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Website Ranking<br>Are you ready for the changes to Google to get a website ranking on page one? Join me and read this to help you out with this challenging task. I'll let you in on some of the secrets to getting a website ranked and even show you an easy way of getting your website, even if it's brand-new, to the first page of Google Search results.
HOW TO EXPLOIT GOOGLE TO GIVE US PAGE 1 RANKINGS AT WILL... ............................................ 3 WHAT NOBODY WILL TELL YOU….......................................................................................................... 4 WHY CAN’T I MAKE THIS KIND OF MONEY? ........................................................................................ 5 HERE’S HOW TO RANK A WEBSITE? ....................................................................................................... 5 WHAT YOU NEED TO DO… ............................................................................................................................ 6 DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO GET HOW TO GET PAGE ONE GOOGLE RANKING? ................ 7 HOW DOES SERPLIFY DO ITT? ......................................................................................................................... 8 TESTIMONIALS ............................................................................................................................................... 9 INCOME PROOF ......................................................................................................................................... 10 OVERVIEW OF SERPLIFY ....................................................................................................................... 11 HOW DO I MAKE MONEY WITH THIS ................................................................................................... 12 HOW MUCH TRAFFIC? ......................................................................................................................... 12 FROM 2HOURS TO 2MINUTES .................................................................................................................... 12 RECAP ................................................................................................................................................... 12 2 OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 13 WHAT TO DO NEXT… ........................................................................................................................... 13 GUARANTEE .......................................................................................................................................... 14 BONUSES ............................................................................................................................................... 14 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................................... 15 FAQ ................................................................................................................................................. 15-16 © Copyright 2017… All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. Legal Disclaimer… The information contained within this eBook is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply ideas contained in this eBook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. Income can’t be guaranteed for your use of the system as there are many variables involved in this system. The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information within this book was correct at time of publication. The author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from accident, negligence, or any other cause.
Website Ranking Beating Google and Getting on Page 1 The Trick to Building Google Happy Websites in 2017 How to Exploit Google to Give Us Page 1 Rankings at Will........ Do you know how to make Google happy and get a website to the first page in Google Rankings? More so, could you do it in 60 seconds? I don’t think so but I’m going to tell you exactly how to rank a site on page 1 of Google and then I’ll show you how I do it in 60 seconds. Listen up, folks. I’ll explain exactly how to do it and why this is now possible. When you hear what I’m about to tell you… you’ll be as amazed as I was, and I’m willing tobet you’ll hop over to the Internet before you finish reading this PDF (You won’t be able to help yourself)
What Nobody Will Tell You…(how to do this amazing feat) I write this from my own point of view, but as I do I can imagine many of you reading will feel exactly the same. So let me ask you; do you find it easy to rank websites? I bet the answer is no… the fact is while there are lots of ways to rank websites most of the time applying those methods requires time and money. Making blog posts, buying backlinks, uploading YouTube videos and updating social media profiles are all ways of doing it...in the past! And if you’re anything like me you’ve probably tried this and tried that like above with little to no success… am I right. OK, so we usually only get to hear about the obvious stuff that everyone talks about… and the fact that everyone does it means… well it simply means it’s been done to death. And in most cases that equates to wasted time and wasted money. All along, you’ve been promised how much money you can make once a website ranks and have seen lots of proof... Look Familiar? I’ll bet, well here is an income proof from November for an ECOM website in the survival and wilderness niche. Why can’t I make this kind of money??? I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way…
Anyway, to cut a long story short… I found out that there are a number of what certain people in the know call ‘Stealth’. Stealth methods do exist but they remain hidden from most of us because they are very, very easy… and they make certain people a lot of money. So, they are not sharing. But I found one. Are you in a rush to get to the 60 second solution to ranking a site on page 1 of Google? If so, go here: Click Here, otherwise, please keep reading! …Here’s how to rank a website Target less competitive – longtail keywords Long tail keywords are queries that are more specific (and usually longer) than more conventional “head” keywords. Why Long Tail Keywords you ask? Long tail keywords get less search traffic, but will usually have a higher conversion value, as they focus on a more specific product. There are so many Keyword Tools out there, we don’t need to get into those as that is another course on its own. But just starting out with the Google Keyword Tool is fine. I mean, they are the ones we are going after so let’s use the tool they give us for our use. Look for phrases that get a minimum of 400- 500 searches/month. Creating Unique Content-and a lot of it! How do you get unique content? Well, do you like to do research and write? I hope so, because that is the best unique content out there. YOUR OWN WORDS! I know, you are cringing like me. There are alternatives though, ghost writers and PLR if you can find appropriate content then rewrite the content slightly to fool the Google algorithms. The ‘$5 dollar site’ and scores of other similar sites are a good option but you need to make sure you are getting unique content and you may need to re- write it if their command of the English language is not quite perfect. Pictures, Photos, Infographics or Pictograms Simply put, a picture or picture with words and even text overlay to make a point or explain the pictures. Pictures are visual and so many people are visual in this BIG world. Pictures help, big time! Posting Relevant Info that is Interesting and OFTEN!! Google like to see fresh content. No, not Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Articles that are relevant to your keywords with fresh or new content. Stuff Google has not seen before and it has to be good and between 1500-2000 words per post. There are many posting software out there to help with that but they can be expensive. No worries, you can post it yourself.
