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NEDA (NEutron Detector Array): A possible neutron detector for LUNA-MV 22 Ne(α,n) 25 Mg & 13 C(α,n) 16 O. J.J. Valiente Dobón (LNL-INFN) on behalf of the NEDA collaboration. Overview. The origins of the NEDA detector Organization of the NEDA collaboration - MoU Conceptual design
NEDA (NEutron Detector Array): A possible neutron detector for LUNA-MV 22Ne(α,n)25Mg & 13C(α,n)16O J.J. Valiente Dobón (LNL-INFN) on behalf of the NEDA collaboration
Overview • The origins of the NEDA detector • Organization of the NEDA collaboration - MoU • Conceptual design • On going work on NEDA • Some thoghts of NEDA @ LUNA-MV • Summary
In beam spectroscopy of 92Pd N = Z 92Pd Nature vol. 469 (2011) Use of fusion evaporation reactions to populate very neutron-deficient nuclei – (gamma-ray deetctors, charged particles and neutron detctors) 36Ar+58Ni92Pd +2n
Physics with NEDA NEDA will address the physics of neutron-rich as well as neutron-deficient nuclei, mainly in conjunction with gamma-ray detector arrays like GALILEO, AGATA, EXOGAM2 and PARIS. • Nuclear Structure • Probe of the T=0 correlations in N=Z nuclei: the structure beyond 92Pd (Uppsala, LNL, Padova, GANIL, Stockholm, York) • Coulomb Energy Differences in isobaric multiplets: T=0 versus T=1 states (Warsaw, LNL, Padova, GANIL, York) • Coulomb Energy Differences and Nuclear Shapes (York, Padova, GANIL) • Low-lying collective modes in proton rich nuclei (Valencia, Krakow, Istanbul, Milano, LNL, Padova) • Nuclear Astrophysics • Element abundances in the Inhomogeneous Big Bang Model) 8Li(α,n)11B (Weizmann, Soreq, LNS, Sez. Catania, GANIL) • Isospin effects on the symmetry energy and stellar collapse (Naples, Debrecen, LNL, LNS, Sez. Catania, Florence) • Nuclear Reactions • Level densities of neutron-rich nuclei (Naples, LNL, LNS, Sez. Catania, Florence) • Fission dynamics of neutron-rich intermediate fissility systems (Naples, Debrecen, LNL, LNS, Sez. Catania, GANIL)
Organization of NEDA Spokesperson: J.J. Valiente Dobon (LNL-INFN) GANIL Liason: M. Tripon (GANIL) Management board: -B. Wadsworth (U. of York) -N. Erduram (Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim U.) -G. De France (GANIL) -J. Nyberg (U. of Uppsala) -M. Palacz (U. of Warsaw) -A. Gadea (IFIC - Valencia) -D. Tonev (INRNE – Bulgaria) FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-1 SPIRAL2 PREPARATORY PHASE FIRB (2008) FUTURO IN RICERCA (MIUR) Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (Gruppo III) WithinNuPNET (2011) NEDENSAA project MoU (4 years) signed in march 2012 by Bulgaria, France, Turkey, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom. To be signed by: Italy and Spain
Parties of the collaboration Parties • Bulgaria: Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE) • France: GANIL • Italy: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) • Poland: Consortium of Polish Governmental and Public Institutions (COPIN) • Spain: Conselleria d'Educació, Generalitat Valenciana/Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación/Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad/Centro Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)/Universidad de Valencia/Istituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) • Sweden: Uppsala University • Turkey:The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)/ Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) • United Kingdom: York University
Aim and strategy of NEDA Aim • Develop a neutron detector array to be used with gamma-ray arrays such as AGATA,GALILEO, EXOGAM2, PARIS, etc., for experiments with high intensity stable and radioactive ions beams The array should have: • Increased neutron detection efficiency compared to Neutron Wall: ε(1n) ≈ 40% (20-25%), ε(2n) ≈ 6% (1-2%). • Excellent neutron-gamma discrimination. • Capability to run at much higher count rates than with the Neutron Wall. • Cope with large neutron multiplicities in reactions with neutron-rich RIBs. • Improved neutron energy resolution for reaction studies. Strategy • Optimise size of detector units, distance to target, geometry of the array, . . . • Investigate other detector materials than ordinary liquid scintillator. • Adopt digital electronics which are fully compatible with AGATA, GALILEO, EXOGAM2, PARIS . . . • Develop advanced on-line and off-line algorithms for neutron-gamma discrimination, neutron scattering rejection.
