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世纪商务英语 口译教程. Unit 4. 大连理工大学电子音像出版社. Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer. http://www.dutpgz.cn. Sec 3. Sec 2. Section 2 Note-taking Skills. Note-taking Practice 笔记训练.

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  1. 世纪商务英语 口译教程 Unit 4 大连理工大学电子音像出版社 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer http://www.dutpgz.cn

  2. Sec 3 Sec 2 Section 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 1. Take notes of the words you hear with the skill of abbreviation and repeat the words to your partner according to your notes. Scripts and Reference answer accept ACPT arrival ARRV before BFR bank BK could CLD contract CNTRCT company CO center CTR model MDL market MRKT offer OFR piece PC price PRC quality QLY quotation QTN received RCVD

  3. Sec 3 Sec 2 Section 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 Scripts and Reference answer draft DFT export EXP from FM group GRP inform INF keep KP local LCL shipped SHPD through THRU total TTL your UR without W/O yard YD

  4. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 2. Listen to the sentences and take notes. Check with your partners and try to reproduce them. Scripts and Reference answer 1. While issues like human rights and freedom of speech capture much of the public’s attention, one of the most pressing issues in US-China relations is the continued trade deficit. 可记录为:

  5. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 Scripts and Reference answer 2. The 2nd CAEXPO was held from October 19 to 22, 2005 in the Nanning International Conference and Exhibition Center. Twenty-eight investment promotion activities and two signing ceremonies were held. Chinese and foreign companies signed 126 investment contracts worth nearly US$5.29 billion. 可记录为:

  6. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 Scripts and Reference answer 3. 中国是世界上四大文明古国之一,有着五千多年的悠久历史。许多外国人访问中国 是想亲眼目睹一下中国的大好河山,名胜古迹,并通过旅游,更多地了解中国的风土 人情。 可记录为:

  7. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 Note-taking Skills Note-taking Practice 笔记训练 Scripts and Reference answer 可记录为: 4. 为了吸引外资, 深圳于1980年被列 为特区。深圳的办事速度比中国其 他地方都快, 它临近香港, 是广东 省的中心。尽管特区的面积只有126平方英里, 它吸引了全国15%的外国投资。据估计, 由于外国投 资的大量涌入, 加上技术更新, 到 本世纪末,深圳的经济规模可以翻 两番,人均收入可达到2000美元。

  8. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 More Exercises More Exercises 补充联系 Listen and take notes of the paragraphs and then retell them according to the notes. 1. 森林面积大,森林资源覆盖率高。1999年,广西有林地面积1060.6万公顷,森林覆盖 率为39.26%,森林蓄积量2.77亿立方米。林木品种繁多,已知的有8000多种,其中 乔木1000多种,仅次于云南、广东,居第三位。 Question: What’s the main idea of this paragraph?

  9. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 More Exercises More Exercises 补充联系 2. 谈判产生奇迹。通过精心安排和详细计划提出一套全面的谈判方案,出口商就能提 高商务会谈的效率,而且给他们的出口贸易带来长期效益。在国际市场上进行谈判 时,中小规模的出口商最好不要把商谈仅限于价格问题上。他们应该强调自己公司 和产品的优势,并指出这些优势与买方的期望是一致的。在提出这些问题之后,讨论 价格问题,这样就容易做成生意,获得利润。 Question: What shall be focused on during negotiation?

  10. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 More Exercises More Exercises 补充联系 3. The Americans are famous for their early use of first names in any relationship, however formal. You sometimes notice how Americans repeat your name frequently in the first five minutes of conversation. The British also use first names most of the time. However, they are not so good at remembering names and will frequently use no name at all. In some cultures it is important to address someone using their titles—for example, Doctor, Professor, etc. In both British and American cultures we tend not to use titles. Question: What’s the main difference between the Americans, the British and the Chinese in addressing someone?

  11. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 More Exercises More Exercises 补充联系 4. As an Office Manager, I never leave the office and I spend 45 hours a week at my desk, so I like to make things comfortable. My desk isn’t large—I think it’s made of wood, but I haven’t seen the surface of my desk for some time—it’s always covered with papers, files and half-empty coffee cups. I have a PC, of course, and this takes up a lot of desk space. I could just keep everything on the computer, but I like printing things out and seeing them on the paper. Question: Why hasn’t the writer seen the surface of his desk for some time?