Do you see a pattern of work you are taking on with ranking websites? Would you like to skip to the EASY Way of ranking sites? Then click here otherwise please keep reading I have more for you. GEO-Optimizing Every Post and Page Yep, Local Search is very popular and easy in Google now. They want to give us, the neighbourhoods we live in local information. Local beats out the national and international pages, 10 to 1! Go after the towns surrounding you first for whatever site you are trying to rank. Then, go after other areas once you are good at it! Indexing Your Site for Google to Find You How do you get your website ‘Found’ or indexed by Google? Get the site indexed and that’ll boost your rankings. But, first they have to notice you and then ‘crawl’ your site to look at your content. If they don’t like what you have, BAM no page 1. There are sites out there that will analyze your site but the work is already done and you have to start over from scratch to try and rank. You Need a Fast Website and Mobile Friendly A slow website is not only bad for the user, but also for search engine optimization that Google uses to rank your site. Thus, a slow website can cause your site to rank lower in the search engine results. That translates to fewer page views and less ad revenue or customer conversions for you, depending on how you are using your site. Go for VPS hosting or ‘cloud hosting’ as it is much faster. Also, make sure the site looks good on your phone and tablet. There are sites out there to review your website and warn you if it is not mobile friendly. You definitely want all users to have the best experience. The Main Keyword Should be in the URL: Sound easy? Well it is but just do it and make sure you use the keywords often and properly. Don’t put the word in with no context or reason. The Google machine can see this and will penalize your ranking.
Want to jump to the EASY Way of ranking sites? Then click here otherwise please keep reading I’m almost done telling you how to rank a website. Maximize the User Experience and Keep Them on the Site Longer Use internal linking on the site to keep visitors on your site with similar and relevant info to keep them interested. If you jump around too much and lose their attention, you risk losing them to other sites and Google sees how long a user stays on your site. The Longer we stay on a site = Google thinks the site is better quality and sends more organic search traffic. WIN-WIN!! PHEW, that was a lot but it was just a start.... Google is always changing what they like and don’t like. Oh, I almost forgot, don’t use a popup box to grab an email address anymore! Lightboxes are very bad now. Got one on your site now? Get rid of it and quick. Building a site from scratch? Don’t put one on there. Do You Want To Know How To Get Page One Google Rankings? In Sixty Seconds? Yes, I said in 60 seconds........
Can you really rank as early as today?? YES, YOU CAN!! NEW SOFTWARE INSTANTLY BUILDS A PERFECT 60 SECOND SITE THAT RANKED PAGE 1 ON GOOGLE OUT OF 138,000 SEARCH RESULTS & The Exact Process Of How You Can Do This Instantly With Just A Few Clicks 1)Simply add your domains & locations you want to rank for 2)Automatically adds thousands of optimized unique pages full of themed content for each keyword 3)Automatically mass indexes, optimizes and syndicates all the content for you 4)Instantly builds your pages and skyrockets them all to page one And Serplify Does this All in about 60 Seconds How amazing is that?? Ready to check out this amazing software? Click here Click here to get your copy now!