Simulations: Single cell unit Detailedstudy of GEANT4 simulations for a single detector of NEDA. G. Jaworski et al., NIM A 673 (2012) 64-72
Conceptual design of NEDA • Staircase-2π geometry • Individual cells: 355 • Three liter of BC501A or the equivalent ELJEN EJ309 (high flashpoint 144o not considered dangerous good material) • One meter ToF • Self procution of the detectors • Photomultiplier: Hamamatsu R4144 or high quantum efficiency SB
Design of the NEDA cells Self production PM Expansion chamber BC501A EJ309 The prototype has been designed to be as much compact and economic as possible. The hexagonal cell is ~3L volume with a side-to-side distance of 146 mm designed in Al alloy 2011 (inner distance is 133 mm), 20 cm tall. The case fits 1mm mu-metal shield.
NEDA coupled to GALILEO/AGATA/EXOGAM2/PARIS prompt trigger Digitizer Digitizer 200MHz 14bit REQ VAL REQ VAL Pre-processing GTS local Pre-processing GTS local NEDA GAMMA-ARRAY PSA PSA GTS supervisor Event Builder Event Builder Global Merger Tracking Online analysis
Tests of the FADC for NEDA/EXOGAM2 A test benchhasbeendesigned snapshot of the system working with a real detector. Measurements, such as timing and gamma-neutron discrimination have been performed at LNL in december 2012 using a Cf source. The FADC uses the ADS62P49 flash ADC: 200MHz and 14bit
NEDA test setup • The tests are being performed at LNL with the following instrumentation: • 2 x BC501A (5” x 5” cylindrical prototype detector) • 2 x BC537 (5” x 5” cylindrical prototype detector) • SIS3302 100 MS/s, 16 bits 8 ch. digitizer (analog setup) • SIS3350 500 MS/s, 12 bits 4 ch. digitizer • DAQ by IFIC, J. Agramunt • Digital PSA • Relative efficiency performance • Cross-talk between the detectors BC501A BC537 BaF2 15
Tests: Preliminary timing 500–200MHz • We are currently working on two different algorithms for digital timing: • CFD (Constant Fraction Method) method with a cubic interpolation of the ZCO (Zero Cross Over) • Cubic interpolation at 50% Amplitude • fit of the rising time with a Fermi-like function. Fermi CFD FWHM = 1.23ns for CFD at 500 MHz. FWHM = 2.03ns for CFD at 200 MHz. FWHM = 1.32ns at 500 MHz. FWHM = to be done at 200 MHz The time resolution is obtained for the SuperBialkalyne PMT with a 60Co source and for two frequencies 500 MHz (the nominal) and 200 MHz (final NEDA one)
Tests: PSA Neural Network Pulseshapediscrimination for NEDA Traditional NN • Full advantage of digital electronics can be obtained using artificial neural networks to perform pulse-shape discrimination. This method is currently being investigated both for BC537 and BC501A. • + Optimal discrimination over a large energy range • Slower implementation limits counting rate P.A. Soderstrom et al., to be submitted NIM A
Tests of new material at LNL EJ299 The new scintillator EJ299 3’’x3’’ is being tested at LNL. It was provided by SCIONIX with a ETL PMT already mounted. 22Na Preliminary results are obtained that for the moment are kept confidential
Some thoughts about NEDA@LUNA-MV • Reactions of interest: • 13C(α,n)16O (2 MeV <En< 3 MeV) • 22Ne(α,n)25Mg(0.1 MeV <En< 0.45 MeV) • Parameters of interest: neutron counting rate, energy En, possibly En(θ). • What does NEDA offer? • Flexible geometry • No sensitivity to thermal neutrons • Good PSA capabilities • Digital electronics NN PSA • Possibility to measure angular distributions • Good timing at 200 MHz sampling better than 2ns • Possibility to measure En (ΔΕ/Ε~10%),needed TOF (pulsed beam or some other time reference)
Some thoughts about NEDA@LUNA-MV • Drawbacks: • Sensitive to gamma rays • BC501A dangerous material – Much less dangerous EJ309 • Thresholds 22Ne(α,n)25Mg(0.1 MeV <En< 0.45 MeV): • 100 keV – 7.4 keVee • 300 keV – 27 KeVee • 500 keV – 57 KeVee E. Dekempeneer et al., (1987). NIM 256(3), 489–498
Summary • NEDA will be a neutron detector to address the physics of neutron-richaswellasneutron-deficient nuclei, mainly in conjunction with gamma-ray detector arrays like AGATA, GALILEO, EXOGAM2 and PARIS. • The collaborationhas a clearinterest on the LUNA-MV physics • Exhaustivesimulations (G. Jaworski et al. NIM 673 (2012) 64-72) • Design of the first NEDA prototype, currentlybeingconstructed • Development of electronics in synergy with EXOGAM2 and PARIS • Continuoustestsat LNL on: • Relative efficiency • Timing • PSA • new materials EJ299-33 • NEDA will be built in phases: MoUsigned March 2012. • NEDA will be coupled to the NW+AGATA at the AGATA GANIL phase • Strong synergies with otherneutroncommunities: MONSTER, DESIR, NEULAND