  12. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 2 More Exercises More Exercises 补充联系 5. Although great achievements have been made in importing technology, there are still some problems such as overlapped imports. Question: What problem occurs in the import of technology? 6. China is as big as the whole continent of Europe, stretching 5000 kilometers from east to west. Roughly speaking, China can be split into two parts. The east part consists of plains and hills, with a relatively humid climate. The west part is made up of dry and thinly populated plateaus and mountains. Question: What’s the landscape of China?

  13. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3 Interpreting Practice II. Sentence Interpreting 句子口译 Directions: Work in group of four and interpret the sentences. Scripts: 1. We are the leading manufacturer and exporter of textiles and garments in China. 2. Our best price is US$13.4 per piece CIF Newcastle. It’s firm for 3 days this Friday, our time. 3. You are really a good bargainer. Reference Version: 1. 我们是中国一流的纺织品和服装生产商和出口商。 2. 我们的最低价是每件纽卡斯尔到岸价13.4美元。此报盘为实盘,有效期3天,到我 方时间星期五为止。 3. 你太会讨价还价了。

  14. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Interpreting Practice II. Sentence Interpreting 句子口译 Scripts: 4. So long as we do business on the principle of equality and mutual benefit. 5. That’s the deal. 6. 如价格合理,又能如愿以偿得到佣金,我们可以马上下大订单。 7. 我可以跟同事商量,熟悉你们产品的质量和做工。 Reference Version: 4. 只要我们本着平等互利的原则做生意。 5. 成交。 6. If your price is reasonable and I can get the commission I want,we can place a large order immediately. 7. I shall discuss with my colleagues. The information will acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies.

  15. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Interpreting Practice II. Sentence Interpreting 句子口译 Scripts: 8. 我们还接到亚洲其他地区的供货商的报盘,价格低得多,比你们的大约低20%。 9. 你们让步就能成交了。如果同意,我们敲定15%的折扣吧? 10. 但他强调,这次是例外,下不为例啊。 Reference Version: 8. We also receive some offers from other suppliers in Asian region at a much lower price, about 20 percent lower than yours. 9. Your concession will set the ball rolling. Let us settle it at a total discount of 15%, if you agree. 10. But he stresses that it is an exceptional case and will in no case set a precedent.

  16. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3 Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 Directions: Work in groups of three, acting as A, B and the interpreter respectively. Role-play the following dialogues and interpret them. After the role-play, listen to the recordings and interpret what you hear. 1. A General Enquiry A: 哇!好多漂亮的衬衫啊! Wow! What a range of beautiful shirts and blouses! B: Yes. We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of textiles and garments in China. We have many subsidiaries and export our goods to Europe, America, Canada and Japan. 是的。我们是中国一流的纺织品和服装生产商和出口商。有很多子公司,产品远销欧、美、加和日本。

  17. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 A: 太棒了!请允许我自我介绍一下。我是加拿大时装有限公司业务部经理皮特·波斯顿。 你叫我皮特好了。 Fantastic! Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Peter Boston, the Manager of Business Department from Fashion Force Co., Ltd., Canada. You can call me Peter. B: Nice to meet you, Peter. I’m Chen Min from Sico Textile Garment Co., Ltd, China. 很高兴见到你,皮特。我是中国思科纺织品服装有限公司的陈闽。 A: 很高兴见到你。我对你们的产品很感兴趣。它们太令人难忘了。 Nice to meet you. I’m quite interested in your goods. They are impressive.

  18. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 B: I’m glad you like them. Here is a catalogue of our latest products with illustrated pictures. Is there any special item that attracts you most﹖ 我很高兴你喜欢它们。这儿有一份最新产品目录,还带有图片说明。有什么特别吸引你的产品吗? A: 它们都很吸引人。我都不知道选哪个了。你有最新价目表吗? They are all attractive and I have no idea of which one I shall choose. Do you have the latest price list? B: Yes, but they are on FOB basis. And they vary according to your order size. 有的,但报的是离岸价,根据订单大小有所不同。

  19. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 A: 我明白了。有佣金吗? I see. Do you allow any commission? B: In principle, we don’t allow any commission. But if your order is large enough, we will take it into consideration. 原则上我们不给佣金, 但如你方订单够大,可以考虑。 A: 但我们的订单大小得根据你们的价格决定啊。如价格合理,又能如愿以偿得到佣 金,我们可以马上下大订单。 But our order will depend on your price. If your price is reasonable and I can get the commission I want, we can place a large order immediately.