Are you new to ranking websites and looking for verification that is it possible to do? The next page shows what we were able to accomplish with Serplify
Click Here to get your hands on Serplify now! What you need to do… 1. You need to do keyword research and look for long tail keywords that are easy to rank for 2. Write articles of roughly 1500-2000 words with unique content and put your keywords throughout the article 3. Get a website URL with the keyword; make sure the site is fast and mobile optimized 4. Post often with lots of relevant pictures to keep readers attention and keep them on your site 5. Geo-Optimize posts to keep them local and get your site indexed by abiding to Google list of rules to ensure the search engine look over your site and put it in the search results
Or the easy way to rank a website, Get Serplify to do the work! How do you make money with this software? Get your site optimized and then put advertisements on the site or links to physical products that support what you are writing about and interests your fans. You could get them to sign up for CPA offers or other electronic items whether physical or not for purchase. How much traffic? That would depend on each website… and that also depends on how popular the topic of your site or niche is (weight loss and dating are the best). If you rank your site properly and have an attractive offer, then you will make money and perhaps a lot of money! How much can I make? Let’s assume that the commission I get for referring that visitor to a product is $7 (average)… then I could potentially make $108 per month… That’s $1296 per year. No this isn’t ground breaking, but, remember… that is $1293 profit on a small investment. $12,930 for a $47 investment Now let’s say you had $47 to invest in Serplify… now you just multiplied the whole thing x10… so a potential $12,930 for a $47 investment… That sounds better doesn’t it? Do the math yourself…. What I’m doing… well simple really, I buy some domains (websites), make a few commissions and then buy some more domains (websites). The goal for me is to get to 100 domains within the next month or so with no more than $30 out of my own product. How I made this Even Easier and Quicker! Recap: 1. You need to do keyword research and look for long tail keywords that are easy to rank for
2. Write articles of roughly 1500-2000 words with unique content and put your keywords throughout the article 3. Get a website URL with the keyword; make sure the site is fast and mobile optimized 4. Post often with lots of relevant pictures to keep readers attention and keep them on your site 5. Geo-Optimize posts to keep them local and get your site indexed by abiding to Google list of rules to ensure the search engine look over your site and put it in the search results Remember… But it still takes time… so I started using this It’s called Serplify, Click here to see it in action~ From 2 Hours to 1 Minute And essentially what it does is automate everything I’ve mentioned on this page in minutes… It means that what might have taken a few days to build a website now take a minute or two. 2 options So two options 1. Have a crack at doing website ranking manually… you can do it, I did (it just takes a little while sometimes) 2. Use the software… it takes minutes and a real time saver if you want to do this fast. Either way, give it a go… it’s so easy lol What to do Next… 1. Click here Clicking the link takes you to another page. I.e the Serplify page. You can see all the details, features, testimonials and videos about the product there. If for some reason the link doesn’t work copy and paste the following url into your browser: http://insaneoffersforyou.com/serplify
Click this link to get started today: http://insaneoffersforyou.com/serplify And of course they offer a full guarantee on the product (just in case you were wondering) Were you looking for the bonuses?
That brings me to a conclusion… hope you liked this little trick. Remember where you heard about it… and feel free to pass this PDF on if you wish, because there really are more than enough guides out there to getting a website ranking on page one in Google but I feel this one is the best to get your sites ranked. Thanks, and all the best… Hope this works for you Regards Neil Frequently Asked Questions What is Serplify? Serplify is the ONLY web based software that mass builds, customizes, GEO-Optimizes, monetizes, schedules, and builds you fully fledged unique sites that rank page one on Google. I am a newbie, can I do this? Yes! It doesn’t matter if you have no experience or tech skills, as long as you have a wordpress site, we'll show you step by step exactly how to quickly build and scale sites with Serplify. Does Serplify have other countries added such as UK and Australia? Due to the costs to maintain such databases, the UK and Australia are only unlocked to those that buy the upsell, which includes free life time updates to any other countries we add in. What’s the special offer? You get up to 62% off the actual retail price in the first 48 hours of the launch, and then up to 50% off on the last 3 days of the launch, once the launch is over, the price automatically doubles to it’s actual retail price.
How can I make money with this? With just a few clicks you can build Serplify sites for local businesses in the area. For example you can build a site for a dentist, plumber, lawyer, florist, roofer ect, and rank for that trade in every city and zip code in the country. Once it’s on page 1 of Google, you can reach out to local businesses giving them advertising space on your Serplify site in exchange for your fee (easy 4 figure payday), and that’s all with 1 Serplify site that took minutes to set up. Is there a result guarantee? Unfortunately, because we do not control Google, we can never guarantee results and the same applies to every other SEO service or software out there. However our staffs are trained well to go the extra mile to ensure your sites are a success. Not only will we be able to look at your site, but also diagnose any potential issues that are affecting your rankings, we can then give you suggestions to improve and boost your rankings. Also this is a 100% risk free purchase, so you have nothing to lose here. If for whatever reason you’re unhappy, you’ve got a 30 days iron clad money back guarantee.