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Education for Childhood Obesity Prevention: A Lifecourse Approach

Education for Childhood Obesity Prevention: A Lifecourse Approach. Pan American H ealth and Education F oundation (PAHEF) Dr. Rafael Pérez -Escamilla Dr. Gilberto Kac Pan American Health Organization Dr. James Hospedales Dr. Alfonso Contreras. PACO II Workshop PEP

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Education for Childhood Obesity Prevention: A Lifecourse Approach

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  1. Education for Childhood Obesity Prevention: ALifecourseApproach Pan American Health and Education Foundation (PAHEF) Dr. Rafael Pérez-Escamilla Dr. Gilberto Kac Pan American Health Organization Dr. James Hospedales Dr. Alfonso Contreras PACO II Workshop PEP Aruba, June 14th 2012

  2. Overcoming Childhood Obesity: The LifecourseFramework Objectives Present and discuss a life cycle conceptual framework 2. Analyze the current status of childhood obesity and obesity prevention strategies in the Americas considering the nutrition transition context and the identification of actionable targets 3. Disseminate the use of methodologiesfor the design, conduction, analysis and evaluation of nutritional and health education interventions 4. Identify feasible and successful ongoing strategies/interventions in the Americas having nutritional and health education as promoters of healthy environments for the population as whole 5. Propose an action planemphasizing nutritional and health education for the prevention of childhood obesity in the Americas PACO II Workshop PEP Aruba, June 14th2012

  3. Childhood Obesity Prevention: ALifecourseApproach Dr. Rafael Pérez-Escamilla Professor of Epidemiology Yale School of Public Health Chairman, PAHEF Board of Directors PACO II Workshop PEP Aruba, June 14th 2012

  4. Prevalence of High Weight for Recumbent Length Among US Children From Birth to 2 Years of Age, 2007-2008a,b Ogden, C. L. et al. JAMA 2010;303:242-249

  5. The childhood obesity epidemic: Lifecourse framework Pre-pregnancy BMI A Early childhood obesity risk Gestational weight gain Infancy weight gain rate Post-partum weight retention Suboptimal Infant feeding B Neonatal predisposition Pérez-Escamilla & Bermudez (2012)

  6. Social-ecological framework depicting the multiple influences on what people eat

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