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(v) To work together, normally in a group. Collaborate. Word of the Day!. Mr. Langan loves when students collaborate to accomplish a goal. ANTONYM The staff was divided on what course of action to take so nothing got done.
(v) To work together, normally in a group. Collaborate Word of the Day! Mr. Langanloves when students collaborate to accomplish a goal. ANTONYM The staff was divided on what course of action to take so nothing got done.
(adj) acting in a way to bring ruin to something else. With bad intentions. subversive Word of the Day! Sometimes Mr. Langan thinks students plot subversively to drive him crazy. When students are subversive they are sent to BMOD.
(n) sympathy, helpfulness or mercy compassion Word of the Day! The students showed compassion for their struggling classmate and helped her out with her work. Mr. Langan will show compassion for his students at parent conferences by highlighting the best traits about each student.
(adj) of the same kind, alike. Homogeneous Word of the Day! The chef mixed the oil, water an egg together until it formed a homogeneous liquid. If everyone is homogeneous it’s boring. Diversity of opinion is exciting.
(v or n) an agreement to a dispute that is reached by each side giving up parts of their sides argument. compromise Word of the Day! The students and Mr. Langan came to the compromise that they would behave if he rewarded them Politicians don’t compromise enough, instead they argue constantly.
(v) To take or steal. (to) glom Word of the Day! Randy thinks it’s a funny prank to glom Mr. Langan’s Dino Clock. Jalisa got her Justin Bieber folder glommed by another fan when she wasn’t looking.
(n) The highest point. pinnacle Word of the Day! The hikers reached the pinnacle of the mountain. If you work hard, you’ll reach the pinnacle of your ambitions.