  20. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 B: Well, if you can tell me the commodity you’re especially interested in, I can work out the quotation immediately. 这样啊,如果你们能告诉我特别感兴趣的商品,我可以马上算出报价。 A: 太好了。我可以拿些样品和商品的必要资料回去吗?这样我可以跟同事商量,熟悉你 们产品的质量和做工。 Great. Shall I take some samples and necessary information regarding these goods? I shall discuss with my colleagues. The information will acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies. B: No problem. 没问题。

  21. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 A: 谢谢, 陈先生。一旦决定我会尽快告诉你的。 Thank you, Mr Chen. I will let you know as soon as we make our decision. B: All right. 好的。 2. Offer and Counter-offer A: Mr. Smith, have you figured out the item you are interested in? 史密斯先生,想好对哪种产品有兴趣了吗? B: 是的,我们仔细研究后,对这种男式衬衫很感兴趣。 Yes, after careful study, we are most interested in this kind of men’s shirts.

  22. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 A: I should say you have such a high taste. These shirts are our best sellers in overseas markets. 你们的品位真高啊。这些衬衫在海外市场很畅销呢。 B: 太好了!你能给我报最低的纽卡斯尔到岸价吗? Great! Can you give me your best price CIF Newcastle? A: Our best price is US$13.4 per piece CIF Newcastle. It’s firm for 3 days, this Friday, our time. 我们的最低价是每件纽卡斯尔到岸价13.4美元。此报盘为实盘,有效期3天,到我方时间星期五为止。

  23. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 B: 我觉得你们的价格做不来。在我们市场上中国产品很畅销,原因就是价格很优惠。 I don’t think your price workable. Chinese products sell well in our market. The main reason is that the price is very favorable. A: That’s true. The prices of ours are much lower than that of those from other sources and our quality is also much more superior. 是的。我们的价格比别的供货商的价格低得多,质量却要好得多。 B: 那倒是。你能给予折扣吗?给予折扣可是惯例。 You said it. Could you give me a discount as this is a general practice? A: We do offer a 10% discount for an order of more than 5000 pieces. 超过5000件,我们确实给予10%的折扣。

  24. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 B: 5000件才给10%?你知道,这是我们的第一次订货。不可能一下子试订那么多。说实话, 我们还接到亚洲其他地区的供货商的报盘,价格低得多,比你们的大约低20%。 10% for 5000 pieces? You see, this is only our first order. We cannot place a large order for a trial. To tell you the truth, we also receive some offers from other suppliers in Asian region at a much lower price, about 20 percent lower than yours. A: But you should take the quality into consideration. You know our products are of high quality and well known all over the world. 但你们得考虑质量啊。你知道我们的产品质量优良,全球有名。

  25. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 B: 我知道,我知道。但价格实在太高了。1000件给10%折扣如何? I know, I know. But the price is beyond our reach. How about 10% for 1000 pieces? A: A 10% quantity discount has already been reduced to the limit. The fact is that at present many orders pour in. So we cannot make reduction of the price. 10%的数量折扣已经降到最低了。目前的情况是,大量订货涌入,我们不能降价。 B: 很遗憾听你这么说。有可能减价吗?你知道,我们真的想跟你们建立业务关系。如果 第一次订货令人满意的话,随后还有续订呢。 I’m regretful to hear that. Is there any possibility of price reduction? You know, we really wish to establish business relations with you. If the first order turns out to our satisfaction, repeat orders will follow.

  26. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 A: Well, in that case, the best we can do is to grant you a special discount of another 3%. 好吧,如果那样的话,我们的最低价就是再给你们3%的特殊折扣。 B: 你们让步就能成交了。如果同意,我们敲定15%的折扣吧? Your concession will set the ball rolling. Let us settle it at a total discount of 15%, if you agree. A: You are really a good bargainer. 15% for 5000 pieces? That’s possible, but I have to consult my manager first. 你太会讨价还价了。15%订5000件?也许可能吧,我得先向经理报告。

  27. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 B: 谢谢你为促进成交所做的努力。好的,我就等你好消息了。 Thank you for your efforts in pushing the business concluded. OK, I’m waiting for your good news. A: I’ll inform you as soon as possible. 我会尽快通知你。

  28. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 3. Conclusion of Business A: Mr. Li, how is it going? 李先生,事情进展如何? B: 好消息。我已经请示过经理了。为促进交易,他同意给你方5000件15%的折扣。 Good news. I have consulted my manager. In order to encourage business he agrees to give you a 15% discount for an order of 5000 pieces. A: Good. We certainly appreciate your close cooperation. 太好了。很感谢你们的紧密合作。 B: 但他强调,这次是例外,下不为例啊。 But he stresses that it is an exceptional case and will in no case set a precedent.

