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SEBI CONSENT ORDER . January 16, 2011.

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  1. SEBI CONSENT ORDER January 16, 2011 DisclaimerAs per SEBI consent guidelines, all information submitted and discussions in pursuance of consent orders may not be released to the public. Accordingly, no queries can be entertained on the facts of the case, basis for the consent terms, and related matters. This presentation only explains the scope of the consent order, in the interests of over 11 million investors of the Group, in view of distorted reports thereon in a section of the media.

  2. Just some of the misleading headlines…. 2

  3. The Facts are Completely different to reports… • FACT 1 : SEBI has NOT banned / debarred RInfra, RNRL, Anil Ambani, other Directors from capital markets • FACT 2 : SEBI has NOT banned / debarred RInfra, RNRL, Anil Ambani, other Directors from stock markets • FACT 3 : SEBI has NOT barred “Indian Billionaire” from stock markets • FACT 4 : SEBI has NOT barred Anil Ambani from market • FACT 5 : SEBI has placed NO restrictions on raising of equity and debt resources by any Reliance ADA Group company or individual

  4. Impact of Incorrect Reporting Any statements or innuendo contrary to the true import and meaning of the SEBI consent order are : totally false highly defamatory detrimental to the interests of our over 11 million investors – Largest shareholder family in the world Constructive reporting based on facts and careful reading of the SEBI order will best serve interests of all stakeholders 4

  5. SEBI Consent Guidelines - Background • SEBI Consent guidelines introduced in April, 2007 • Consent philosophy in line with regulatory practices in developed markets • US SEC settles over 90% of cases through consent orders • SEBI has passed over 1,000 consent orders in the past nearly 4 years – More than 1 per day on average

  6. Consent - SEBI’s Stated Objectives • Avoiding long drawn litigation before SEBI / SAT / Courts • Reduction of regulatory costs • Saving of time and efforts in relation to enforcement action • Appropriate deterrence through payment of consent fee, etc.

  7. Consent – Companies’ Objectives • Application made “without admitting or denying guilt” • Avoid long drawn litigation before SEBI / SAT / HC / SC • Avoid distraction of management time • Avoid huge legal costs • End regulatory uncertainty in the interest of all stakeholders • Avoid unwarranted and speculative trial by media running over a period of several years Continued…..

  8. Consent – Companies’ Objectives Preserve growth prospects fully Maintain full financial flexibility to implement existing and future projects No burden on Companies No compromise to interests of investors and all other stakeholders 8

  9. Consent Process • Purely voluntary on part of applicant Companies and individuals • Applicant proposes consent terms – Not imposed or induced by SEBI • Application may be made by • admitting guilt; or • without admitting or denying guilt • Proposed consent terms referred to independent High Powered Committee (HPC) • HPC of retired Judge of High Court and 2 professional external experts • When the HPC agrees with the proposal, it recommends matter to a panel of 2 Whole Time Members of SEBI • SEBI Panel passes a suitable order in view of the independent HPC recommendation

  10. Consent Terms Settlement Charge – Rs. 25 crore each • NOT “penalty” or “fine” • Jointly and severally on Company and specified directors • In the interests of 11 million investors, Directors have made payment of entire settlement fee • No burden on RInfra and RPower Rotation of Statutory Auditors • The Company has already implemented the policy of rotation of Statutory Auditors

  11. Consent Terms Investments – Company • RInfra will not make investment in listed securities in the secondary markets till December 2012

  12. Consent Terms Investments - Company RInfra maintains its ability to make the following investments in capital / stock markets even today: Mutual Funds (Fixed Income, Money Market & Equity) Primary issuances (e.g. IPOs, FPOs, Right issues, Bonus issues, Preferential allotments) Buyback of shares Open offers under SEBI Takeover Code (including inter alia for M&A, increase in stake, etc.) Investments in unlisted securities Disinvest / Monetise existing as well as future listed and unlisted investments 12

  13. Consent Terms Investments – Directors (including Anil Ambani) • Specified Directors will not make investment in listed securities in the secondary markets till December 2011

  14. Consent Terms Investments – Directors (including Anil Ambani) The Directors (including Anil Ambani) maintain their ability to make the following investments in capital / stock markets even today: Mutual Funds (Fixed Income, Money market & Equity) Primary issuances (e.g. IPOs, FPOs, Right issues, Bonus issues, Preferential allotments) Open offers under SEBI Takeover Code (including inter alias for M&A, increase in stake, etc.) Investments in unlisted securities Disinvest / Monetise existing as well as future listed and unlisted investments 14

  15. Consent Terms Investments - Anil Ambani personally • Approach has broadly always been to strengthen companies by subscribing to primary issuances • In the last 5 years, have subscribed to: • Preferential allotments • IPO (Reliance Power) • This ability and commitment to support the Group companies is unaffected and remains intact even today

  16. Full Financial Flexibility - Fund Raising & Growth • Full ability preserved by RInfra, RPower (and their subsidiaries), and Anil Ambani group to raise equity and debt resources for existing and future projects, through : • Follow-on Public Offers (FPO) of equity shares • IPO of securities other than equity shares • IPO of unlisted subsidiaries of the Company • Rights issue • Bonus shares • GDRs • QIP • ECB • FCCB, etc.

  17. Other Group Companies • SEBI consent order has NO impact or consequence on investments and / or resource mobilisation of other group companies, including inter alia: • Reliance Communications • Reliance Capital • Reliance MediaWorks • Reliance Broadcast Network


  19. Summary • RInfra, RNRL, Anil Ambani and other directors NOT “banned from capital / stock markets” or “investments” • NO enforcement order imposing a ban or penalty • Voluntary consent process : • proposal by applicants • recommendation by independent HPC • acceptance by SEBI

  20. Summary RInfra and RPower retain full financial flexibility to raise resources and implement their growth plans Reliance Infra poised to be India’s largest infrastructure company, with Net Worth of over Rs 22,000 crore Reliance Power will be India’s largest power generation company, with Market Cap already over Rs 40,000 crore Certainty of regulatory outcome protects and enhances overall value for all stakeholders 20


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