Psychosocial (E. Erickson) • Learning • Behavioral Learning • Classical Conditioning (Pavlov) • Operant Conditioning (Skinner) • Social Learning (A. Bandura) • Cognitive • Cognitive Developmental Theory (J. Piaget) • Socio-cultural (L. Vygotsky) • Moral Development (Reasoning) (Kohlberg) • Human Ecology System (U. Bronfenbrenner) SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  36. Freud’s Three Parts of the Personality SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  37. Psychoanalytic • Trust versus mistrust • Autonomy vs shame • Initiative vs guilt • Industry vs Inferiority • Identity vs Identity Confusion • Intimacy versus isolation • Generativity vs stagnation • Integrity vs despair • Oral stage • Anal stage • Phallic • Latency • Genital Psychosexual (S. Freud)*Psychosexual stages Psychosocial (E. Erickson)* 8 stages of development SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  38. Psychoanalytic • Psychoanalytic theory proposes that morality develops through humans' conflict between their instinctual drives and the demands of society. • Freud identified three parts of the personality that become integrated during five stages of development • Id • Ego • Superego SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  39. Personality Structure superego ego ID SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  40. Personality Structures • ID (unconscious element) • the largest portion  is the source of basic biological needs and desires. • EGO (semi-conscious element) • the conscious  rational part of the personality, emerges in early infancy to redirect the id’s impulses so they are discharged in acceptable ways • SUPEREGO (The conscious element that function on the basis of morality). • the conscience that develops between ages 3 and 6 through interactions with parents, who insist that the child conform to the values of society. SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  41. Freud Psychosexual stages: • Oral stage [0- 1 year] – • Mouth is the focus of stimulation & interaction. Feeding & weaning are central • Anal stage [1-3 year] – • Anus as the focus of stimulation & interaction. Elimination & toilet training is central SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  42. Freud Psychosexual stages: • Phallic [3-6year] • The genital is the focus of stimulation. Gender role & moral development are central. • Conflict between id & superego • Children interested to know more different sexes, babies etc. • 2 main conflict: • Oedipus Conflict  son attracted to mother • Electra Conflict  daughter attracted to father • Penis envy SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  43. Freud Psychosexual stages: • Latency [6-12 year] • A period of suspended sexual activities; Energy shift to physical and intellectual activities. Focus on achievement • Genital [Adolescent – adulthood (12 & above)] • Genital are the focus of stimulation with the onset of puberty • Mature sexual relationship develop SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  44. Erikson’s Psychosocial stages SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  45. Behaviorism & Social Learning SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  46. Behavioral Theory • Learning based on reinforcement (punishment) or punishment • Positive reinforcement • Negative reinforcement • Punishment • Behavior modification • Stimulus & Response • Learning based on association of a stimulus that does not ordinarily elicit a response with another stimulus that does elicit the response. • Classical Conditioning • Ivan Pavlov Operant Conditioning (B.F. Skinner) SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  47. Behavioral Theory • Social Learning Theory • Albert Bandura • Modelling (Role model) • Theory that behaviors are learned by observing and imitating models • Observational learning • Models • Importance of values and thoughts in imitating behavior of a model • Practical implications? SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  48. Behaviorism & Social Learning • Development results from learning • Behaviorism – a mechanistic theory • Continuous change • Quantitative change • Importance of the environment • Associative learning SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  49. Cognitive Theory • Community & culture influence on development  Focus is the social, cultural, and historical complex of which the child is part. • Social Interaction • Zone of proximal development – The difference between what a child can do alone and with help • Scaffolding – Temporary support to help a child master a task. • Sensorimotor (0-2) • Preoperational (2-6) • Concrete Operational (6-11) • Formal Operation (11-adulthood) Jean Piaget Cognitive Development • Socio-Cultural Theory • L. Vygotsky SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

  50. Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory Transmission of culture to new generation Beliefs, customs, skills Social interaction necessary to learn culture Cooperative dialogue with more knowledgeable members of society Zone of proximal Scaffolding SITINOR/FEM3101/SEPTEMBER 2013/PJJ

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