Great expectations Great expectations is about a kid who is lonely because his mum and dad are in the graveyard dead along with his five brothers. So he goes there and puts some flowers in respect to his mum and dad. That kid lives with his sister. In the end he becomes a snob because he doesn't give any money away he spends it all.
About pip Like it said on the first slide pip becomes a snob that's only because he gets a load of money and forgets about the ones that he used to love and the that still love him to this day onward. Before he was born his mum and dad died. Luckily they got him out before he died with them.
About Estella Estella is heart breaker to men because she was brought up by miss havisham and she was heart broken as she was jilted by her ex-husband. Estella broke pips heart and but they fell in love.
About miss havisham Miss havisham got jilted and is heart broken for the rest of her life until she dies by being burnt. She brings up a child called Estella which you will of heard of in third slide. She brings her up (she was adopted) to break men's hearts but as it said on the third slide she falls in love with two men one dumps her and one stays with her.
By a man called Aiden demeyer Originally from the man himself Charles dickens Great expectations