  29. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 A: We understand. 我们明白。 B: 我们希望这次让步能带来以后的生意。我们可以在将来建立长期关系。 We do hope this concession will lead to future business. And we can establish long-term relations in the years coming. A: We believe we can. So long as we do business on the principle of equality and mutual benefit. 我们相信可以的,只要我们本着平等互利的原则做生意。 B: 当然了。你没必要担心这个。这也是我们的贸易原则。 Surely. You need not worry about that. That’s always our trade principle.

  30. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 A: Glad to hear that. 很高兴听到这个。 B: 你尽可对我们的市场放心。我们的产品在世界上都很受欢迎。在你处市场前景一定很 好。 You can also be confident in our market. Our goods are popularly received in the world. They can have a prospective market at your end. A: That’s really encouraging. 这实在令人振奋啊。 B: 是的。我重复一下报价:5000件男士衬衫,每件纽卡斯尔到岸价11.39美元。 Yes. May I repeat, US$11.39 per piece CIF Newcastle for 5000 pieces men’s shirts.

  31. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅲ. Dialogue Interpreting 对话口译 A: Right, How many colors have you got? 对。你们有多少种颜色? B: 我们有很完整的颜色系列:红、白、黑、紫、粉红、黄和橘红。 We have a full range of colors, red, white, black, purple, pink, yellow and orange. A: We’d like to have 5000 pieces, white, purple and pink assortments. 我们想订购5000件,白、紫和粉红三种颜色。 B: 好的,现在我们就可以接受订单。 OK, we can take your order now. A: That’s the deal. 成交!

  32. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅳ. Passage Interpreting 段落口译 Directions: Listen to the following passages, three times for each. In the first time please listen and take notes, then reproduce it to your partner, in the second time, interpret what you hear whenever it pauses, in the third time, listen and follow the reader with a 4-7- word span. Scripts Passage 1 在国际贸易中,一笔交易的达成需要经过很多个环节,主要包括询盘、报盘、还盘、成交等。询盘是有意向购买或销售的一方对商品的交易条件条款提出询问。报盘是给出商品的条件条款。还盘是针对报盘的具体内容提出异议,然后给出自己的条件。当双方对条件条款没有异议后,即可成交。 Reference Version: In international business, a good deal will be made after many processes. The processes mainly include enquiry, offer, counter-offer, conclusion of business, etc. An enquiry is made by the party who intends to buy or sell to enquire about the business terms and conditions regarding the goods. An offer is a proposal of terms and conditions. A counter-offer can be a disagreement to specific terms and conditions of the offer and a proposal of his own terms. When no more disagreement arises from the two parties, a transaction is concluded.

  33. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅳ. Passage Interpreting 段落口译 Scripts Passage 2 Once a transaction is concluded, the two parties are bound by the contract, which is generally formal written document and is signed by both sides. The contract is the Sales Contract or Sales Confirmation. The short form of Sales Contract or Sales Confirmation is S/C. A formal business contract usually consists of three parts, the heading, the body and the ending, among which the body is the most important part since it includes all the main clauses, reflecting duties and obligations of both parties. Reference Version: 一旦达成交易,双方受到合同的约束。合同通常是由双方签字的正式书面文件,叫销售合同或销售确认书,其缩写为“S/C”。正式的业务合同通常包括三部分:开头,正文和结尾。正文是最重要的部分,包括双方所有责任义务的主要条款。

  34. Sec 2 Sec 3 Section 3Dialogue Interpreting Ⅳ. Passage Interpreting 段落口译 Scripts Passage 3 The buyer will accept the terms and place an order with the seller if he finds the terms of the seller reasonable. An order can be placed by a letter or by an order sheet in the form of a list. When the seller receives the order, he may accept or reject the order according to specific cases. If he has stock goods or finds price favorable, he can accept immediately and get the goods ready as requested. If he cannot accept the order as a result of no stock, heavy commitment or an increase in price of raw materials, the seller shall inform the buyer in due time. Reference Version: 买方觉得卖方给予的条件合理,就会接受条款,向卖方订购。订购可以以信函的形式进行,也可以下订单,以表格形式进行。卖方收到订单后,根据具体情况决定接受还是拒绝。如果有现货供应或者价格合算,可以马上接受,按照买方要求进行备货。如果无货、订单太多、原材料价格上涨等因素造成不能接受订单,卖方要及时通知买方。

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